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I like to eat eggs in moderation just like everything else I like to eat. Is what I eat making me unhealthy?? Well that's why I go each year to see my doctor so that can be determined. So far I'm doin' okay...eggs and all.

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That's weird. I just read, that up to 3 eggs a day was safe for most.




Image result for how many eggs are safe a day
The science is clear that up to 3 whole eggs per dayare perfectly safe for healthy people. Summary Eggsconsistently raise HDL (the “good”) cholesterol. For 70% of people, there is no increase in total or LDL cholesterol.Aug 23, 2018"-
"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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The CNN bashing is silly given that this story is available on multiple new sites. I’m not saying yes or no on the study. Just that it’s not a plot by CNN. 🙄😂
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@ALRATIBA wrote:

I eat eggs probably four days out of seven.  And, if I'm not eating eggs, I'm using them in a recipe.  


Generally go through a dozen each week.


I'm quickly approaching 77 and healthy.


ETA:  I just noticed it's from CNN .... rather an "iffy" source for news.



            This isn't a CNN study, nor is it exclusive to them.   The copy provided in the OP says "published Friday in the medical journal JAMA" and a quick internet search yields countless news agencies across the globe covering the same story. 


            Also, the CNN article and those I glanced at on other sites provide views that advise awareness of all sides of this issue.😊


            To repeat the last part of the CNN piece (and I agree with her and I do eat eggs in moderation... but I also keep up with what's best for my needs and don't rely on internet gurus):


            "...Victoria Taylor, a senior dietitian with the British Heart Foundation, told Science Media Centre that "this type of study can only show an association, rather than cause and effect, and more research is needed for us to understand the reasons behind this link.

            "Eggs are a nutritious food and, while this study focuses on the amount we're eating, it's just as important to pay attention to how the eggs are cooked and to the trimmings that come with them," said Taylor, who was not involved in the research. "Eating healthily is all about balance."



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@ALRATIBA wrote:

More than a year ago, an article was published in a medical journal ...entitled


Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly:  a systematic review


bmjopen.bmj dot com/content/6/6/e010401.full?sid=cfb00014-f0a8-407d-ae71-a3278160ca49


And, from an article at Collective Evolution re this study:


As noted, the study refers to claims that ‘high cholesterol causes plaque buildup in arteries (atherogenisis) that lead to an increased risk of heart disease’ as a hypothesis. One can wonder how often a doctor has told his patient “I recommend that you take Lipitor because there is an unproven hypothesis out there that says high cholesterol is bad for you?”


and concludes:


If anyone is still under the illusion that pharmaceutical industry research has ANYTHING to do with the promotion of human health, one need only look at the voluminous statistics that in the Western world we are getting sicker in direct proportion to the increase in the consumption of pharmaceutical drugs.


www dot collective-evolution dot com/2018/05/01/new-study-is-high-cholesterol-a-fabricated-disease/




              The first study cited was contradicted by others, its own shortcomings pointed out -- so, as with all studies we serve ourselves best if we read all the perspectives before we reach conclusions.    Also, speaking of vigilant research and mindful care, I respectfully caution anyone to be extremely careful and thoughtful before using "Collective Evolution" as a reliable source.   It behooves us all to be well-informed and a good advocate for ourselves, but also to investigate the background of sources and most importantly to consult with educated, experienced, professionals in nutrition and health care who know us as individuals, know our history, and who will be there for us when and if any health problems arise (internet "experts" have lengthy disclaimers on their websites and also will not be there at the emergency room if we find ourselves in need).     Studies are important, even though I understand we're all rather weary of the endless and sometimes confusing contradictions, so it doesn't serve us well to completely dismiss them all as useless -- just about everything we use is an outcome of studies of some kind.😊   

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Eat this, don't eat this doesn't get me to jump or not jump on the bandwagon.  I've always gone by not having too much of anything.  I don't eat eggs often, but wouldn't eat three in a sitting.

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Too much of anything is bad for you in some way. I eat what I want, just not much of it, I love eggs, but don't eat them daily.

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I disagree as many others will to but to each his or her own. @sidsmom

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@sunshine45 wrote:

3 - 4 eggs a day?

how many people eat that many eggs in one day?

love eggs and could eat them every day, especially while on vacation, but i think most people are not eating that many.

@sunshine45  I'm guessing this is referring to  those following a Keto diet.

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Why am I not surprised by the posts on here? Eggs, LOL