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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

Are you sure we are not sisters from different mothers!  LOL


Sounds like me story!  However, I was assured that there is not anything I could have done to prevent this from happening.  Like appendicitis or gall stones, it just happens!

My problelm was that the normal meds did not work to get rid of it!

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

I had diverticulitis (infection) 5x in 1 year. The doctor kept putting me on oral antibiotics.I switched to a new primary MD & after the first visit he sent me immediately to a surgeon. I had my left colon removed & have been so much better.Diverticulitis is little outpoches in your colon so you want to eliminate any foods that can get trapped in them. Avoid tomatoes due to seeds, strawberries for same reason, & nuts Fiber in other forms is good for you because the pouches are probably cause by constipation. I hope you feel better soon.

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

The little pouches are diverticula.  Almost everyone over 60 has them.  They are common.  If food gets stuck in one, it will become inflamed which is diverticulosis. Many people have to watch what they eat all the time.


If the pouch becomes infected, that is diverticulitis and only antibiotics will get rid of it.  Usually it takes at least 5 days of IV antibiotics to get rid of it.  Then you go home with oral antibiotics to be sure it is healed.  During this time you eat no fiber so the intestines can heal.


I would not wish it on my worse enemy!  It's BAD.

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

I know that if you drink red rooibustea it is soothing and drink before bed it can help you relax and get rid of gas or abdominal pain and spasms , You can get the  vanilla flavored tea in the specialty section of the store where the tetly teas are and the Celestial seasons teas are .It comes in packages of 20 bags and is about 3 dollars , It comes in vanilla ,pomegranate,pear  and maybe one other flavor. It has no caffiene . It has a calming ,relaxing effect and can help you sleep ,

cathy from ma

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

Those out pouches remain forever unless you have surgery to remove the area.  You can figure out triggers and avoid those foods.  Seeds, nuts, skins...these can be triggers.  

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

Unfortunately, that is true!  Once they are inflamed they are easily inflamed against again.  No popcorn!


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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

@Zhills It sounds like we went through something similar. 


I went through a lot of pain before I decided it was time to go to the ER.  I was put in hospital and not allowed to eat or drink anything, just a little ice.  The doctor/surgeon didn't come see me for almost 3 days.  It was over July 4th so I think that had something to do with it.  When he finally came in, I was told I needed surgery right away, that I had a serious infection and could die within 24 hrs. I had two sections of my colon removed.  I actually had two surgeries to get through all this.  It was a very difficult time for me. 


I don't know anyone else who has gone though this so I read with much interest this topic here.     

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

I just looked over the thread again and see others had surgery too.  It's really something to go through.  I have wondered why some are so susceptible to this and other bowel issues and others never have a problem whatsoever.  It's easy to point to a specific diet causing the problem but I don't believe this to be true, as I have seen the gamut. 

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

My Doctors told me that there is not anything you can do to prevent diverticulitis or anything you can do to cause it.  It is a bacterial infection.  Why someone gets it is unknown.  


The nurse at the surgery center told me that one of my GI surgeons had recently had it.  It just happens, like appendicitis!

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Re: Does anyone have any advice for recovering from Diverticulitis ?

Zhills, that is what my doctor told me as well--exact same thing. He told me I have less than a 1% chance of getting it again. I don't ever want to repeat what I went through.