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Posts: 909
Registered: ‎12-18-2012

Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

It began as a sore " lymph node" under my jaw.  By the next day it was bigger so I went to the Immediate Care.  They told me to watch it as it might be a stone or  an infection. 

By that afternoon I was checking into the ER.  My jaw under my chin had turned into a turkey wattle and was bright red.  No fever or anything. 

A CAT scan revealed it was pressing on my trachea.  I spent 4 days in the hospital on IV steroids and 2 major IV antibiotics.  They were not messing around.  If it had ruptured,  they mentioned Sepsis.  Don't want that. 

Coming down from the steroids is a nightmare for me.  I have used all my 'phone a friends" and lots of favors.  I even had all the nice paramedics from 911 here twice.  I have been off the steroids since Monday am and this has been the best day so far. 

According to the Docs this is more common then people realize and I guess people wait and then really have to stay in the hospital..

I wanted everyone to have a heads up.

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Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

Wow, sounds terrible! Hope you're on the mend and get the steroids out of your system soon.

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Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

Glad you're better! Sounds dreadful. Thanks for the reminder to not let these kind of things linger without seeking medical attention.

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Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

@Lapdog, What a terrible ordeal you went through.  I am so glad that you are getting better and are on the road to recovery. 

Thank you for sharing this in hopes that someone else can avoid what you went through.

I hope you have a restful weekend.  Heart

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Posts: 14,917
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

But what was causing this?I am happy that you are getting betterand glad that you have people to keep an eye on you.Thanks for the warning to take the signs are bodies give seriously.Stay well.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 909
Registered: ‎12-18-2012

Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

Thanks to EVERYONE for all your kind words and best wishes.   This community is so kind and the words offer so much support.

The CAT scan did not show a stone and the ENT doc was not able to get any infection out, but the antiobitics made my white blood cell count go lower.  

If I find out more I will report it as I have a call into the ENT's office for Monday.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

@Lapdog wrote:

Thanks to EVERYONE for all your kind words and best wishes.   This community is so kind and the words offer so much support.

The CAT scan did not show a stone and the ENT doc was not able to get any infection out, but the antiobitics made my white blood cell count go lower.  

If I find out more I will report it as I have a call into the ENT's office for Monday.



Glad you're feeling better but it sounds like they are treating symptoms without having an actual diagnosis.  Is any diagnostic progress being made?  Take care!

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Posts: 20,336
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

@Lapdog, what name did they give this condition? I didn't read all posts yet. Was it the lymph node that had  swollen pressing on the trachia? I'll read, but in case it's not mentioned...

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Posts: 15,722
Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

Wondering if this was a form of cellulitis?   Best wishes for a complete healing.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,616
Registered: ‎10-01-2014

Re: Do not ignore swelling under your jaw

How scary for you! Glad you're on the mend. Please post when you know more about this, diagnosis, cause, etc. it always surprises me when something I've never heard of before raises its ugly head, so much can go wrong with the body. Best wishes for continued recovery!

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