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Hus band just doesn't want to listen and indulges in soda pop every day. His sugar is high and he is being treated for an infection. I need help in what he can and will eat. Any suggestions will be appreciated so he doesn't land back in the hospital. He also smokes and takes blood pressure medicine.

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If he doesn't want to listen, there's not one thing you can do. HE has to want to change.

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Will he make the switch to diet soda? Can you fake him out? Smiley Happy Reg soda is a concentrated sweet and a no no for diabetics.

He needs lean protein, vegetables and limited carbs, like bread, potatoes, etc

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Can I ask how old is he?

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Has he seen a diabetic counselor? Perhaps they might help persuade him to eat properly. In my area hospitals have classes that individuals and couples can take to give very good advice. If he's diabetic, his doctor should have recommended a counselor. As to diet, I think you probable know the basics, lots of vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Exercise is also important for diabetics. You can't do it for him.

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He is 77. And yes I know about not listening nothing will help. Fake him--NO.

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my husband(late 50's) was stubborn too, but once he saw his friend giving himself injections, he has been better. he has had issues with his feet and doesn't want it to get worse, so that's another reason, he's trying harder. i have cut out buying bake goods and try to limit breads, pastas and have added more veggies. lo-sugar o.j. and a few other things. i have only bought diet pop, for yrs, so that's what he gets. try coke zero, that tastes like reg. coke-at least to me.

if he's been diabetic for along time, he knows what he's doing and is just going to enjoy life, while he can.

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halfpint, do you have grandchildren? If so, THEY are why your DS needs to take good care of himself. Men need to think about the people who love them when they're acting like 2 year olds.
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Sit down with him and, papers and documents in hand, go over with him your finances if he dies first. Hopefully, a "real life" scenio will shake him into reality. If not, at least you will known your financial position.

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On 1/8/2014 halfpint said:

He is 77. And yes I know about not listening nothing will help. Fake him--NO.

I'm sorry halfpint. Men can be so stubborn. The older they get, the worse it is, in most cases.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines