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I just want to reach through this screen and hug you. You are not alone, and I know that sounds lame, but you aren't.

Christmas is a terrible time of year for many people, and like you said, the expectation of you "pulling it together" is on you. How about if you don't? How about you tell your husband that you seriously need his help or it is not going to happen. Would he help?

Hiding it takes so much energy. I am glad they are doing some physical tests also. There are many physical conditions that manifest and intensify depression and life-altering anxiety.

One foot in front of the other, that is how I have to make it though these holidays. I stopped "hosting", and now I sometimes don't even go to 'family get togethers'. My family is pretty crazy, so that is a problem to me. I just decide on the day whether I am going or not.

It sounds like you should focus on "grandchildren love", and keep moving for them if for no other reason. They are your joy right now. There is nothing that replaces the boost of seeing grandchildren.

Keep talking here. It does help because so many others can relate.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Posts: 35
Registered: ‎12-07-2014

I feel so bad for your midnight, I wish there was something I could say to help! I went through horrible depression when I lost my sweet dog 7 years ago, I wanted to die. I tried antidepressants and they didn't help. Went to doctors but nothing seemed to help so I know how hard this is for you. Thinking of you and hope things get better{#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Midnight-Thank you for posting backSmiley Happy
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Registered: ‎09-11-2011
All I can think to say is , keep on keeping on. Take care.
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎08-28-2012

I wanted to ask you if you were ever diagnosed with thyroid disease. It causes major depression. I suffer with depression because of my thyroid & lost years of my life staying in bed. I hide it like an Oscar winner. I am on thyroid meds & it helps. What I wanted to say was, when I'm in my darkest hour, I always tell myself there is ALWAYS HOPE! When I thought about ending my life years ago, I always thought, what if something wonderful is going to happen & I miss out. I am divorced with grown children who have their own lives. ( they never suspect I'm sad when I see them, again, I hide it like a champ) Going out, even for a walk helps. Exercise, meditation, reading, etc. I quit my job because I started missing work on the days I could not get out of bed. That was a terrible mistake. Now that just means I have to find another job. My thoughts are with you. Depression is the most insidious disease that people can't understand unless they have suffered with it first hand. Please get your thyroid checked. It may give you some relief. Bless you & hang in there!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎08-28-2012

So sorry, I just read that you are having your thyroid checked. Make sure to get a TSH, T3, T4 & a true work up to see if you are lacking in any vitamins. I am never without Biotin, D3, Cod liver oil & flax seed oil. The B's act as a mood elevator. Hope you get answers! Feel better.

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Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Hi TO OUR midnight SHADOW~Smile~

I HAVE BEEN ON-here- DURING YESTERDAY AND SOME TODAY, coming back to check exactly what the nurse had recommended, thus far. I am not a constant poster due to many time schedules to meet, but definitely have a genuine love concern for many on the forums.

Reading back from your last post you mentioned Xan .05mg for anxiety or any sudden panic attacks. This is relief. The one most important issue is that: 'it can take the edge off'.

I do not have depression but do work side by side. Patients that are on different meds for chemical imbalance.

I'll be here later for a read out, 'of' what you may be having, when you say a few blood tests.

I am so relieved that you have something for sleep (Xan-) which does calm the physical body to a more calmer you. Stay stress free and focus on the positive.

One of the most important support building blocks you have is a loving, understanding husband. That's is in the higher percentages of what is going to help.

I have seen the worse of the worse when it comes to JUST that!

Back soon- have a relaxing day- ALL DAY~


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Posts: 771
Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Well I can't offer you any magic solutions, just a cyber hug. It's good you see a professional but they just don't have the answers at the end of the day. Just say your prayers and tell God how you feel. As far as being ready for the holidays, this happens to all of us, just do the best you can. They are coming to see you, not the sheets. Maybe you can leave the sheets and towels out and somebody will help you, lol. Imagine that, the expectations of everybody is enough to depress all of us at times.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,709
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

i'm so sorry you are going through this. I'd like to hug you and will say a prayer for you.

I've struggled with depression for many years now. I've had extra problems this year. I had major surgery and was on pain medicine for 12 days and had horrible reactions to it....hallucinations, horrible depressive reaction, nightmares, hysterics, etc. My dr was very good and helped me a lot but it's like 5% of it is still with me. And it's rough. I feel like I have an anxiety attack looming just under the surface all the time and it's causing reactions I don't like...even some at work and that's not good. I finally saw a therapist two weeks ago and she asked me to talk to my dr about a specific medication to take for just a couple of weeks to break the cycle of the urgent anxiety issue. We did this after my reaction to the pain medication and it made a huge difference then too. I have been taking it just a few days and have already noticed a change. My therapist is going to help me with coping skills, etc. I also take an antidepressant with dinner (thus, I avoid any side affects since I'll sleep through them). I take an anti-anxiety med before bed (it also helps me sleep).

Today is the first day I woke up feeling like I was normal. It's a nice feeling to have again.

I work with my regular doctor on my medications. He's been great to work with. Will yours do that for you too?