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Re: Dental Coverage

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My Delta Dental coverage is 80% on cavities and 50% on crowns. 2 cleanings and one X-Ray a year are 100% covered. However, I pay $450 a year in premiums, so in essence, I'm still paying for those cleanings and X-Ray!

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@ScrapHappy wrote:

We switched from Aetna to Cigna.  Took my daughter (16) to the dentist today.  First cavity.  First time with Cigna and a cavity situation.  Was surprised that we're not covered for cavities.  If you have dental coverage, are you covered for cavities?

If your dentist takes CIIGNA dental, then there's usually a $50 deductible, and fillings are usually covered between 50–80% of the usual and customary fee. Then you're responsible for what is above that. I heard from a few dental offices that CIGNA is not a very good dental company, though that's what we have as well. There are only a few offices in my area that except it. I found that upsetting, as I would have thought it was a good choice.

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As my dentist told me years ago, its not really insurance like your medical insurance.  Its more or less a pre payment savings plan.  Coverage even on great plans are not nearly enough if you need major work.  It covers mostly preventive work. and small amounts towards caps, root canals etc.  ANd if you want implants you can kiss $10000. goodbye.

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Re: Dental Coverage

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I have Delta Dental PPO Coverage that is offered through my employer. I pay a little extra for the PPO vs the HMO that is offered, but I like my particular dentist and have no intention of giving him up. 


I also have an FSA Card that I add funds to each year during open enrollment. I only use this to supplement any charges that arise from my dental visits. 


I have not had a cavity in a very long time so I am not sure if they are covered or not. 


I have had three crowns and my portion was in the $ 600 range for each.



Valued Contributor
Posts: 512
Registered: ‎07-09-2014

I have a private dental plan , costing $33 a month . It pays out $1500 a year for cleaning,implants,crowns,cavities ,since my teeth are so bad l use up all the $$ every year , so for $400 a year premium l get $1500 paid for plus my dentist is in network so I get a big discount as well !  I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my BCBS Advantage plan is now covering $2000 in dental stuff a year . I just had a crown replacement and my Advantage paid $750 of the bill and my private dental paid the rest !  I am so impressed with the Advantage plan , it's only $86 a month , l get $40 OTC stuff free ,  no copayment to see my primary Dr , $150 for prescription glasses , all my prescriptions are free through their mail order !