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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

[ Edited ]

I never thought it was necessary to wipe down packages, let mail sit for days before opening, etc. If others did that, it's fine. But just normal cleaning without going to extremes worked for me. I am not patient enough to go to all that trouble, and never had a problem. 

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

I never did any of that over zealous cleaning. But I did see someone at the grocery store a couple of weeks that made me laugh. This woman was putting away her groceries in the car but before she put the bag in the car she sprayed everything in the bag plus the bag itself with Lysol. Then when all the bags were in the car she sprayed herself from head to toe with Lysol then she proceeded to spray the interior and exterior of her car. She must have used half a can. It was pretty amusing. 

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

I'll continue to disinfect more than I used to.  I repackage most of the food I bring home, which I hadn't done before.  I wash my hands much more carefully now than I ever used to and will continue that more detailed practice as well.

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

I wonder. Does this apply to other communicable diseases as well? If someone with a cold or flu coughs on my phone and then I use my phone, am I unlikely to catch a cold or flu just from handling my phone without cleaning it?


If this is just a new principle that applies to avoiding all diseases, that surfaces are no longer suspect, I'm open to it. How far does it go? Does it mean we could all go around sharing lipsticks and mascaras? Not that I would want to! But it does have implications for shopping inside Sephora, for instance.

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

Early on, we were cautious about changing into fresh clothing when we came home. I never bought Clorex wipes or Lysol.

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

I'm cleaning the same way I was before Covid. No changes here.

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

@Meowingkitty wrote:

I never did any of that over zealous cleaning. But I did see someone at the grocery store a couple of weeks that made me laugh. This woman was putting away her groceries in the car but before she put the bag in the car she sprayed everything in the bag plus the bag itself with Lysol. Then when all the bags were in the car she sprayed herself from head to toe with Lysol then she proceeded to spray the interior and exterior of her car. She must have used half a can. It was pretty amusing. 

Lysol is so toxic too


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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

@Icegoddess wrote:

I really didn't change anything from pre-pandemic days except for wearing of the mask obviously since it was required.  I'm not a cleaning person.  I also never bought into all those antibacterial products that were all the rage a few years ago either.  I'm a firm believer in exercising my immune system.

Totally agree! Also I'm just too lazy to do "deep cleaning". I never wiped down a single can or package that went into my pantry or fridge.

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

I've used some new cleaning techniques and I'll continue with those.  I've always been careful in the kitchen.

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Re: Deep Cleaning of Surfaces Unnecessary

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I'm not sure why they are now releasing this as if it's new information.  It came out last spring that people weren't catching this from surfaces.  But yet the CDC is making this grand announcement as if they have new information.  


A couple days ago I was watching GMA and their contributing doctor, Dr. Jha was irritated about the release of this information as if it's new and said he had no idea why the CDC waited this long to come out with this when it was known last April.


Everyone  has to do what they are comfortable doing.  I've never been a germaphobe and I'm not going to start now.  I've always been anti hand sanitizer because I think that stuff is terrible for us.  I've always been pro plain old soap and water.  I know quite a few people who seem to be dousing themselves in sanitizer all the time, wiping everything down and in general going over board and they always have some type of sickness or another.  

@Lipstickdiva . I have a good friend who is always (way before Covid) dousing herself with hand sanitizer.  Yet she's always the one who gets sick each and every year with the flu, bad cold and or sore throat with fever.  So I wasn't surprised when she did come down with Covid back in the fall.  She was sick for a few weeks and is okay now.


I think that sanitizer is fine when you're out and can't wash your hands but one can certainly overdo it!  There are some germs & bacteria that are good for you and help to keep one healthy.