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Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?


I saw these crystals presented today with K.L. Saturday Morning Q.

My neighbor picked up the whole set of 9 gemstones last time the gemstones were on.

She swears by them.    Through the power of crystals, her  migraine headaches went  away,  she no longer has fibromyalgia, her cancer is in remission, her Plantar fasciitis  is gone,  she lost 30 pounds in just two months, and she found a new love!   Smiley Happy

She use to live Sedona, Arizona, and is quite knowledgeable in the cosmic universe and therapy , and firmly believes in the power of crystals healing properties.  Used when she meditates every day.

What do you think?  Have you tried crystals, these or others? Do they work, and have they helped you in your wellness.   Have crystals helped your physical  or mental health issues?

She said it’s a pretty good price.  I’m still on the fence getting them.  What do you think?

Thank you.

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?


I have a bridge to sell, if you're interested.

Cat Wink

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

Maybe your neighbor has stock in the company...

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

They work if you allow them to work...believe in them and they will work. If you don't think they work then they won't. Simple as that.Smiley Happy

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

What is a stone going to do for you?

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

[ Edited ]

@EatWell  I don't believe the list your friend attributes to crystals (I like science for most biological illnesses and processes like weight loss) but in terms of energy work, I do think there is something to it.  In fact, I just bought a gemstone bracelet from another site to help me out. 


I just looked up the QVC item since I missed that this morning.  That's a lot of money for just one type of crystal.  You don't usually use something that size.  In fact, you can find jewelry and multipacks of different handheld crystals for much less.  I'm sure your friend can give you better guidance but that's a lot for a size that most people who do crystal work don't utilize.  


This size is almost decorative for a room or formal meditation rather than the handheld transportable amulet most people are looking for when they want crystal protection.  Up to you and how you think you'll use it.      

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

It's a bunch of hooey in my opinion. I don't think any stone can make you well, but hey, that's just me!

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

@EatWell  If you believe enough in anything it may come into fruition.  I think the crystals  do not hold the is inside each of us if we can focus and believe.

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

@EatWell    pure quackery , might as well be going to a witch doctor, voodod  person or root doctor. It is a stone. No magical powers or we  would all be cured of our ailments. Save your money.

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Re: Crystal Heart Empowerment Gemstones. Do they work helping wellness?

I know where there is some swamp land for sale. Alligators are FREE.