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@Sooner wrote:

@SilleeMee What happens while the implant in healing and how long does that take? How "uncomfortable"is that time period?  I've never talked to someone who had one.  At least in a setting where I could ask!  Woman EmbarassedWoman Wink




Implants take 4 to 6 months, sometimes longer, to heal and become integrated into the jawbone. You can't see them at that step but then they cut your gum open and put on an abutment cap which you can see on the gum. Abutments take a few more weeks to let the gum tissue heal around them. The final step is when they put on the crowns on top of the abutments. It can take almost a year from start to finish. 


During the implant healing time you cannot eat hard food. I've been eating food out of a food processor for almost 2 years now. It's almost over TG! The implants that I have that are completed are so real teeth. Only got 2 more to go and then I'll be done.

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I had eight veneers done three years ago and very happy!  Actually had an addtional two  last year - needed the uniformity - mine are all uppers.  Make sure your specialist does a lot of them.  Expensive and insurance didnt cover.

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@SilleeMee wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@SilleeMee What happens while the implant in healing and how long does that take? How "uncomfortable"is that time period?  I've never talked to someone who had one.  At least in a setting where I could ask!  Woman EmbarassedWoman Wink




Implants take 4 to 6 months, sometimes longer, to heal and become integrated into the jawbone. You can't see them at that step but then they cut your gum open and put on an abutment cap which you can see on the gum. Abutments take a few more weeks to let the gum tissue heal around them. The final step is when they put on the crowns on top of the abutments. It can take almost a year from start to finish. 


During the implant healing time you cannot eat hard food. I've been eating food out of a food processor for almost 2 years now. It's almost over TG! The implants that I have that are completed are so real teeth. Only got 2 more to go and then I'll be done.

@SilleeMee Wow you have been through a lot and I hope everything is wonderful when done!

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@SilleeMee  I'm sorry for the autoimmune disease causing your dental issues. It's  good you are getting your teeth restored and I know you'll be happy with the results, as I will. 😊 As you said, one tooth at a time. Keep us posted on your dental journey. 

Thank everyone for the encouragement and it's good to know there were no regrets. It's quite a financial investment but I'm sure I won't regret it either. 

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@Loves Purple wrote:

Has anyone had cosmetic dental work done and are you happy with the results? Any complications or advise for me? I'm having my upper teeth done in the morning and I'm excited and nervous and anxious at the same time. 
@SeaMaiden did you ever decide to have yours done. I remember you were considering it before Covid. 


@Loves Purple    I was going to have it done... then covid hit... and it gave me time for more reflection...


I know my teeth and I was afraid that shaving them down to nubs to have veneers would really not be a good thing...


I decided that now that I can wear a mask, it  really does not matter too much as no one sees my teeth anymore. Just me. So , I decided to not go that route. Just keep my teeth healthy and in my mouth is my goal.

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I will be going for a consultation with my prosthodontist and want to ask him about crowning my 4 front teeth in addition to the other work that needs to be done.


For those of you who have had your upper front teeth crowned, what was the process to determine the best size and shape? I really want to have this done but am afraid that I won't like the end result.

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@LuvSoCal wrote:


I will be going for a consultation with my prosthodontist and want to ask him about crowning my 4 front teeth in addition to the other work that needs to be done.


For those of you who have had your upper front teeth crowned, what was the process to determine the best size and shape? I really want to have this done but am afraid that I won't like the end result.





The size and shape of the crowns are determined by how they will fit which is mostly done by electronic scanning or by a dental impression. The bite is the most important part b/c you don't want them either too small or too big. Once placed onto your existing teeth, crowns may sometimes need minor adjustments (actual reshaping while inside your mouth) but not always. One of my crowns did not fit right and had to be removed and replaced with another. That did not cost me anything more in my case. 

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Those of you considering implants need to be aware that sometimes they fail.  My DH had a mouthful fail and then had to have additional surgery to remove hardware and then go to full dentures. This is not unusual, so do your research!

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My cosmetic work consists of bonding, which I love, i have it done on top and bottom where my teeth have shifted causing gaps,  over the years, it looks great. 

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@Shelbelle wrote:

My cosmetic work consists of bonding, which I love, i have it done on top and bottom where my teeth have shifted causing gaps,  over the years, it looks great. 




I would like to have had that done but my gaps are too close to the gum line where it has receded. I asked two different dentists and a dental surgeon about bonding my gaps and they all told me 'no'. That's why I have crowns now so it fills in the gaps. Too bad b/c bonding would have saved me $-thousands-$.