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Re: Constipation, sick of it.

On 3/17/2015 suzeecat said:

Another suggestion here to have your thyroid levels checked. That was my one and only symptom of hypothyroidism, and getting my levels back to normal took care of the constipation.

I have hypothyroidism and this is certainly one of the symptoms - but the only symptom that I have never experienced! I tend to go the opposite ! {#emotions_dlg.blush} If I eat any fats or spicy foods - I could live in the bathroom!{#emotions_dlg.sad} I have never been constipated in my life.

You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad
Honored Contributor
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Re: Constipation, sick of it.

Miralax every day. Dependent? Yes, but hey, it works.

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Registered: ‎06-23-2014

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

On 3/19/2015 twocent said:
On 3/17/2015 suzeecat said:

Another suggestion here to have your thyroid levels checked. That was my one and only symptom of hypothyroidism, and getting my levels back to normal took care of the constipation.

I have hypothyroidism and this is certainly one of the symptoms - but the only symptom that I have never experienced! I tend to go the opposite ! {#emotions_dlg.blush} If I eat any fats or spicy foods - I could live in the bathroom!{#emotions_dlg.sad} I have never been constipated in my life.

That was me until I had to start taking some RX drugs. I never realized how miserable dealing with constipation is....what a nightmare!
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎04-16-2012

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

I too use Magnesium Citrate, it's great 400mg. Also agree with the comment to get checked out by your Dr. to make sure you're okay. Best wishes to you!!

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎05-03-2010

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

Same problem, Doc said to use Miralax, 1 cap with water a day! That was to much for me, ½ cap every day with water works like a charm.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,229
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

Here is what I have been doing and it works like a charm.

First thing in the morning I drink 2 glasses of very hot water (drinking it really fast).

Then every night after dinner I eat a d'anjou (sp) pear.

Try it. It really works.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,578
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

On 3/19/2015 Reba055 said:
On 3/19/2015 twocent said:
On 3/17/2015 suzeecat said:

Another suggestion here to have your thyroid levels checked. That was my one and only symptom of hypothyroidism, and getting my levels back to normal took care of the constipation.

I have hypothyroidism and this is certainly one of the symptoms - but the only symptom that I have never experienced! I tend to go the opposite ! {#emotions_dlg.blush} If I eat any fats or spicy foods - I could live in the bathroom!{#emotions_dlg.sad} I have never been constipated in my life.

That was me until I had to start taking some RX drugs. I never realized how miserable dealing with constipation is....what a nightmare!

My dh use to tease me when we would hear commercials for medications having constipation -as a possible side effect. He said , my poor wife needs to take this for the side-effect! {#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.blush}

You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,749
Registered: ‎11-21-2011

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

I too suffered with this for years. When I was younger I suffered with acute endometriosis later fibromyalgia. In the beginning with the fibro it was really extreme and I didn't know about the fibro. After suffering for three or so years it finally stopped , I assumed it was from having the fibro finally being treated correctly and being able to start working out,. I consider myself very lucky because ai know someone that had it just like me and she developed colitis.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 503
Registered: ‎09-03-2013

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

I agree with the responders who say you should have your thyroid check because constipation is a sign of a low thyroid.

Also there is a new Benefiber out in packets that you pour into your water bottle. It could help.

Also do you sit at your computer at long stretches? My husband and I started three years ago standing at our computer because it was recommended by AARP to help the colon. During that time I was very regular. Now I have begun sitting again at the computer because of a bladder prolapse problem and I am noticing that constipation is returning again.

Hope this helps.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,631
Registered: ‎04-20-2013

Re: Constipation, sick of it.

I would try to stay away from daily use of laxatives because you may not be able to go without them. Try drinking lots of water, exercise, fiber, plenty of fruits and veggies. I had a lazy colon when I was younger but when I changed my lifestyle, everything changed. If you feel you must take something daily, try the Metamucil with plenty of water as it is more natural. If you need something because it is five days, and you feel miserable, try colace with stool softener. But, you do need to see a GI specialist and have a full lab profile