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Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

On Fox News Channel on weekends. I have learned a lot. Fat cells increases estrogen levels which can cause breast cancer and low s@x drive. Most fat cells are stored in our butts and middle. Raving about eating raw and healthy fats.
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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

Carole looks great. She's definitely health conscious. Though, i've read that a bit of steaming actually is better for vitamin absorption ( of veggies).

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

I've watched her show a few times. She is a beautiful woman. However, some of the things she said just seemed way too weird to me to keep watching the show.

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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

Another show I meant to mention is Housecall on Fox Weekends. They are more mainstream.
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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

Yes, I am skipping the coffee enemas but i will continue my morning joe. It gives the same effect. Smiley Happy I love my dvr, I can skip over things I dont relate to. (her sauna segment).
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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

I didn't know Housecall was still on. I haven't watched Fox News in years.

I see Dr. Izzy retired. LOVED that man.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

On 1/25/2014 VaBelle35 said:

I didn't know Housecall was still on. I haven't watched Fox News in years.

I see Dr. Izzy retired. LOVED that man.

They replaced him with Dr. Samadi and Segal. I really enjoy both of them. I used to watch it with the previous doc also.
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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

Could someone be more specific about when the Carol Alt shows on ? Thanks so much !

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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

On 1/26/2014 hope-Q said:

Could someone be more specific about when the Carol Alt shows on ? Thanks so much !

My tivo says 4pm Eastern today

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Carol Alt's show Healthy Living

The show is on Saturday at 4pm and repeated on Sunday at 4pm.

FOX Channel in New York.