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How did it go? {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Sending positive vibes & energy to you... I bet it's nothing too serious.Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-24-2010

hope everything went ok. Sending you positive energy and keeping you in my prayers.

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Hope your doing good PBBSmiley Happy Thinking of you.

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎08-23-2011

Pbb hope all is well.....I read this post because I went for my check up to my regular doctor and he said all was well, blood pressure, heart, ekg, etc. Then I went for my routine check up at gynecologist and had drank 2 cups of coffee, fought with AT&T over bill before going and rushed. When he took my blood pressure it was 160/80 never is and said do you know you have a heart murmur? I was never told that and I am in my late 60's. He told me to go for echo cardiogram - I went back to my regular doctor and he said he heard no heart murmur but if the other doctor heard it I had to go to cardiologist for echo. I would think if one heard it the other would have also since it was only 2 hrs after that I went. I never felt sick until they told me I could have something. Sometimes I think the stress from tests and doctors is worse than what could be wrong. Better safe tho and probably not a bad idea for most people to check out their heart but once you get on the roller coaster of doctors and tests consumes most of your life.... Wonder if the stress from AT&T and coffee could have caused momentary heart murmur.....

Hoping all went well Pbb I'm sure it did. GOD BLESS.

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Posts: 325
Registered: ‎06-09-2014
Heart murmurs can be difficult to hear. I was told I had one and years later I had an echo that showed two regurgitating valves but my doctor said I still had good function. So, try not to worry yet...the coffee and stress could have brought the murmur to the doctor's attention...but do get the echo done to be sure what is going on.
Posts: 62
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

thank you everyone for kind words and good thoughts and prayers.. trying to stay positive. I go in the 19th for a cauterization, they said the back left part of my heart is not getting enough blood.. I of course was a bumbling idiot in the office.. I have no symptoms. told me to stay off of google and read the pamphlets they gave me.. if there is more blockage when they are in there possibly will have bypass.. I took off work today.. just wrapping my head around it all.. I know it could be way worst..

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Registered: ‎06-12-2011

Hi ppb, I went through this myself earlier this year on my way to get my knee fixed. I had NO symptoms, but did have an abnormal EKG and stress test. They told me that the left part of my heart wasn't getting enough blood. The stress of waiting for each test to come back was insane. I kept waiting for the chest pain......

After a negative carotid artery ultrasound, and a negative echo cardiogram, and finally a negative heart cath, I was able to have the darn knee fixed. They told me I was a false positive. During this time I had to keep reminding myself that if I had a problem,it was better to find out his way, rather than have a heart attack.

Sending your prayers & ((hugs)).

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Registered: ‎08-08-2013

pbb: I'm so glad you came back with a report. I knew he would want you to be catheterized. That's usually the last thing they do when they can't find anything after the ECG, stress and echo testing. Besides the cath. doctor, there is a nurse and two techs and they all have different functions. It's very interesting to watch how they work.....

Don't worry and do as your doctor says. Stay OFF the internet. I have a son who is a doctor at a university hospital in the Midwest and I know he tells patients that a lot. There's too much information that people read and really don't understand. Everyone is different too. If you have any questions, ask your doctor and read the information they give you. Don't listen to other peoples' tales of woe on the internet and even on this thread.

If you really want to know what they do during a cath, they will explain it all to you beforehand. You will be well sedated and able to see everything on a monitor if you want to. It will be over before you know it. If everything is all clear and it's done early enough, you could even be going home the same day.

I will be thinking of you and will mark my calendar for the 19th so hopefully, you will get back to us soon after.

Good luck, don't worry and keep focused.....{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}Smile

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Posts: 16,363
Registered: ‎09-01-2010
Please stay focused on the fact you will be getting your health issue taken care of before you noticed any problems, or experienced an issue that could've damaged your heart. Heart damage is permanent, so your testing is quite timely in the resolution that could've been a life threatening situation. Stay positive, and very best wishes to you with the catheterization.