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Hi em--glad to hear about little Thea and her mom---progressing nicely it sounds.  Is that your mom ? there is always something going on--who said these are the golden years---would like to thump them on the noggin'. As for hubby--just a big sigh for you. Baby shower will perk you up--


Yes it will take a long time to heal--from what I read probably a year or so--dr was kind of a negative nancy about the outcome  for my healing---limited use, arthritis and such---intend on proving him wrong---I know what  I'm in for.  Men.....!!!Woman Indifferent anyway, enjoy the shower !

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Sorry I haven't written.Had a bad bout with gastroenteritis and was living in the bathroom. Let me tell you. Pepto and ginger ale are your friens when you get this. Also gatorade. It passed but it knocked me out. 


OK let'[s see what we got here. Em told you. Let nature take it'[s course. Happy to hear that she is able to breast feed. Thea will be going home before you know it. Hope DIL is imroving daily and he BP is down. 


Husband is another story. It all takes time for most of this subsides, He will be able to manage his copd once all of this inflammation subsides, Husband'[s ex wife landed in the hospital with new onset of atrial fib from covid, Had to get zapped. First stepson said she was in heart failure, After we questioned him we realized it was atrial fib. Dear lord you are a partner in a law firm can't even get his mother'[s condition straight. 

Em it sounds like you don't know whch way to run. You are one strong woman. 

Pam you may not be as fast as you once were but of course you will get through this. It took a long time for my foot to heal. You always have your trusty boot if you swell or are in pain once you get back to normal shoes.

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good a.m. all!!


Off to my post op appt today--maybe getting this stupid splint off--this dang thing is awful--doesn't fit anymore as the swelling has gone way down so it is very floppy and moves this way and that--now have hot spots that send zingers that make me squeal. and the pain med--oxy--is making me have acid reflux so eating is hard to do---and can I say --yeast infection as well---OMG--that hasn't happened to me in decades!!! plus it is raining pigs and chickens right now--and me bumping up and down these stairs on my caboose???? ---HOW am I going to figure that out!!  This should be interesting!!!

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good morning all!


happily,Woman Happy I am out of that horrid splint and into a huge boot. Must not bear any weight on it for the next month tho. go a few evercises to do and can get my leg wet in the shower. so that was great. but have an area near  the outside of my ankle that is totally numb and the scar looks very dark ,  so will have to really watch that and may have to go back for debridment or at least anti-b's--the numbness is from a nerve being cut and repaired. Need to carefully touch it or rub it to stimulate those nerves---man alive--taking out the stitches made me yelp.Dr seemed happy with results--not alot of bruising but still swollen. Can take the boot off to do the exercises a few times a day but need to sleep with it on. And slept better but not great as usual. this boot is a monster and a little heavier but way more stable and protective.Can use the boot scooter altho will not for awhile---all my joints and muscles are so sore from hauling me around these last few weeks. Have lost about 15 pounds too., moreso from an upset stomach due to the meds--I have stopped those and only taking tylenol now. Luckily the weather cooperated and it was not wet so i could bump up and down the stairs without getting my pants soaked. My DS's SO was impressed-- that this old dame could do that--this old dame can do alot when I have too!!!!Woman Very HappyMan Wink

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Hi all! We are anxiously awaiting the results of my hubby's prostate biopsy.We were told 1-2 weeks. Meanwhile the cough, wheezing and congestion continue. Some days are worse than others. Nights are the worst. Mom is having an ultrasound next week on her ovarian cyst.


Whats keeping me going. Is my beautiful granddaughter. She is a little over 5 pounds. My Dil is sleeping at the hospital nursing  Thea round the clock. No more feeding tube unless she  doesn't maintain her weight. Hopefully she will be home very soon!   Em

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@embgm ---Oh hurray for Thea!!! And glad mom is there at her beck and call!! glad all your test results and scans are happening soon--I HATE having to wait for these things--- are you getting pics of the baby? 


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Good morning all!


Just wanted to check in--


em--how is baby Thea doing? and how was the baby shower---just remembred that happened a bit ago? Did you get hubbys test results and what about your mom?


jackie--how's the teeth? Stupid teeth!! And how is Fran doing--



lannie---what's going on with you? 


I think I have found the magic cream to rub on my foot and ankle--it's Asper cream with lidocaine!!! Been having such zinging pain on the top of my foot near my little toe and down on the outside of my foot--not the incision mind you--and it aches like a contraction almost always when I am in bed at night---sharp bee stings--am sure the nerves are probably trying to heal--man does it hurt. but this cream really dulls the pain and calms it down--otherwise my foot feels ok--still a little puffy around my ankle and the bruises are turning that gross green, yellowish ugly color. am still using the wheelchair but have a knee scooter I need to adjust---can do a few things--a little laundry, the dishes,  Oh lordy is my apartment a mess---needs a deep down cleaning-- 


Weather here has been just amazing--no rain since the beginning of th month---sunny, dry and chilly--in the 40's right now the sunrise is gorgeous--but hear it will be back to normal for thanksgiving--windy, riny --as usual.


thought DD and i would going to my brothers for dinner but he and his wife are both down with covid---again--both are fully boosted--brother got the pills to take. SIL is toughing it out---so now they have to heal and then be covid negative for awhile which will be sometime next week--and if they are smart--they will forget about the dinner--DD and I have our dinner all arranged so we are good. WE have been getting eals from hello Fresh that last few weeks--and it is very good--DD has problems working all day then trying to throw together a meal when she comes home--and i can do somethings but not much yet---we ordered a thanksgiving meal from them--having a beef tenderloin and trimmings--will make a few side dishes to add--we will be fine.


so that's all from me--  PAM

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Thea is home! I finally was able to hold her last night. I never held such a tiny angel!  She sleeps eats and poops! They will monitor her weight closely. In fact she came home yesterday and has a doctors appt. today.


All of my husband biopsy samples are benign. We found that out yesterday. Lots of tears of joy yesterday. He still needs medical intervention. His prostate is huge and he has diverticulitis in his bladder. He has good and bad days with his cough and wheezing. 

Mom's ultrasound is next week, so I won't have any new info on that till then. 

Hope you are all feeling well. Em

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@embgm --Oh happy days!!!! and you got to hold her finally!! Am a little teary-eyed over that!! and great news about hubby too---Now let's get mom squared away and call it a day!!! Congrats on dealing with all this---you are the glue, my friend!!!Woman Very HappyHeart

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OK I'm back. Teeth again. It'[s getting so depressing. It's all fixable. You just need money.

Em great news about Thea being home and husband's biopsy being negative. I can see your madly in love with the little one. 

Pam how are you coming along with the leg??