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Em, I've heard that I don't know what it is more times than I'd like.  I guess the good thing is that it is getting better.


Figured out what happened with the dentist.  They closed Apr, May, Jun.  Shutdown and didn't cancel any appointments.  I couldn't get an appt until the end of Sept.



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Yes it's doing really well. I return to the breast center on Thursday and hope to get off this antibiotic, As I now have a yeast infection. Ugh!  To make matters worse I tripped and caught myself with hand and arm extended and am getting a cast tomorrow at the orthopedist because I have a radial neck fracture of the elbow! These last three weeks have been awful. August has to be a better month for me! It starts out well because on Aug. 2nd we will celebrate our 39 th wedding anniversary. I am very grateful that I married a great guy and we raised 3 wonderful sons! So I have lots to be thankful for despite the last few weeks! Em

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em - Oh nooooooo!!!  Do I even need to say when it rains it pours?!? It does sound like you have a lot to be thankful and happy for in your life, but really...

Well, this is a month you won't want to ever repeat.

Take care Heart- Lannie

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OH no-------you poor thing!!! Yes---put yourself in a padded room until August------well, it comes in 3's and you do a doozy of a trio!!  So sorry girl!!!

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Em I'm happy to hear that your breast is improving but otherwise your a mess. Hide under the covers till all of this passes.


I've been shredding like a demon. Decided to go into the closet from heck and go through folders. Now do i really need my health assessment from when I started nursing school??? I don't think  so. I shredded what amounted to 8 garbage bags of junk. I want to get the closet redone so it has to be emptied like big time. 


We have a grandson who's name is Ciaran. Everyone is doing well. I sent a basket of food and husband sent a Teddy bear. 


OK I'm going back in the dreaded closet. Later

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@JackieHN ---was wondering where the heck you have been lately!! this board has been so quiet. Is this a new baby? I recall someone being preggers and wasn't there a shower that you didn't go to?  My newest great nephew, my youngest brothers youngest son's son ,  turned 1 a few days ago. haven't seen him much tho--he is a cutey. Need to send something------


I just got a new shredder myself---need to do the same thing you are--mostly old IRS papers-----have stacks of stuff that needs to go. 


Had my closets done after we moved back in last fall---the hubs put in those closetmaid brand packs and oh my gosh---my favorite thing ever. Can configure them a hundred ways if I want. Have a walk-in closet in the master b-room that needs them too-----that can wait. am getting someone out here to measure for shades/blinds in the 2 new windows in the  b-rooms upstairs. Am sure the hubs wont do it as he still isn't talking to me--has been 12 weeks of him being a giant D#CK!!!! Let's see if the mods let me go with thatMan Tongue





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Jackie - Congratulations on your Grandson!  I had to look up the name:


Ciarán or Ciaran is a traditionally male given name of Irish origin (Scottish Gaelic spelling ). It means "little dark one" or "little dark-haired one", produced by appending a diminutive suffix to ciar ("black", "dark"). It is the masculine version of the name Ciara.


Food and a Teddy bear, perfect gifts!  I imagine you've seen plenty of pictures of him.  We haven't had any babies in my family for so long - would be nice to cuddle a newborn again.

I have a walk-in and a regular closet in my master bedroom, which I love.  Somehow I have managed to fill them both.


Pam - I did get to read your post before it may get deleted, LOL!!!  Come on now, he must have some good qualities, see if you can remember them......he put the closets in - lets all give a round of applause for that - they seem to need reinforcement of that kind.

I take my papers to an Office Depo place to get shredded.  They charge by the pound, not bad.  Hope your beautiful flowers are doing well.  And give a pet to stripey cat for me!

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I have been shredding and then I'm pooped. So I found a vocational assessment of what I have in common with most professions. 1st NUN. 2. Dr. What a riot. I just had to keep this. We all had to do this when I entered college. Nursing was down on the list. 


Thank you Lannie for looking all of this up about Ciaran. He is anything but dark. Looks like he's going to have red hair and is fair like his mother. He's very long and skinny like his father. 


We're having a hurricaine or a tropical storm. It's horrible out there. I think it will last till tonight. 


Back into the closet for rearranging. 



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@JackieHN --the things you find when you sort thru papers--I've found 1986 house tax assessments and my kids report cards --all sorts of stuff.


Was wondering about you and the city during this storm--news pics make it look pretty scary. Just what everybody needed---another storm rippng tho our lives!!!!

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pam it all depended where you lived with this storm. We were OK because we removed all of the large trees in front of the coop years ago. Some of the streets had fallen trees and electrical wires. Staten Island got creamed and had blackouts. we have Verizon fios. All of our fiberoptics are underground and weren't effected as far as phone or internet connections. 


Would you believe I am still shredding.