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Oh my, what's a Pedro Pio?  It sounds like you take a plane to get there.


Nothing going on here..It's like ground hog day, everyday.  Work is steady.  I'm able to work four long days and have Fridays off.  I'm exhausted by friday.


Going for a routine mamo during lunch tomorrow.  The only one I haven't heard from is the dentist.  Feels like I should have had a six month checkup by now, but haven't had a reminder call.


Covid rates go up a little everyday.  

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Whew ---finally am hearing from someone here--was starting to worry--been so quiet.

Not much going on here in my neck of the woods---virus spiking up but deaths are not---good sign, I'm not sure but there you go. Went to my chiro for the 3rd time in 10 days, on Monday for my back and things are so much better, arm hasn't flared up with celluitis but the hubs is still non speaking---IDIOT--going on 10 weeks now---IDIOT!!!!!


Weather has been stellar with blue skies, sunshine and temps in the mid 70's-----however-------found out that half of my lily blooms were gone and think the deer are muching on them so have NO flowers yet and by now I have many blooming---can just spit nails!!!!  think I will have to re pot them all this fall and put get rid of so many pots and combine more bulbs together, then get those things onto my deck instead of on the ground around it----grrrrr!!!!! 


Going to the dentist next week too, then time for my girly appt and a trans vag test too---ugg!!! Was going to wait for closer to the end of the year to do this stuff but I am hearing awful predictions about this virus mixing up with the flu and I will NOT be going anywhere and feel that probably the whole state will lock down for everyone. And going to start stocking up for that event now too. Sometimes I can get a flu shot in August from my primary dr. which is what I will look into. 


So not much happening----shake my head will wonder at why these dumb ****** Governors seem to think things are not as bad as the really are, regarding those few states ----must be a separate brain disease they have from you know who--another idiot!!!






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GC, I adopted Padre Pio as my saint. he was known for his healing abilities. Every year for his feast day I send requests to the Padre Pio association with my intentions and they put it on his glass tomb. they actually go to Italy every year. His body is uncorrupted. Don't you remember that every year I say we're going to the Rotunda???? Anyway they will send me a confirmation that they got the requests. 


pam these young fools are going to get us all killed.How hard is it to wear a mask. 


OK I'm on a mission I want a real Louis Vuitton neverfull bag. My mother in law left me money and I don't need it. So I'm trying to decide on the size so I ordered two replicas to decide. My husband thinks I'm nuts. I said you should have taken me to Paris where they are cheaper than here. 



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Jackie, I know you talk of a saint.  So this is the same one.  Don't mind me being confused.  Then you are going to Italy?


I've always wanted a Louis bag.  Should have bought one years ago.  They sell them second hand on zuilily, but I want a new one.  LOL


Pam, couldn't you put up a net or something to keep the deer away?  I used to have a bad rabbit problem.  I know there are still rabbits around, but think there are fewer of them.  The chomp the bushes in the winter.


All is quiet this end of the world.  Lots of things to do, no motivation to do them.  

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well gc--I am thinking the lilies are in the wrong spot this year--normally I put them all on the back deck---but because of the construction last year--I had to move them to the side of the house out of the workers way--and never moved them back so they are in easy reach. Next year will be different as in the fall, I will empty all of them and re plant  the bulbs and put them ON  the deck again. Live and learn---besides the dirt in those pots is pretty old and needs new fresh stuff. Another thing to add to my long list of stuff------


I translanted my nearly 100 year old xmas cactus from my MIL yesterday too. She got it from her MIL and then I took a little branch in the 70's to start----it was blooming around thanksgiving thru xmas, every year and then again around Easter but not so much recently, so figured the old girl needed fresh soil and a bigger pot to grow it.


Weather here is finally summer-ish--going thru a week of warmth and sunshine. 


thats all from my end of the swamp!!



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Registered: ‎07-02-2014

Re: Cancer survivors

[ Edited ]

Hello ladies! Hope you are all being safe wearing your masks! I had an interesting occurrence last week. Came down with 102 fever, chills,aches and pains all over. Spent the next day in bed sleeping and taking Tylenol. The following day I woke up with strong breast pain. My breast and almost entire chest was beat red, very hot and feeling very hard. Very scary! Called the doc who of course had no one in her office to see me. She instructed me to go to an urgent care center right away. The UCC doc did not know if I had an infection or Inflammatory Breast Cancer. She gave me a shot in my butt and 500 mg. Of keflex 4 times a day and told me to see my oncologist on Monday. What a terrible weekend worrying. I saw my breast doc on Monday and some of the redness was disappearing although still very painful. Because some improvement had been made doc thinks it's cellulitis of the chest wall but doesn't know the cause. I have had to nap everyday and have had very little energy. As of today the redness is mostly gone. I will be returning to breast doc on Thursday. Anyone experience something like this?  Em

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Hi Em - so good to hear from you, but not for this reason. Woman Frustrated


I did have staph infection, but nothing like what you are describing.  I will defer to Jackie and Pam for that.  I can't remember, did you have lumpectomy, and how long ago?


Did they test you for COVID 19?  I have not been going anywhere except the grocery store every couple weeks and have worn a mask since day one. Have cancelled my dr and chiropractor appts and won't reschedule until these numbers go down.


Take care, be safe and let us know what your dr says on Thursday. Heart

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Posts: 935
Registered: ‎07-02-2014


@HerRoyaLioness wrote:

Hi Em - so good to hear from you, but not for this reason. Woman Frustrated


I did have staph infection, but nothing like what you are describing.  I will defer to Jackie and Pam for that.  I can't remember, did you have lumpectomy, and how long ago?


Did they test you for COVID 19?  I have not been going anywhere except the grocery store every couple weeks and have worn a mask since day one. Have cancelled my dr and chiropractor appts and won't reschedule until these numbers go down.


Take care, be safe and let us know what your dr says on Thursday. Heart

       I had a lumpectomy in 2014, a biopsy in January of this year, negative results in the same breast.  It's possible it was a spider bite. I have had severe reactions to that before. No Covid test, doc  didn't think it was necessary. The breast was so red doc couldn't find any evidence of an insect bite but said it was possible. Em

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Hi Em. sorry about your infection. Your a bit too old for inflammatory breast cancer. From what I understand this hits the younger women.  Anyway the redness wouldn't have gone away. Long time no hear from you.


GC just buy what you want even if it's a Louis Vuitton. They aren't that much money in the scheme of designer bags and it will last you a lifetime. You do enough for everyone else, now do something for you. The neverfull is a favorite because women use it for work and shopping. 


OK so idiot husband informs me that the air conditioner in the living room is not working. He said it's been giving him problems for awhile. I said and you waited this long for what reason?? It's the middle of the bloody summer. I just looked at him and said well get dressed and get another one an LG. The store had it in stock. . I don't stay in there. My room as a perfectly working AC. So he got one and it will be installed tomorrow. I started to clean the one in there and he started yelling at me. Are you crazy. I said I don't want the installer to think that we're pigs. You didn't take care of this machine. Now it sparkles. 



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Hi Em----glad to hear from you but not happy about what you are going thru----


I have had celluitis about 8 times in the last 2 years in my left arm which is the side of my breast cancer---it happens so fast often within hours . just went thru it again a few weeks ago. I went to an infectious disease dr as well as a derm dr. No can tell me why I keep getting this. Altho they both said, it is a bacteria, I think they said some sort of strep germ,  that is on the skin all the time and somehow it finds its way into your system.   It becomes red like a bad sunburn, and hot to the touch and very painful. that arm swells up a little too .  I feel awful with a slight fever, headache and general ickyness,  for about 2 days until my 3rd anti b kicks in, then it starts getting much better. I have a standing rx for augmentin thru my primary dr. I take it for 7-10 days every 12 hours. So i know what you are dealing with. 


think stress has alot to do with it and the stress for us all is tremendous right now. I have to really be careful not to carry heavy things or do strenuous things using that left arm or that can start it up again. always something!!!!!!