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Re: Cancer survivors

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graciesm---oh happy day!!! so thrilled with your results!! now we'll see about the brother----


em---omg i am so sorry about all your recent heartaches and no---you didn't break your ankle----have to say that my broken wrist has been the most challenging thing. good thing you are going to see the dr tomorrow--i had to wait 6 days to see him. And yes, i used a scooter when i had my achilles surgery done. it was a very good tool to get around. get one that the turns left and right tho. i had crutches too. i don't know if i can help much except sympathize with you. i still am in pain with this stupid wrist. but am able to do more each day. i didn't get a cast but had plates, screws and pins to hold my break together. with the achilles surgeries, i had cast on the first one then right into a boot with the second one. important thing is to make sure you keep the pain under control so you can rest and heal. tht has been my major issue with the wrist. i take tylenol a couple times a day as the other hard core pain meds makes my heart do weird things. but the tylenol works great at this point.


gcr---i bet you are anxious to get back home. it's been awhile.


so it is very grey today and wet. this week will be more of the same and then it will officially be the wettest Feb on record for the whole month--and there is still more days to go. right now there is around 8" of rain in the gauge and the record is just over 9".  even AZ is getting tons of rain from all the weather coming in from CA.


DD and i went to get our tootsies painted yesterday.Chose a blue grey polish--felt so good to have someone fuss over my gross feet. wish i could have put my whole body in the swirling waters for awhile.


ok happy sunday!!



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Oh Em, so sorry about the loss in your family and your ankle. Don't feel bad. I'm an ER nurse and couldn't use the bloody crutches. Sometimes you can cause more harm with them than good. I'm for the skooter. At least you'll be able to get around. Let us know the outcome tomorrow with the Dr.

GC I think you are remarkable with everything you accomplished so far with your sister and the house. I'm sure they miss you at work. Your a spitfire. 

OK it's cleaning day. 


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Em, I am so sorry about your husband's brother - what an unexpected tragedy for you all.  May you all be comforted by each other in this time of distress.  I feel for you.


I can't believe you also had an accident with your ankle - I hope you are not in too much pain, but taking care of this injury is priority for you right now, such unfortunate circumstances.


Just a word of caution on the scooter thing - I've known 2 people now that have gotten a  knee problem (on the injured leg) from constantly using the scooter.  Not that you can't use it, they were long term users, but maybe alternate with crutches if possible, if you have to use it for a long period of time? Hopefully you won't have to worry about that.  I've heard crutches can take some getting used to.  Anyway, take care, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



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No one mentioned a scooter but I have seen them.In the house I am using a chair with wheels and it is helping taking the pressure off of the arms and good leg. My arms and hands are very sore today from the fall.My finger is swollen and is very colorful. My son and his wife came over to vacuum and sweep the floors today. They also made lunch for us. My neighbor brought dinner over for us. My husband is exhausted today and is talking about his brother a lot which is good. I am laying on the couch with my leg elevated. EM

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em-- yes to what lioness suggested about the knees being injured by using the scooter. I hurt my knees from putting too much pressure on them. You kneel on the seat of the scooter and put a lot of pressure on it . I got pretty good using crutches. So glad you had a lot of help today and glad hubby is talking about his brother. I know too well,  how the few days after my fall wrecked havoc on my body. Had awful bruises everywhere and so sore. 



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Pam, I wanted to go for a mani/pedi today.  My mother over ruled me though.  We worked around the house until 1, then took a ride to the casino for a couple hours.  She can't go unless I take her.  


And yes, I'm so glad to go home tomorrow.  Yahoo.  The plane leaves here 12:45, stops at Bidmama's turf, then home at 4:15 with the time change.  I already alerted my boss I'll be in late Tuesday.  I'll work at home for a couple hours, then go in.  That way I can sleep an extra hour. I have to leave work early to see the rheumatologist.  That worked out well.  The initial toe is red and hurts a little.  I also have two bumps on my lower leg.  I didn't want to push on them, but they feel hard.  They are about the size of a pea.  I had an autoimmune disease about five years ago in that area.  My leg issue is a long crazy story.  


Jackie, I do what needs to get done.  If I say I'm going to do something, I do it.

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No word yet on my brother's biopsy--his doctor's office is closed today for President's Day. Waiting for his results is getting to him (sound familiar?). He said if he doesn't hear anything by Thursday, he will call his doctor's office--I agreed.

Everytime I think about him, my tummy gets upset---am trying not to dwell on what might be.



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Safe trip back GC. Plenty of time for a mani?pedi when you have time. I'm just like you when it comes to getting things done. A bit of OCD. In the old days with rounds we would fold a piece of paper and write all of our patient names and what had to be done. Still do the same thing wit chores. Old brain now.

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Just returned from my orthopedic doctor. I had a choice of wearing a boot or a cast. I decided a boot having previously experienced a cast. My left ring finger is fractured so I have been splint on that. I have a walker and can move much better. It's very painful and very swollen. So this fall was a twofer.....ankle and finger broken. Well this is keeping my husband busy.He is taking very good care of me. He had great practice when I was going through my breast cancer! His brother was cremated no word on service yet. Waiting for those biopsy results can be brutal. I wouldn't wait till Thursday I would call tomorrow and put a little pressure on them. Em


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Registered: ‎04-14-2010

hi girls, I'm sad to read some of the news, life can sure be tough sometimes, prayers for all of you that are hurting, in any way.

graciesmom, I hope your brother gets his biopsy news soon, lord only knows I understand the waiting. But after my trip to Chicago, I understand that it doesn't have to be an endless waiting game. They don't play that stupid game at cancer treatment centers. I think back on that trip , it feels like a thousand years ago. In a way. 

Anybody besides me going through the tortures of income tax? It's a real nightmare and I can't really get into it. But I don't have much choice.
