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Hi all-


I'm scheduled for surgery on Oct 5th. No time  yet. I'll find out on the Monday before. I have to go in this next week for an EKG tho. Next week I'll start getting things ready for my few days of down time. I don't anticipate much drama. But I did find some tops in my closet that I haven't been able to wear due to weight gain and then the one-boob-hung-low and "sheila" thing---should be able to fit into them soon. Amazing how much room boobs take up.

I am so envious about the meeting of lioness and gcr---want to sit and eat with them!!!!  Bet there will be some crazy winking going on!!!!



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Wishing you 2 girls well on your surgeries.  I think you will be very happy with what you have chosen.  Just went to my hair stylist and she had a double mastectomy with reconstruction and just recently had to have a revision.  She is happy that she had reconstruction, but has not been without problems.  She cannot even wear a bra it is so tender in that area.


Two other women I know had infections and issues with their reconstructions.  So they are not without problems, but if you want to have boobs, go for it - each woman has to decide this sort of thing for themselves. These women are in their late forties, so that could have had something to do with their decisions.  They all had supportive husbands.


Anyway, I just want you ALL to know that, and I think I have GCR's agreement with this, you are ALL are invited to have lunch with us!!!!  12:30, don't be late!  GCR is going to have "bells on", so I will hear her coming.  We don't plan to behave ourselves - a little loud and rowdy, so come join the fun - we want you all here with us!



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I'm opting to go down in size, no implants, chest/skin expanders, etc.


I just want some symetry (preferably high and tight, like the Marine Corps).

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Hey Pam whats going on in Washington State?? Did they find that moron yet??  Time to throw Sheila in the garbage. She outlived her usefulness. I know those Ahh bras are going to do the trick for you. Now you can wear anything. 

Maestra good news about the surgery as well. Everyone will be fine. 

GC ad Lannie, try not to get arrested. 


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jackie--YES--they got that idiot last night. A 20 year old kid!!!!  I am in shock over all this---we were up that direction near Burlington on our way to my brothers wedding a couple weeks ago.  Haven't been at that mall as there is an outlet mall before it that I've been too. what is it going to take to convince people that guns are not the answer to any  problem----a freaking miracle, I think. and yes , I know---guns don't kill people, people kill people---blah, blah. blah. Stripey--where are  you--I need to pet you!!!!!!!!


Yes "sheila" will be retired--think I can donate it to the cancer store at my hospital. It's in great condition as I hardly wore it in the last 2 years.


Getting back to boobs----

Lannie- I have to say that the 3 drs I asked/told about my boob-less decision all said the same thing---there is alot that can go wrong with recon due to the many hours it takes to do it .Not saying this surgery can't go south either ,  but recon is a major undertaking for many months; for me it would have been nearly a year from start to finish. Yikes!!!


mae, I'm sure you will love your perky new girls. I will choose smaller "sheilas" when I'm at that stage. My ins will cover prosthetics and bras, 100% each year. I get 4 new bras a year and new  set boobs a year. Maybe by Dec I will have NEW----PARTY BOOBS!!!!!!!!

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I would LOVE to see a pic of grc with bells on and also Lannie winking------------here is a pic of me and my new, "old" sis-in-law at her wedding. I am in black! No bells, or winking but I can say that there was a lemonade/vodka drinkie that could have made me very winkie----corrie-pam.JPG

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Pam! You're a knock out! im not surprised, because I've known for a long time you are beautiful on the inside!

hows everyone doing today? I'm lazy as usual. 

Supposed to cool off , today, and I am super ready for it. It's been Africa hot summer time here since April, cool air please. Smiley Happy



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Pam your a beauty. Oh meant to tell you I found the AHH bra's on Zuilly for like two for 10.99.