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F1, I had trouble with this website yesterday, I could read the posts, but I couldn't sigh in and post. Pam, glad to hear your bronchitis is finally cleared up . My Christmas was fine, but I'll be glad when all the holidays are over and things can get back to normal! Happy New Year , may we all be blessed with good health ! Goldie
Posts: 50
Registered: ‎09-24-2012

Hello everyone. I would like to wish all of you a very happy and healthy 2015!!!!!



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Registered: ‎11-30-2011
On 12/31/2014 akaGoldie said: F1, I had trouble with this website yesterday, I could read the posts, but I couldn't sigh in and post. Pam, glad to hear your bronchitis is finally cleared up . My Christmas was fine, but I'll be glad when all the holidays are over and things can get back to normal! Happy New Year , may we all be blessed with good health ! Goldie

I had written little notes to everyone...well, you're all in my thoughts.

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Posts: 1,354
Registered: ‎11-30-2011

I know my maladies are nothing compared to many of you. Maybe I'm just in a horrible mood.

I had my endocrinology day yesterday at Mayo. Lots of labs in the morning, including an AM Cortisol test. I met with my wonderful endo doc in the afternoon to go over results and further discuss my ongoing symptoms, which have been crazy, to say the least. My body has been in constant fluctuation - body temp 98-97.5-102, freezing one moment sweating profusely the next, glucose anywhere from 70-370 without food or anything to spike it, double vision, confusion, blood pressure 110/70-185/98-70/50 all over the place, fatigue, no appetite. Oh and the real fun one - I gained almost 25 lbs since November without changing my diet at all - oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, fish, veggies.

My Cortisol is 2. She said is should definitely be higher. I'm wondering now if the test should be done differently since I'm up most nights very late. She is concerned about my pituitary glands and hypothalamus since these problems all point to that area. Plus, are now known as a result of Yervoy. She's ordered an MRI of my brain to be done Weds.

Then tonight I had dinner with my Mom & Dad. Supposed to be a festive holiday dinner. Instead I hear, "Well, at least I'm not a hypochondriac like you." My reply, "I'm not a hypochondriac. I'm trying to get over cancer, treatment and the fallout." "No, you're a hypochondriac." "Mom, do you think I faked cancer, had surgery for fun, am healthy now?"

I left early, came home and cried.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

35 years cancer free, wishing everyone a healthy New Year.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Wishing all of the lovely ladies on this thread a very Happy New Year! Thank you very much to the ladies who helped me through a tough time in 2013. Wishing that the new ladies are able to get through their challenges and return to good health. Wishing everyone here happiness and health in 2015!

“Do not think only of your own joy, but vow to save all beings from suffering.”
Dalai Lama
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Posts: 2,585
Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 1/1/2015 JBinRWC said:

Wishing all of the lovely ladies on this thread a very Happy New Year! Thank you very much to the ladies who helped me through a tough time in 2013. Wishing that the new ladies are able to get through their challenges and return to good health. Wishing everyone here happiness and health in 2015!

And sending condolences to those who lost loved ones in 2014. May you find peace and comfort to help you deal with your losses in 2015. Sending hugs to you.

“Do not think only of your own joy, but vow to save all beings from suffering.”
Dalai Lama
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Posts: 15,134
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Celtic--good that super-hubby is going with you{#emotions_dlg.laugh}Please tell him I think he is super!!! And yes, you can get your pathology/surgical notes and give them to another dr for review and opinions. You need to find out for sure---what is what!!! Am still fuming over this!!!! But you are right about just concentrating on your recovery too.

F1--girlfriend---I am so sorry about all you are going thru!! Please don't think for one minute that your issues are less than the rest of us!!! I had no idea how much you are suffering. And as for your mom----she is and was out of line--sounds like the horrible things my late mom use to say to her "loved" ones. I never did tell her about my cancer as I knew I didn't need that nonsense during my adventure. You were right to leave. Are you feeling like this path of discovery from your dr is a good one? I send you nothing but good luck. As always, keep us informed!!

goldie--so glad this bronchitis thng is done with---Now I can put my Depends away--you know--cough/p*ee, cough/ p*eeWink Yes I am glad too, that all this holiday stuff is done.

uk---hey girlie--hope you have a great 2015 too!! Nice to hear from you! You doing ok? How's mom doing?

Diana---please check in with us. It's been awhile.

Today is day 3 of cold temps, frosty, but sunny weather here is WA state. Looks like snow outside in my yard, as the frost is so heavy. But the rain is coming back by Friday night so back to grey and gloomy and wet.

would love for 2015 to be a good one for us!!


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Posts: 15,134
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 1/1/2015 Lakk said:

35 years cancer free, wishing everyone a healthy New Year.

So incredible--35 years cancer free!! Here's to another 35 years{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,496
Registered: ‎09-23-2011

A healthy and happy New year to all of you.

F1 yup your endocrine system is in the toilet. Have to sort it out. And I'm sure your mother and mine were twins in another life. She just doesn't want to face the fact that her child is going through all of this. She's in denial.

Rizzo, how are you holding up?? Drink that water!! We're here if you need us.

Cocoa, how are you doing?? Write and tell us how you are.

Lakk, congrats on being cancer free. Your an inspiration.

Pam, it';s freezing here and all of the tourists were in Times Square last night. Been there done that. I'm old and need warmth. I can watch the ball drop very comfortably from my couch.

UK. Hey girlfriend how are you doing.

Lannie, where are you??
