Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎06-07-2010

My husband had a heart attack about month ago and had 4 stent put in. The dr has him on the drug EFFIENT to keep platelets from sticking to stents. Effient is a brand name & no generic until 2014. Medicare and our suppliment won't pay anything on the brand name. The dr really wants him to take it. The cost is approx $270 a month for this drug only. He takes 2 insulins and various other meds. We can't afford $270 a month for Effient. I went on line and there are Canadian sites that advertise this drug as generic and brand name Effient. AND it's a lot cheaper. My questions-is it illegal to order drugs from Canada and what sites can you trust to give you the correct indgs. Any help, I thank you.