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OkeyDokey, Finally I'm cleared of C-Diff. I didn't need the implant because after I took 5 days of antibiotics I felt better and things changed. During this time my daughter was checked and found out she is a carrier so she couldn't donate anyway. I talked to my doctor on the phone and then made an appointment to see him to go over things.

Because I have to take 2 antibiotics before any type of surgery my GI said to take 5 days of the Vancomycin along with the antibiotics. He said this should prevent any C-Diff from coming back. Also, I told him that I felt that the Vancomycin went through me too fast to do any good. When I took the 5 day I took Imodium with it and for some reason it worked. I have no symptoms so I didn't get a recheck. It feels so good to be rid of that. My GI sent a prescription to my pharmacy to hold when and if I need it. So things did turn out well for me. 4 months of it was worse than childbirth.

I never used so much bleach.

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Good for you! That must be such a relief! People don't realize how horrible this stuff is.

I have been on some serious heavy duty meds for a year now and am very concerned about this. I have been faithfully taking probiotics since I've been on this medicine and pray that it will protect me as much as possible.

I hope you have continued good health!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Good to hear you're doing better.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Registered: ‎06-23-2014
Thank goodness you are better. I'm sure that was a nightmare!!
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Registered: ‎09-01-2010
Very glad to read this good news kismet!
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my mother died of C Diff

Posts: 65
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

My mom who is 102 and who is in rehab has had C-diff for over 2 months........3rd antibiotic......It is devastating when you are that old.......glad to hear you are over it...probably the you nger you are the easier your body can fight it off.....

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Posts: 579
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Thanks everyone.

headvase, I was on antibiotics for 3 months and had to be so careful to make sure I washed my hands with hot water and soap. Had to clean everything with bleach. Bathroom, door handles, light switches, remote controls, everything. I didn't let anyone come to the house either. I would think in rehab your mother may get rid of it and then get it all over again because of where she is. I did take 2 Florastor when on antibiotics and continued taking one when I stopped the antibiotics. I will always take one a day. My GI doctor said I didn't have to but I told him I took them for a few years after my first bout when I took antibiotics for surgery and I was fine. When I stopped taking the Florastor I got it again. I had taken no antibiotics for over a year and that was only 2 before a colonoscopy. My husband never got it so I know everything was clean here. Be careful when you see your mom cause I read that some people picked it up just being around a person with it. It stays on surfaces for a long long time too. I was suppose to have cataract surgery in Sept and my eye doctor said she wouldn't do the surgery until I had a doctor clear me. So I see her this month after he faxed a letter to her.

I look at going into a hospital or doctor's office differently now. I will sit alone and touch nothing. I even use a tissue to press the elevator buttons.

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I am so glad that you are feeling better now, kismet. This is great news!

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Helen Bach, I am so sorry for your loss, such a horrible disease and I am sure you felt so helpless!!!

In Sunny AZ