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@MIGRL --just wanted to let you know that this thread is from 2021------old news now.


. But I also broke my ankle Oct 12th and had surgery on the 18th. Was in a splint for a couple weeks but got a huge monster boot 2 weeks later and still am in it--- but can bear some weight on it now.I have been doing p/t for a month now, 2x a week and then doing my p/t  homework on the off days. My foot/ankle looks and is  feeling better but still needs more work before I can walk. I use a walker, a wheelchair and crutches. I think your dr will tell you what you should do as well as you p/t person. You must have broken your right foot? Me too and could not drive now at all. Don't rush things!! Stay with p/t and do your exercises too. I am 68 years old so not a spring chicken and my p/t guy scolded me for going too hard and heavy with my routine. 

there is a wellness board that you might post on--

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Registered: ‎07-10-2019

Hey @wagirl. I/ve read several of your emails.  I wanted to tell you that I too fractured my ankle in 2 places September of last year.


I live in a 2 story home, had to sit down, crawl, whatever to get down the stairs to the ER.  I did have a cane and my boyfriend to help hold me up getting there. 


They put me in a splint and referred me to ankle doctor.  I did not have to have surgery.  They said to use crutches.  Crutches walking up a spiral stair case?  That was crazy.  Anyway I went to the foot doctor and he put in that big boot.  I'm, tall and thin.  The boot made my ankle push backwards and the pain became worse!  My hip and sciatic nerve was killing me.  I think it was from walking backwards in that darn boot.


Long story short, I dumped the boot after  a day and half.  It set me back with recovery I believe.  I put the splint back on and used the cane. Hopped up and down stairs sitting for 10 weeks.

I'm ok now.  Have pain in the ankle sometimes but that's life I guess.


Best of luck to you in your recovery.  It's that boot I tell you. OMG....


PS.  I bruised more in the boot.


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Posts: 14,627
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Pink123 --Oh you poor thing!! I can so sympathize with you.


I had to have surgery as the break was very bad--so was in a splint for 2 weeks after surgery then into that dang boot until just this past Monday, altho I took it off to sleep and then it got so heavy and rubbed the outside of my foot that I didn't wear it for much of the past 2 weeks. but dr said all is healed and can wear normal shoes but--that annkle is still swollen and there is not much flexiblity yet--- still am doing p/t for awhile. I lived in a 2 story house when I had achilles tendon surgery so know about stairs--went up and down those things on my butt , but not with the crutches--a disaster waiting to happen for me. I have lost about 15+ lbs during all this and my upper body is stronger from it all--use crutches and a walker still. but am so over all this---am 68 and that is way too old for anything to break!!!

glad you are doing better--no more broken bones!!!!Woman Mad

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Registered: ‎07-10-2019

Re: Broken Ankle

[ Edited ]

Hi   @wagirl    Thanks, I totaly understand. It was a long 3 months pushing up and down those stairs.  However, I gained alot of upper arm muscle strength do so.  I'm tall, thin.  Now those upper muscles are going away...LOL.  I think I will try to continue it backing myself up for the exercise once ot twice a day.  It's pretty good!


Whatever happens, I  don't feel the same with my ankle.

I hope you do better than myself. Maybe with time.  I'm going to Europe in April and ordered a pair of Nike pegasus walking shoes for daytme.  


I am in a nice fine flat shoe for dress up since early September. No pain.


Take care now.  Smiley Happy

































































































































Hi @wagirl. I feel your pain.   We are about thre same age so  I can relate.  At least you are healing which wonderful, It's hard for people to understand when they do not know. 


God bless.