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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

@grandma2pkmh  Purple has been my favorite color since I was a little girl.  Happens to be my college color too so it was jock approved at the sports clinic.  Smiley Happy


The cast guy's first words to me were stick nothing in it.  Use a blow dryer if you have to on cool.  I had no idea what he was talking about and asked "why would I do either?"  He told me they get itchy.


Love it.  It's 90 degrees here.  It better not.  Smiley Sad


They did give me a cast cover.  I'll have to take another picture.  It is literally a long glove with a suction cup like they use in nuclear plants or big incubators.  It's my new Star Trek accessory.  I was expecting a plastic bag cover thing too.  Nope.  This thing is a true astronaut's glove.  

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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

Here you go.  This is a stock photo but this is exactly what they gave me.  LOL!



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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

@Laura14 wrote:



@SeaMaiden  @grandma2pkmh  Who's signing first?  Smiley Very Happy


That is my employer's ugly carpet BTW.  I am stunned that I was allowed to walk around with a broken wrist for 4 days but okay.  Love the ortho guys once I got in.  Even they said the same thing.  This happened Saturday and we're seeing you now?


Turns out the urgent care had the wrong bone broken.  I broke the big bone in the arm which most people do, not the little one urgent care said I did.  Can hardly see it on the x-ray.  The student doc and I looked a long time before the experienced guy came in and said right there.      


About 5 students watched him cast my arm. And no one told me the cast cover looked like a mad scientist glove.   I'm thrilled he allowed my elbow out so I am good to go for the next 3 weeks.  He said if I had gone to the ER, I'd have been a mummy.  Good call brother-in-law.


Got my calcium supplements that I have to take for the next 3 months and stocked up on cheese and almond milk last night in case they did mummify me.  I should be all set.






Looks pretty close to the cast I had on my left forearm when I tore the ligament in the web part between my thumb and first finger. Fact, mine was also blue, but a different shade.


Familiar look of me typing on my keyboard while hovering above the keys. Good workout for my arm, but a little frustrating hitting the right keys. Could lace up my ice skates, but couldn't tie the bow. Guy at the rink did that for me for my 6 weeks in that thing.


Well, glad you are getting yours off in 3 weeks. It, at times can be a pain in the a** doing certain things for sure. Out small car space  between the door/window frame and the steering wheel? Minimal at best, drove more with right hand in regular grip position, but left towards 6-7 o'clock position.


Was weeks before I felt comfortable enough to hold mr Thermos coffee mug with that hand, just didn't have enough grip till my grip strength exercising paid off.


I play a death march tune on my cornet for your hated enemy, that brush(can't use the other word I guess)!


Take care now and watch out for those trees that jump in front of cars I often hear drivers complain about after they hit one.













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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

LOL  I love you @hckynut!  My car is a stick shift so I have that driving technique down pat.  Almost.  My left is kind of useless right now because it hurts when I try and grab for anything.   So it's one handed shift and steer so far with the right.  


I know the plant world is stalking me but I can take them.  Stores are packed with Round Up this time of year.  I stub one toe in the fresh air the rest of this summer and the bermuda grass gets it too!  I have no problem telling the HOA we are going with a new sandy beach theme for our landscape.  


And thanks for the music.  I was going to go with bagpipes and maybe Oh Danny Boy but your touch is so much more appropriate and a personal performance too.  I'm extremely honored.  Smiley Very Happy  

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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

@Laura14 wrote:



@SeaMaiden  @grandma2pkmh  Who's signing first?  Smiley Very Happy


That is my employer's ugly carpet BTW.  I am stunned that I was allowed to walk around with a broken wrist for 4 days but okay.  Love the ortho guys once I got in.  Even they said the same thing.  This happened Saturday and we're seeing you now?


Turns out the urgent care had the wrong bone broken.  I broke the big bone in the arm which most people do, not the little one urgent care said I did.  Can hardly see it on the x-ray.  The student doc and I looked a long time before the experienced guy came in and said right there.      


About 5 students watched him cast my arm. And no one told me the cast cover looked like a mad scientist glove.   I'm thrilled he allowed my elbow out so I am good to go for the next 3 weeks.  He said if I had gone to the ER, I'd have been a mummy.  Good call brother-in-law.


Got my calcium supplements that I have to take for the next 3 months and stocked up on cheese and almond milk last night in case they did mummify me.  I should be all set.


My mother has already contacted the landscaper and that bush and all of his relatives have a quick execution date.  Tick tock bushes....Smiley Surprised







You have a wonderful sense of humor.


Your cast is lovely.  Good luck, hopefully the 3 weeks will pass by quickly.


A few years ago I fell on the ice (skating) and broke both my wrists.  My casts were grass green. They were on for St. Patrick's Day so they were the perfect accessory.


The carpet is interesting.

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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

@lulu2  BOTH wrists?  Wow, I'll shut up now.  I couldn't even...Bow down to you girl!  Heart  

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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

@Laura14 wrote:

Thanks!  @forest4thetrees I had a strained ankle ligament once when I was 26 maybe. I was fine.  Until the middle of the night like you said which is why my 46 year old self is thinking pay the money just in case.


And bravo for the pillow idea!  I was thinking what I could possibly do to elevate it at night. A pillow, stupid.  Yet another use for the MyPillow. I'll use the firm one.   Smiley LOL


Thanks for helping me out.  Heart  Today is not my day!


@Laura14  Both DD and I had sprained ankles, at different times, and we couldn't sleep due to the throbbing immensely painful ankles.  I slathered SportsGel all over them, and the pain went away enough for us to be able to sleep.  This is my miracle treatment for any external pain.

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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

I am so sorry this as happened.  We never realize how much we take for granted until something like this occurs.  I got put in a full leg cast for torn ligaments in 1977 the summer in between my freshman and sophomore year practicing cheerleader jumps.   For the first three days while it was drying it weighed 70 pds. and my Mom or my best friend had to lift my leg up so I could go to the bathroom.  It was way too heavy for me to lift until it dried and I figured it all out.  I was still mortified.  What helped was thinking about my cousin who the year before got his Driver's License then proceeded on the same day to wreck his car and broke both his arms.  My uncle had to help him for a couple of months with ALL his bathroom chores.  My humiliation and inconvenience for the next 6 weeks were a bit easier.  Still I would not want to go without a limb ever again.

@Laura14 I hope it all goes quickly and easy as possible for you, my prescription EAT ICE CREAM!!

Get well and stay safe.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Broke myself for the first time this morning

Sending healing thoughts to you @Laura14.❤️