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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

Not sure I understand what being in Florida has to do with this incident. 

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

I just don't trust HMO's. I am in the medical field and it seems HMO to me means cut rate care. In my area, the worst doctors are on the HMOs lists. I also, 10 years ago got caught up in having to have PT 3 X per week and with a $40 per visit copay. The copay does not go towards your deductible either. The next year I switched my insurance to a high deducible plan and a heath savings account. With the high deductible plan, at least the money I am paying out goes to my deductible and then  when I meet my deductible, most everything is covered at 100% except medications. I will say that what I spend on medications goes to my deductible to. Not so with co-pay plans. To boot, you can deduct what you spend off of your income taxes when you have a HSA. 

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

@AuntG wrote:

Not sure I understand what being in Florida has to do with this incident. 

@AuntG  I don't know either.  I have read some really " bizarre" doctor visits on these boards and they are from all over the country.  I also don't know why she picked Florida to complain about, of all places.  There are probably more retirees here than anywhere else, so we have doctors who really care about their patients.  At least, that's been our experience in all the years we have lived here.  


Many years ago, when I was young, I worked in the No. 1 Children's Hospital in the country.    Doctors came from all over the world to have their children cared for.  They have the top Pediatricians and pediatric sub-specialists.





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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

The reason for your angst is - - - HMO.  Yes, cheap, many "buts."


With our Blue X/Blue Shield PPO, I pick my physicians.  Am not limited to a list someone gives me.  This means I can go out shopping for the best.


(I "had" 4 friends in SF and the Bay Area who were "K" HMO pts, but are no longer with us, to put it mildly.  All were misdiagnosed, went into rapid decline and, well, you can guess what happened.  How is it that a K doc continues to dx a pt with chronic bronchitis for 10 years, without ordering any films???  When my friend finally became very much worse, films were ordered and guess what they found?  Riiiiiiight.  Lung cancer.  Walter was gone in 30 days...   and that's just one example.  Just sayin.')

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

The OP's description of the doctors office reminded me ot an episode of "Better Call Saul". Saul started out with his law firm office being in a tiny closet in the back of a oriental nail salon. Woman Surprised

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

Insurance is just like anything else , you get what you pay for. When my husband needed PT after his fall, he had a PT come to our home daily, for a few weeks. We didn't pay a cent


You bought a plan that wasn't a bargain , it was just cheap. 

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

I'm convinced if the OP didn't have something to complain about she'd have nothing to say at all...

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

The OP lives in south Sarasota county - not exactly out in the middle of a sparsely populated area as she likes to infer by saying she's in a "small beach town". There are plenty of fine healthcare providers in the area. It's the cheap insurance she choose that's the problem. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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Re: Bizarre doctors appt. today

@151949 wrote:

I am not surprised at all by this - after all - this is Florida.

Seems like you are always saying how Florida is the greatest and best place to live. Has something changed?