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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

On 3/22/2015 rina33 said:

When your knee first started giving you problems, did your knee swell up and make it difficult to walk? Did the pain shoot down your leg to your calf? Did the swelling become hard (as opposed to "soft", which would be fluid accumulation)?

Hi rina33, I had my surgery last June on my right knee so I know a little bit about knee problems. I had a total knee replacement. Now with that said, if you are having the problems that you have mentioned, you need to see an orthopedic doctor. Let him or her decide what steps you need to take. Whether it is shots, a scope, or replacement. When your pain gets bad in your knee you will know it's time to see someone. Don't put it off.

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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

On 3/22/2015 sfnative said:
On 3/22/2015 GoodStuff said:

Another of those "medical posts" that makes me clutch my head and rock back and forth in my chair. G

Why did you find it so very necessary to be incredibly rude to the OP?????

There's already a topic going regarding your rant. Why don't you go over there and complain?

There are enough people in this country right now being rude and untruthful. Must you?

I KNEW there'd be one. There's always one. Sometimes another will follow. I believe these miserable people intentionally do this to ruin the thread and make people subconsciously not want to say anything. Sick!

BTW, thanks for the positive replies. I appreciate the feedback.

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

On 3/22/2015 GoodStuff said:

My comments may have been direct, but they were not rude. And certainly not "untruthful". People who have concerning medical symptoms need to see a doctor, not troll for opinions and advice on bulletin boards. No one here knows OP or her health and medical history........and no one can see her knee or is trained to evaluate her symptoms online. Your comments are unnecessary and without merit.

WRONG! THIS IS A "CHAT" BOARD. People express their opinions and talk about their personal experiences. Now, PLEASE GO AWAY. PLEASE.

There are always people like YOU who just come here to RUIN a discussion.

Please, just GO AWAY!

You're adding NOTHING to the discussion. Your comments are useless, mean, obnoxious and arrogant.

Good riddance.

Anyone else with an experience to share, you're more than welcome to post.

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

I am recovering from knee surgery right now. Five weeks since surgery. It started with pain, especially when I try to kneel down....then it would lock up on me when I would stand up...very painful. It also felt like I had a marble behind my knee...turns out it was from a cyst. Diagnosis...I had a torn meniscus, both sides of my left knee and two cysts. Surgery went well. Recovery is taking longer than I had hoped, but doc says that's my age...58. Still a lot of discomfort and I can't kneel down at all...yet. But glad I had it done. When fully recovered I'll be like the Bionic Woman.....LOL
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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

On 3/22/2015 grandma petes said: I am recovering from knee surgery right now. Five weeks since surgery. It started with pain, especially when I try to kneel down....then it would lock up on me when I would stand up...very painful. It also felt like I had a marble behind my knee...turns out it was from a cyst. Diagnosis...I had a torn meniscus, both sides of my left knee and two cysts. Surgery went well. Recovery is taking longer than I had hoped, but doc says that's my age...58. Still a lot of discomfort and I can't kneel down at all...yet. But glad I had it done. When fully recovered I'll be like the Bionic Woman.....LOL

May I ask, did you have a scope type surgery, or total knee replacement?

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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

Klein. I had a lateral release too. I couldn't bend my knee which made walking next to impossible. Both of my knees buckle now. Does anyone else have this problem? I have to hold on when I walk on the treadmill.
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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

On 3/22/2015 GoodStuff said:

Another of those "medical posts" that makes me clutch my head and rock back and forth in my chair. Good heavens, Rina! Whatever symptoms other people may have experienced, what treatment they've received, how things have turned out, or whether they think theirs might be anything like's obvious that you have developed a significant knee problem, either from an injury, wear and tear, or even a disease process! Stop playing "match my symptoms" and "help me guess my diagnosis" on bulletin boards and see a doctor for exam, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment options.

And yes, I've had two total knee replacements. My symptoms included pain, swelling, and decreased walking ability.

I really doubt that anyone on this board accepts other peoples stories as the official diagnosis of their problem and then do not see a doctor. Instead, they use this information as a guide as to what to expect when they do see a doctor. Personally, I have finally made an appointment with an ortho surgeon, I will not see him for a few months so I may come here and seek advice from other sufferers. If you do not like posters asking these questions do not read these posts. Do everyone a favor, do not come here, do not read the posts, do not respond.
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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

If the swelling is red and warm it could be inflammation and accumulation of lymph in the joint. Raising your knee above your heart for a few hours should help. But you should get it seen by an orthopedic surgeon before you could injure it further. The knee is a complicated joint.

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Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

I had those symptoms. Knee swelling and pain down my shin and even in my ankle. I thought maybe I had more than one injury.

MRI showed both meniscus torn, actually just ragged from old age (60) an I had a cortisone shot in the beginning of January. Went back to water aerobics and ended up on crutches as could hardly walk. I also had a Bakers Cyst at the back of my knee.

He said from the MRI no knee replacement was needed. Thank goodness for that! He suggested an Arthroscopy to "clean it up which I had on January 23rd. Had it on a Friday and went back to work on Tuesday, yes I am nuts, as I work at desk and could elevate and ice as needed. Physical therapy then for four weeks and now 7 weeks later it can be almost fine but still a bit weak one day, and the next day I am worried it is regressing.

Doctor said I would lose 80% of the strength and he was right about that, would be 6 weeks until improvement and 3 months until fully recovered. I did PT for 4 weeks now do it at home and go to the gym twice per week to ride bike and water aerobics.

It is "only a scope" but it is surgery and have to expect to be laid up a few months. Not for the faint of heart. New statistics show outcome almost the same, with or without the scope. I am glad it is over but not sure I would sign up for it again and would have waited longer to see if it improved on its own.

I take Life Extension Bio Cucurmin (turmeric) and that does help as does exercising in the water. Read about that supplement here.

Good luck and find a good orthopedic doctor for advice.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Attn: Ladies who've had KNEE Surgery

double post