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Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

A remark I heard Marie Osmond make on her Nutrisystem commercial got me thinking while watching the current LOGO show.........

Marie said something about wearing sweatpants to be comfy and not realizing how much larger we're getting. Do you think that the more "tenting" that seems to be happening with a lot of the Q fashions is making us too comfy with getting larger and less likely to do something about it??

I realize that extra weight has many causes....some of which are beyond the person's control....others are just plain happy with their size and that is also fine, but are all the loose flowing oversized tops just a way to fool ourselves?

OK.....bash away!

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

Yes. And Lori Goldsteins clothes do not help the situation. To just cover IT up it not the answer to fixing the over weight issue. People need to wake up and smell the roses. You can not eat junk food and not exercise and be healthy with extra weight on. PERIOD.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

hulagirl - I do find that fashion on QVC is often described as being able to cover a multitude of sins - just heard that comment in the logo show.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

Yes, to some degree all winter clothes cover us up. I think that is the reason we all get motivated when summer comes and we are in shorts and swimsuits!!

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

I know when I started teaching young children and started wearing pants with elastic waists for comfort, it was easy to lose track of weight gain.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

If you read reviews, many say they cannot wear LOGO because it will show all their rolls and bumps and that you have to be tall and skinny to look good in it. Tent dresses were in style back in the 60's so I don't think you can blame fashion for weight gain. It has a lot more to do with a sedentary life style.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

Yes, the weight gain has a lot to do with our sedentary lifestyles. The designers know that people are not going to buy clothes that they do not look good in, so they are designing to cover that "multitude of sins." It is all about the almighty dollar for the designers.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

On 1/20/2014 BlueCollarBabe said:

If you read reviews, many say they cannot wear LOGO because it will show all their rolls and bumps and that you have to be tall and skinny to look good in it. Tent dresses were in style back in the 60's so I don't think you can blame fashion for weight gain. It has a lot more to do with a sedentary life style.

Of course, lifestyle is a contributor.......what I'm talking about is clothing that seems to grow with you.....everything stretchy, loose, and flowing. I do think that, in a lot of cases, it keeps many from realizing how big they're getting and tends to fool them from the fact that they're gaining weight.

When I put on my non-tent type clothing and pants that have a regular set-in waistband, I know immediately when I need to take a step back with my food or exercise a little more.....not so much with the loose stretchy stuff.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

This is reminding me of that story about Arnold Schwartzenegger.

His puny calves embarrassed him so he deliberately wore only short pants that revealed them to everyone. The ensuing self-consciousness made him work hard to build them up until he was satisfied.

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Re: Are we getting TOO comfortable with our average american size?????

yes, but skinny/thin (in my own experience) does not equal health. In fact, in many cases it is just a different version of unhealthy habits!