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Re: Are You Falling Apart?

[ Edited ]

@sfnative So I wrote all of these concerns down  so other posters can answer these questions if the information is applicable.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@GingerPeach wrote:


Hi Rebecca

I know you didn't like the one you tried, but just so you're aware (and maybe you are), the memory foam comes in different weights.  Some let you sink in completely, and others keep you more "on top."  There are some good reviews on amazon that talk about the difference.

If you plug in "memory foam topper" on amazon, the first option that comes up has very intelligent reviewers.  



Re the different weights of memory foam - I absolutely did not know that!!!  I need to sink!





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@LTT1 wrote:

@sfnative I'm sorry that you are having these dire health issues. Do they have a clue as to the cause?

It would be very important for you to be able to get comfortable when sleeping.

i just will say that there are a few things I don't like about our rather new mattress. The main thing is that the soft top (which I sink into) is so hot. I asked DH not to purchase a "pillow top"... He said the guy told him it was not a pillow top. ??


Is this all that is available now? "Non-pillow top" pillow tops?  Have wondered about putting a topper on it for more even distribution?


DSIL and husband purchased a foam mattress which after hoopla they got their $$ back... It had mold!


in my mind, I picture a foam top as being hot and not "breathing.  



Hi Loves,


The bone marrow/red blood cell business: labs and results of a recent brain MRI, found that my calvarium was bereft of all bone marrow: it has been destroyed by a disease process, so we need to find out what that is and what other bones have also been involved and to what extent (the sooner the better, so treatment an commence).


I hadn't thought about being hot after sinking, but that sure makes sense.  Since I need to sink to a certain extent to be comfortable, a lot more research is required on my end.  Thanks for sharing your experience and that of family and friends.  Though it may have been negative, it's very helpful.



Used up the last of my IT brow gel pencil (the older style which they no longer make - Boo) and finally found a Walgreens with a Rimmel brow pencil in my color.  Really like it!  However, the brush is less than satisfactory, so will continue to use the brush on the end of the old IT brow pencil.


Take care, my friend. ~Rebecca

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@sfnative  I'm sorry... I wish I could have given positive insights on mattresses! 

Not sure what is the calvarium?


~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@LTT1 wrote:

@sfnative  I'm sorry... I wish I could have given positive insights on mattresses! 

Not sure what is the calvarium?




It was presumptuous of me to assume you'd know what the calvarium is.  So sorry.  Basically, it's the skull.  It is not solid bone.  There are places void of bone where bone marrow exists.  In my skull, all of the bone marrow is gone.


Found out late yesterday that amongst other things going on, I was diagnosed with a very unusual cervical dysplasia that has to come out.  Am waiting for a referral so we can get that going.  However, before any surgery, we have to get my blood count buffed up.  Am still waiting to hear from the oncologst's office.


Perhaps I'll at least have an appointment or two on calendar by tomorrow.


Enjoy your Thursday.

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Finally got my appointment for the hematologist/oncologist to address my bone marrow issue and also with the gyn so that we can schedule ts procedure to get that unusual dysplasia tissue out of there.


Hope you have a wonderful weekend.





p.s.  When we took our GD home today, I was sitting there talking to my daughter and my GD came over to me, looked me in the face and said, "Oma, stop talking. You're too loud."   LOL!   This 23 month old kiddo cracks us up!

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@sfnative Our little GD "runs the show and is very capable!" Aren't they lots of fun?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@LTT1 wrote:

@sfnative Our little GD "runs the show and is very capable!" Aren't they lots of fun?



More fun than a barrell of monkeys!


Last evening DD, SIL and GD went to see Weird Al at he Zoo here.  Now GD is saying, "I saw Weird Owl last night.  I love to dance.  They had dancing music for me."


This wonderful phase when their brains are just exploding with wonderfulness brings happiness to each day in such a big way.  Communication skills are moving forward at such a rapid pace these days, we continue to be amazed, as our daughter was speaking her own language at 23 months that only we could understand.


Here's to a great week for all.


Go Bless ~Rebecca

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GD (18mo) loves her "bee bee" (GS 3mo) and likes to "help please" (onoooo). The words are coming along for her!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Registered: ‎08-26-2015

@LTT1 wrote:


GD (18mo) loves her "bee bee" (GS 3mo) and likes to "help please" (onoooo). The words are coming along for her!



(I've been out of touch with huge laptop issues.  Found out that my "slow" keyboard was relative to a bug my computer had picked up, so we loaded "AVG" which nicely cleaned up my sick laptop.  Now it will keep an eye on all in-coming.  Phew!  Honestly, I thought I was protected with the two programs I had, but wasn't.  My husband told me, "Oh, you should install "AVG,"  I have it on my computer."  And, I'm thinking, "Well, why didn't you mention this 5 years ago? - which is how long he's had it loaded on his computer.  Geesh!)


Oh, how sweet!  I love that we're able to have this experience as grandparents.  It's so special.  I was unable to experience this the first time around with my daughter because she spoke in her own language (not English) for quite some time.  Then all of a sudden, she starte speaking English.  It was rather a challenge!



Today had an appointment with my new urologist to address long-standing burning bladder.  Another rude and condescending urologist addressed the issue some months ago, rx'd a cream, but no improvement.  Actually worse now.  Anyway, at least I now know no structural issues, nothing has prolapsed (this was important, as OR nurses can be subject to this malady - occupational hazard, if you will), no CA, no cystitis,no infection, no diagnosis yet.  Per usual, I present with a puzzle, so more things to do.  Next week off to the hematologist/oncologist to find out what's going on with my bone marrow/red blood cells.  Have had to postpone my foot surgery due to this condition.  Darn.


We remain hot.  We're all so very ready for fall to arrive, along with much needed rain.


Here's to a wonderful weekend for all.   Happy New Year, Loves!


God Bless ~Rebecca