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Hubby has it too.  Seems to run in his family.  Definitely too much uric acid in the system that crystallizes in the joint.  Everyone's food triggers differ.  There are lists on line of common trigger foods.   A teaspoon of baking soda in water, pure sour cherry juice ( available at health food stores or Trader Joes), taken regularly are preventatives.  Once the gout attack is present, it will just be 5-10 days of pain until it subsides.  Staying well hydrated may also help. Good luck!

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Thanks everyone for your help.I guess there is no real quick fix and this doesn't seem to be easily controlled.

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My nephew had an attack at our house and his feet swelled up so much he couldn't put on shoes.  Got him to urgent care and they gave him a shot and meds.  He was drinking too much alcohol and red meat which triggered the gout.

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Re: Anyone have gout?

[ Edited ]


Another 'modern day' illness which can be cured with diet.


An alkaline diet is key.  Low fat, plant based will reduce the amount of 

uric acid within the body.  Inflammation is reduced & gout will be a thing

of the past.    


People will cite 'genetics'...nope.  Not genetics but hereditary lifestyles.  Your great-grandmother cooked greasy, fatty foods, your nana cooked greasy, fatty foods...and passed the recipes to your mother, who cooked this way, then passed to us & our children who still make those foods today.  Greasy, fatty recipes passed from generation to generation.


Reduce animal & oil products, increase starches/beans/greens, gout will be at bay.  "But I've been eating this way...and STILL get gout!"  Beginning this type of diet can release the fat, increasing the uric acid & possibly triggering a gout attack.   But in the long term, when the fat is reduced in the diet, gout will be gone.  #BigPictureLongTerm

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@sidsmom do you have experience with gout yourself?how can you be sure that it is diet alone when most people eat terrible junk food and don't get gout.My son eats fairly healthy and no beef and he eats most of his meals at home.I will tell him to try your suggestion for eating and see if that can help.Thanks for your input...I appreciate it.

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎09-21-2010

 Some medications such as triamterene w/hctz (a diuretic) raise uric acid levels and trigger gout.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Ummmm take sidsmom's advice with a huge grain of salt ..... She thinks she has the answer for everything!


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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Anyone have gout?

[ Edited ]

@dex wrote:

@sidsmom do you have experience with gout yourself?how can you be sure that it is diet alone when most people eat terrible junk food and don't get gout.My son eats fairly healthy and no beef and he eats most of his meals at home.I will tell him to try your suggestion for eating and see if that can help.Thanks for your input...I appreciate it.


Thanks for being open to checking other alternatives.

That really means a lot! 💛


No, I've never had gout, but it sounds like your son is in a lot of pain.

This is a case where, if diet is changed, doing it "in moderation"

will not get the desired results.  

Just like anything, little changes will result in...well, little changes.

What's that saying?

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results."

Obviously, all due respect, his way is not working.


Here are a couple links which might inspire him to change...or at least explore the alternative. Change is difficult...and scary.  Most people would rather put up with sickness & pain before changing something so simple, like diet, but educating yourself makes the change more doable.  Read everything you can....Knowledge is power!  Good luck!





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@sidsmom We are a family that hates to just take a drug to solve s problem.We love holistic health and I know my son is willing to try anything to get thank you again.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

My husband has had recurring flare ups with gout but he finally tried a remedy that works without the meds the dr. gave him: fresh cherries. They have anti-inflammatory properties and when he feels a flare-up is about to happen he eats a handful of cherries; within a hour or so the pain in his foot/ toe usually subsides. When fresh cherries aren't available, he takes tart cherry capsules. I think I found them at Whole Foods but you can prob get them online as well. He was skeptical of trying cherries but swears by them now. He hasn't taken the meds for a long time. He mentioned the cherries to his dr. who rolled his eyes.....but as long as they work, why take the meds?  Hope your son can find relief with them.