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Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

[ Edited ]

My ophthalmologist suggested for me today. Sounds painful and perhaps unnecessary. Anyone go through this?


I didn't block out the word. It starts with an N, ends in a P and has an i in the middle. The people who run this board blotted it out with stars.

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?


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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

If your doctor thinks your eyelids are interfering with your vision, surgery wouldn't be unnecessary.  Not sure what you're blankIng out. 

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

What is *******? 

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

A blepharoplasty? I've never had it done but for some people it helps them see better by lifting up their droopy lids.

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

My brother in law had one done for medical reasons and it helped his vision a lot.  He was pleased with his results.  He doesn't have the same look as a cosmetic prodcedure.  

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

My husband had to have that done and he would get infections in his eyes from droopy lids.  He said it was a little painful but he made it through.

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

@geegerbee I think it would be  painful but if I could get my opthamologist to recommend it so that insurance would cover it I would get it!

I would love to have that space back for eye shadow!

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?



Two friends had it done in the last 6 months and neither one mentioned pain.


Quick healing time and they both were happy with the results.

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Re: Anyone have eyelid ****** and tuck?

@SilleeMee wrote:

A blepharoplasty? I've never had it done but for some people it helps them see better by lifting up their droopy lids.

Why didnt she just say that