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Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

Hi Everyone,


I've come here today asking this question because I have an interim Internist who is now calling me a drug addict, after my 2nd visit to him today.  I've now had 2 visits and been lectured at and lecture at.


History:  33+ years chronic migraine; 7+ years level 5-7 lumbar pain plus post-op at L5-S1; dropped metatarsal head in left foot; surgical error injury to insertion of ITB at left knee during total knee (man, this thing hurts).


The above are always with me.  I do not drink, don't smoke, never smoked a joint, don't do illegal drugs, try to eat as cleanly as I can, but have pronounced, intractable pain.  This one tablet, taken with breakfast, helps to make each day better.  And, yes, I know it wears off way before dinner.  And, yes, I tested myself in February by going off the drug for 3 weeks to see if I would experience any untoward effects.  The only thing that occurred was grumpiness, because I hurt and had nothing to relieve the pain.


Am unable to take NSAIDS; Tylenol is like taking a placebo to my body; I do use a TENS unit, when muscle spasms are moderate;  heat rather than cold; am now in PT; swimming hurts that ITB, so darnit that I can't use that for my back.


Oregon hired a doc from Massachusetts to "clean up" Oregon's bad drug rep.  My interim Internist tossed me in with the drug abusing population.  I'll be 70 in June and am about to throttle someone due to this policy.  Am firing this Internist for several reasons in mid-May, not the least of which was that at my follow-up visit today I told him I was halfway through the URI going around and had developed a cough, which is waking me at night.  Not once did he lay hands on me, let alone place his stethescope on my back and chest to take a listen.


Please tell me about your oxycodone experience.  I'd really appreciate it.

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

I really believe that 1 oxy a day - if that is really all you are taking - is having any more effect than a psychological one. 

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

@sfnative  Same thing going on in my state.


I feel very sorry for people with chronic pain, and the way they are treated.

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

[ Edited ]

I have never used anything stronger than aspirin.i have a friend whose husband was using that oxi for a back problem and he did become addicted.He is in his sixties and was caught stealing the pain meds of retired people that he was taking to their appointments.I don't know anything about the drug but maybe they can prescribe something less addicting for you if they don't want you to continue with the oxi.i hope you can get this resolved and feel less pain.

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

@sfnative I live in MA and they will prescribe my husband pain meds without question and his back and disc issues are 1/3 what mine are. But not me. They seem to have the attitude that every housewife is a narcotic abusing junkie.  In fact, I'm the opposite. I'm a pill hoarder. Most of my pain narcotics expire because I save them for an emergency. Unless I am immobile with pain, I save them in case it gets worse. But it doesn't matter to the doctors, in this state, they are extremely sexist where pain meds are concerned.

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

Do you see a pain doctor? Have you tried tramadol?

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

Don't take it personally, there is a big effort to only give those types of drugs for acute pain after surgery or acute injury like broken bones. 

It's because of all the abuse and meth labs nationwide.

I don't want to dimish your pain but 33 years is a long time to be on narcotics and not be addicted. There are other less addicting drugs and pain doctors that's all they do is manage pain. 

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

I probably shouldn't comment, because I don't take any mess, except an occasional Advil, however what good are pain mess if people in pain can't have them ?

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

Last year a friend of mine had back surgery that resolved her pain issues but then had to go into rehab to get off pain meds.What a mess that was.Fortunately, she is much better now a days. Nice to see her well and smiling again.

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Re: Anyone else here take one 10/325 Ocycodone per day for pain exceeding level 5?

Opioid  abuse is apparently the "in" thing with doctors now.  Anyone who takes pain meds is a "user".   I'm sure there are people who do abuse these drugs but to assume everyone who has a prescription is addicted is just wrong.  I'm sure addicts take more than one dose a day. 


My doctor constantly gives me scripts for Oxycodone.  I filled one 3-4 years ago and tore up the rest.  I still have half of the original bottle left because I only take one when I'm really hurting.  In my case it's my lower back. 


I had a friend who I learned was addicted to opioids.  She went through an ugly divorce the last year and moved back to her home state.  Over Christmas, she allowed her ex to visit her.  I was thoroughly disgusted after all I'd been through with her.  He's a psychological abuser and she was very fragile.  I told her it was the biggest mistake she'd ever make.  Unfortunately, I was right. 


On a Saturday morning in February, her sister found her dead in the new house she just bought.  It was an opioid overdose.  I seriously doubt it was accidental.  She was a healthy 62 year old.  She'd gone through periods where she was suicidal and I think she was very lonely. 


I asked her sister if she had anything potent enough to kill her and she assured me she did.  Doctors here wouldn't give her anything but she was in a new state with new doctors. 

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