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Anyone else cold and sleepy?

I have been so cold and sleepy lately.  I do have hypothyroidism and take 50 mics Levothyroxin daily, but wonder.  Don't know if it's just the hustle bustle of the season, the weather or my thyroid. 


Too busy to see the Dr...........will have to wait til after the first of the year.

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

@Patriot3 wrote:

I have been so cold and sleepy lately.  I do have hypothyroidism and take 50 mics Levothyroxin daily, but wonder.  Don't know if it's just the hustle bustle of the season, the weather or my thyroid. 


Too busy to see the Dr...........will have to wait til after the first of the year.

No....quite the opposite....I am usually too warm and  am full of energy. Looks like you need a checkup if this has been going on for a while. How is your diet? Are you getting enough rest? Are you making time for exercise like walking? Somethings you can work on yourself, but,  some things need a doctor's opinion. Blood workup would be good...maybe you are iron deficient.  

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?




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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

Wake me up in March!!

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

It's very cold in my house and yes, I did take a two hour nap today - the dogs were driving me crazy (because they can't get out for their walk), so I left them in the livingroom and I went in my bedroom and laid down for two hours.  Feeling refreshed!

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?



I'm on 75 mcg Synthroid for Hashimotos Thyroiditis.  I'm in Michigan and it's been cold.  I've been shoveling snow which could be contributing to sleeping like a log.  I'm always cold, even though my thermostat is set to 77 degrees, lol.


Personally I think the cold weather saps the energy out of a person.

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

@Patriot3.   I also have hypothyroidism and take levothyroxine.   I do feel the cold especially in my hands and feet.   I took a 2 hour nap today and that is not like me.  I have been sluggish this year but part of that is my OA and lupus.   I do get yearly checkups and blood tests from my PCP and I see a specialist every 4 months to regulate my lupus.  Everyone says I am doing fine.  If you have not had a physical in some time I would suggest it.  Your blood tests and an EKG will let you know how you are doing and give you reassurance.  My Medicare Advantage insurance pays for the 2 tests.  The hustle and bustle this time of year plus shoveling snow does tire me more.   The extreme cold all at once seems to drain my energy when I go outside.

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

That is me too. I take L-Thyroxine 75 mcg.  I am so tired driving home from work at night. I try and crawl into bed as soon as I can when I get home and promptly fall asleep. 


I leave for work at 7am and get home about 6:30pm. I am beat.  But I figure it is probably the holidays. I will have company staying  for Christmas for about a week plus I will be working. I am not allowed to take off during the months of December and January. So there is always lots to do. And it seems that my sleeping time gets cut shorter and shorter.

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

My MIL also said this for as long as I knew her 40 years. Always would only eat certain foods strange combinations of food, nuts when she ate birthday cake. She always complained of being tired. Long story short, on christmas  she come out  to spend it with us and she wanted pizza for Christmas eve and the next day she wasn't feeling  well,  just for fun I had my DIL check her bloodsugar. It was 180. I said are you sure you don't  have  sugar diabetes.  Of course  not  she had hypothyroidism. Go to your doctor  fasting and see if you are  ok.

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Re: Anyone else cold and sleepy?

I'm hypothyroid and winters are my hibernation time.  I hibernate like a bear.  I'm using every ounce of energy to get through this week and, after the first of the year, I will crash.


If you are only on 50 mcgs of hormone, you still have function left in your thyroid.  Mine is gone and I rely on Synthroid and Cytomel to survive.  


I won't energize until spring, and then it's still not that great.


My endocrinologist told me that everyone's thyroid function is slightly affected during the dark, winter months.  But, those of us without a functioning thyroid feel it particularly worse.


Get your blood tested.  Some of us need to increase our meds for the winter months and then go back down in the spring.

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