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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Anyone Have a Plate & Screws in Their Wrist?

Just wondering. I severely fractured my wrist a year ago this month and had a plate and eight screws put in. Apparently I fractured both bones in my wrist. Meanwhile, I did physical therapy. Then by the 6 month appointment, the doctor declared I had a "non-union" (didn't heal) so he had me use an electric bone stimulator for 10 hours a night.

I was faithful with the bone stimulator, took 1000 mg of calcium citrate a day, ate Greek Yogurt and drank milk every day, took Vitamin D and other supplements including Strontium Citrate which is supposed to help bone heal faster.

Now, after 5 months on the bone stimulator, my wrist still can't stand a lot of pressure...can't lift heavy things, cutting a watermelon in half makes it hurt quite a bit, opening cans with a non-electric can opener hurts, etc. The doctor says it is healed, but it sure doesn't feel that way.

Will it ever feel normal, or is this what I have to expect as the best it is going to get? Also, will more physical therapy help...or lifting weights? Thanks!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli