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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

My 89 yr old dad had the 1st Moderna shot 2 weeks ago and didn't have any side effects.  I'm 66 and had my first Moderna last week and didn't have any reaction.


I hear that people can feel lousy for a day or two after the 2nd Moderna vaccine so I'll be at my Dad's a lot for those days to be sure he's ok.

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

[ Edited ]

@CalminHeart   My 91 yr. old mother had no trouble at all.  Neither did DH or I and we are in our 70's. My brother and sister had no problem and my sister-in-law (who is in her 80's) had no problem either. Also DH's sister and husband who are 80 had no side effects.

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?



While my nurse sister is only 74, she said she had chills and was very tired with her second shot.


She went to bed early and was pretty much back to normal the next morning.


I think it is a good idea to monitor your father after his second shot.

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

My parents are 88 and 85 and had their first Moderna shot at the end of January and both said they felt fine with no side effects.  They both did not even say their arm was sore so I was happy to hear that.  Now I realize the second dose may have some flu-like symptoms but from what I've heard they lasted 12-24 hours.  

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

My husband and I are part of the Moderna trails.  We received our shots in August and September.  We had headaches and sore arm after first shot.  Second shot was stronger and we had the headaches again and just felt tired and achy the next day.  I also develped a rash on my chest and stomach the next day.  The rash was gone in two days. Very small price to pay, so worth it.


We will find out next week if we received the shot or placebo. We both feel pretty sure we received the actual shot.  It is a two year study, so we are monitored periodically.


It's upsetting to see that one quarter of the population have not intention of getting the vaccine.  I am so tired of this virus and I want it gone.  I hope they change their minds.

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

Both my sister and I received the Moderna vaccine.  Neither of us had any issues after the 1st vaccine other than a bit of soreness at the injection site.  My sister received her 2nd shot yesterday and last night felt a little achy (but she also had shoveled the snow from her entire walkway and driveway the day before) and chilly, so she put the electric throw on herself and this morning just feels tired.  It's probably a combination of achy/tired from all the snow shoveling and the shot. Needless to say, it's a small inconvenience compared to getting the virus.  I'm scheduled for my 2nd shot on 2/18.  

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

[ Edited ]

My sister is in her late 50's and received both Moderna doses since she works in a hospital ICU with constant exposure.  Her first shot was uneventful with little discomfort beyond a sore arm.  Her second dose left her with a high fever, chills, extreme body ache and extraordinary fatigue.  She received her shot on a Friday and was not able to return to work  until that following Wed.  She is realitivly young and healthy with no comorbidities.  While many of her professional peers refused the vaccine, she is glad that she chose to be vaccinated. Its a personal choice really.  Everyone is different and I think it is best to consult with your doctor, make a choice, then roll with it!  Were it my parent, I would stay with them after the second dose just to be sure. Good luck!

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

@Herfy wrote:

My husband and I are part of the Moderna trails.  We received our shots in August and September.  We had headaches and sore arm after first shot.  Second shot was stronger and we had the headaches again and just felt tired and achy the next day.  I also develped a rash on my chest and stomach the next day.  The rash was gone in two days. Very small price to pay, so worth it.


We will find out next week if we received the shot or placebo. We both feel pretty sure we received the actual shot.  It is a two year study, so we are monitored periodically.


It's upsetting to see that one quarter of the population have not intention of getting the vaccine.  I am so tired of this virus and I want it gone.  I hope they change their minds.

Those who refuse to get the vaccine or choose to go with a wait and see attitude are also "upset" since there is no proof for long term safety.  It's still an experimental drug.


I'm afraid of severe autoimmune illness developing down the road due to this new never before used technology.

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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

IMO...we need to ignore all the scary videos about reactions, side effects etc and look at the facts


People die, and suffer life long debilitating illness from COVID.  We life in a fantastic modern medical age where a vaccine was developed in less than a year. The way to beat the virus is no future mutations develop.


Sore arm, tired, headace? small price to pay for being alive AND keeping your family safe. 


So lets be thankful and roll up our sleeves.


Time to, as they say, be part of the solution not the problem


BTW. 77, 1 and 2 moderna...many auto immune issues..and I couldnt wait to get the shots.  NO side effects. 



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Re: Anyone 80 and older have any experiences with Moderna vaccine to share?

My sister is over 80 and just got her second injection yesterday, although I don't know whether it was the Moderna brand or not.


So far she has had no side effects at all from the second shot.  Not even the slight injection site soreness she had with the first.


I do have to say though that she normally doesn't have any reactions from vaccines or other injections.  Overall she's pretty healthy and no known severe allergies.