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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

Thanks everybody.  I just hadn't heard much about the J&J shot except the pause.  All vaccines have risks so I don't consider the blood clot one to be a big issue due to the low percentage rate, and I do have a genetic blood clotting issue. 


The J&J is the only one I'm currently willing to do and even that is a compromise.  I don't really want to get one at all, so if I'm going to get one, it will have to be the one I prefer.  There will be no boosters for me though.  It will truly be a one and done.  I don't do the flu shot and I will not be getting an annual covid shot either.


I currently have an appt. on Thursday assuming they don't cancel it.  I did have to specifically ask about the J&J shot to find out they had it at my Publix.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

@Icegoddess  I had the J&J vaccine just before it was "paused".  Had no side effects at all, my arm wasn't even sore.  I know quite a few people who have had the J&J with zero effects.  

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I am 70 years old and on March 8 got the J&J vaccine.  I had NO problems.  I have had some problems with the Shingles and pneumonia shots.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I had the J&J vaccine.  No issues at all.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

my daughter got it about a month and a half ago.

she felt fine the day she got it, but felt horrible the second day......mostly flu like symptoms and exhaustion. the third day she was feeling back to normal.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

My stepson and his wife had the J&J two days before it was paused.  They had no side effects that I'm aware of. 


A close friend also had it, the day before it was paused and experienced only very slight fatigue. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I got the J&J vaccine and had absolutely no side effects, nor did my grandson and his family, other than the one Aunt who is always complaining about her aches and pains and said her arm hurt for days and days.  I am in my early 80's and was glad to get the vaccine.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I received the J&J vaccine in April and experienced 0 side effects. I didn't even have a sore arm.


Two weeks later, my son received the J&J vaccine. The only side effect he had was a tiny bit of soreness at the injection site. The soreness lasted less than 24 hours.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

My 60 year old brother got the J&J prob a month ago--had sore arm and minor aches and tiredness---

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Posts: 652
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

@Icegodde Why are you going to get this Shot? You sound like you are doing this because you think you have too? Believe you don't..Please reconsider and wait and see for a little bit more. You said something about a Genetic Blood Clotting Issue. I would seriously think about not taking it right now. You do know this is a TRIAL,they weren't fully are the test.The trials are to be finished in Jan 2023.They then will determine THE SAFETY & EFFICASY OF THEM..Think about it