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Any over counter itch remedy ?

it seems every summer as soon as the heat hits my ankle gets itchy and rashy😒 also my left thumb.  I do have dermititis,  but only bothers me in these 2 areas and only in summer.  Once fall hits I'm good 😀.   I have asked my derm and even my allergist if there is anything perscription wise for itching ,  dont need a cortisteriod cream as that isn't really for itching    It only works for rash at least for me .    I have not seen a thing for just itching except spray for bug bites.   If someone knows of a remedy please  would you post 😺. Want to mention cold compresses do work but hsve to apply often for any relief.

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Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

Any Hydrocortizone cream works for me.  I buy Walmart brand, Equate Hydrocortizone Cream.

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Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

Aveeno and Gold Bond both make lotions that help with itching. I know the Aveeno one contains collodial oatmeal, which helps with itching.


You can also use histimine blockers. There are two kinds of histimine blockers: H1s (Benedryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, other antihistimines) and H2s (Pepcid, Zantac, and other H2 blocker antacid tablets). The h2 blockers can be more effective for some types of itching and a combination of an antihistimine and an H2 blocking antacid can be even better.


I've had allergies since I was 3 and have always known about H1 blocking antihistimes, but I had no idea about using an antacid to stop itching until I was on vacation with a friend who got hives and called his father, a gastroentorologist, who told him to go to the drugstore and get some Zantac and some Benedryl.



You can read more about it here:


or here:

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Posts: 8,020
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

@Alison Wonderland wrote:

Aveeno and Gold Bond both make lotions that help with itching. I know the Aveeno one contains collodial oatmeal, which helps with itching.


You can also use histimine blockers. There are two kinds of histimine blockers: H1s (Benedryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, other antihistimines) and H2s (Pepcid, Zantac, and other H2 blocker antacid tablets). The h2 blockers can be more effective for some types of itching and a combination of an antihistimine and an H2 blocking antacid can be even better.


I've had allergies since I was 3 and have always known about H1 blocking antihistimes, but I had no idea about using an antacid to stop itching until I was on vacation with a friend who got hives and called his father, a gastroentorologist, who told him to go to the drugstore and get some Zantac and some Benedryl.



You can read more about it here:


or here:

@Alison Wonderland   It's funny you say that.  I have dealt with excema and contact dermititis since I was 20.   It's well under control now years later but it's just these 2 pesky areas that glare up in the summer heat.    I was also told by my allergist years ago that the Zantac I take at night helps with itching.   I do take benedryl at nighttime ,  started when my itching was exceptionally bad about 15 years ago .  Taking benedryl during the day though I can't do it Knocks  me out lol !  Take Allegra in the am.   I. Really looking for some kind of a spray to dirt of numb the area.

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Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

Sarna anti-itch lotion is good.

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Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

I use tecnu as a scrub for poison ivy, but it does not sound like that is your issue.


This product works well for me as I get COVERED at least 1x a year in the itchy stuff....just went thru an episode a couple of weeks ago, and still healing just not scratching anymore.


Hope you find what you need.


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Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

CeraVe Itch Relief Moisturizing Lotion



Relieves itch from dry skin, insect bites and sunburn



Available over the counter and it works at least for me.


Marked: " New " on the pump bottle.

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Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

@Kitty Galore. My husband and I have the same problem and we don't want to use a rx or an over the counter cortisone cream. I found Aveeno Eczema Therapy (itch relief balm) really helps both of us every time. It gets rid of the rash for awhile. It does eventually come back but it is extremely manageable, You can buy it in a tube or an 11 oz jar. The tube lasts awhile but since my husband uses it also, I bought the container. I hope you find something that works for you. These things can be really bothersome.

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Registered: ‎08-31-2015

Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

Ask your Dr. about a low dose of Hydroxizine. It's a prescription but it helps with itching when topicals don't work. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 553
Registered: ‎08-31-2015

Re: Any over counter itch remedy ?

@Kitty Galore wrote:

it seems every summer as soon as the heat hits my ankle gets itchy and rashy😒 also my left thumb.  I do have dermititis,  but only bothers me in these 2 areas and only in summer.  Once fall hits I'm good 😀.   I have asked my derm and even my allergist if there is anything perscription wise for itching ,  dont need a cortisteriod cream as that isn't really for itching    It only works for rash at least for me .    I have not seen a thing for just itching except spray for bug bites.   If someone knows of a remedy please  would you post 😺. Want to mention cold compresses do work but hsve to apply often for any relief.

Ask your Dr. about a low dose of Hydroxizine. It's a prescription but it helps with itching when topicals don't work.