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As I said went to a doctor and got pills the 2nd night I woke up in the middle of --night with a terrible feeling in my chest. scared I went to emetgency to check it out.  I got another pill but I still felt awful. I am not going to take them any more. I am still hating listening to the ac and the noise which it seems no tech or my son can hear. in fact for the last 2 nights white noise is haunting me. and as I write. my son lives 5 blocks away and I go there to sleep many times these past week. It is very hard to take and DO NOT believe it isn't true.

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Please try earplugs.   You can buy small packages of foam ones for a few dollars at any pharmacy.   


I used earplugs for years when I worked nights and slept during the day.   Earplugs blocked out background noise in my house, like the refrigerator and freezer, and the heat pump fan; I fell asleep faster, and stayed asleep longer. 


I am not suggesting you sleep with the earplugs.  I am suggesting you buy them, have them in your ears when you walk inside your house, as a test to see if you still hear the noise that's bugging you.  If you think you still hear the noise when you have the earplugs in your ear, then it is highly likely this sound is deep rooted in your mind.   If you do not hear the noise with earplugs in, perhaps wearing them for a short time will help reset your brain and remove the sound from your memory.   



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RedTop--A neighbor gave me the foam ones. I tried them several times but they didn't help. I still heard. I wish I knew what is happening. Today I woke up with a new noise and it has continued for 5 hours. I wish I knew for I don't know how much longer I can take all this.

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Re: Anxiety issues /anyone

[ Edited ]


Do you hear the noises when you are outside the house?   It sounds to me like this is an inner ear type of issue, or something you have fixated on mentally, and your brain won't let go of it---possibly fueled by anxiety.

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@SouthFlorida321 wrote:

@Qshopper1991 wrote:



I know this sounds absurd, but if you eat a lot of processed foods, that can also trigger anxiety.  Yes, it's been proven.


I used to suffer terrible from it.  Until I started to exercise years ago.  If you can, I highly recommend exercise.  Even if it's just walking.  It works better than any drug out there.  And there are no side effects except positive ones.


And pray!!  Smiley Happy  I'll definately say prayers for you Smiley Happy

@Qshopper1991 your not absurd at all.  Happened to me.  It's all the preservatives and also in the fake sugars like aspartame in "sweet n low". I learned through trial and error. If you stop processed foods it will help. Woman Happy

I think diet definitely plays a big part.  I used to get terrible anxiety attacks.  My anxiety attacks were mostly like episodes of extreme worry but I did have some physical effects from them and they were basically making my life miserable.  Anyway, I have also had really bad allergies and sinus problems my whole life and when I did an allergy blood test, they identified me being allergic to many different foods like wheat, corn, soy, peanuts, etc.  So much that the doctor just concentrated more on the allergy shots and just mentioned that I might be helped by a rotation diet.  So I did the shots and did not think much about it but I kept reading up on anxiety and saw that many people said that wheat could be a trigger.  So knowing that I was already allergic to wheat, I started going gluten free at home.  I would still eat wheat when I went out.  After awhile, I realized that I was only having the "worry" attacks when I had eaten a lot of wheat (like going to an Italian restaurant.)


I still have some anxiety issues, of course, but since changing my diet I am probably 80% better.  I am not entirely gluten free now, but I try to limit it.  Thinking back, my anxiety really kicked in during my college years where  I was eating a lot of processed foods like ramen noodles and frozen dinners.  


When I started looking for things I was allergic too in labels, it was crazy.  For example, wheat is in so many products, not just the obvious bread and pasta.  Soy is another thing that is in tons of products and we may be getting an overload on some of these things without even realizing it.  



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@halfpint1 wrote:

As I said went to a doctor and got pills the 2nd night I woke up in the middle of --night with a terrible feeling in my chest. scared I went to emetgency to check it out.  I got another pill but I still felt awful. I am not going to take them any more. I am still hating listening to the ac and the noise which it seems no tech or my son can hear. in fact for the last 2 nights white noise is haunting me. and as I write. my son lives 5 blocks away and I go there to sleep many times these past week. It is very hard to take and DO NOT believe it isn't true.

@halfpint1Do you think playing some other type of background noise when you are trying to get to sleep would help?  I know that there are machines they make with certain sounds on them people use to relax, like the sound of raindrops, the ocean, etc.  It might be worth a try.  I hope you can get some peace.  

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I am sitting here listening to noise again which is a little louder than usual and contemplating going to sleep at my sons.  I have my final visit with the cataract doctor tomorrow and don't want to                                                         .be anxious. My cat is snuggling against me like she wants to comfort me. I don't like leaving in case something should happen. Near LA a house  b lew up and they still don't know what was the ca use. L  just wish someone cou
ld hear what I hear but companies came when not noisy. I hate feeling like this. I do try to take a walk most days and do a few chores around here.

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Re: Anxiety issues /anyone

[ Edited ]




I say this with love and kindness, but it is entirely possible that the noise does NOT exist, and no thing is causing it, that it is inside your head, meaning tinnitus.



Please see an ENT to have your hearing checked!


Also, less likely, but still a possibility is that you are having audiotory hallucinations, as a result of anxiety, meds, and/or lonliness.


If you do have tinnitus, you have to understand that there is no cure for it, it will not go away, and that you will have it for the rest of your life.



But please, please, please for your sake and ours, go get your hearing checked.


We care about you and worry about you.

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I just read your last post over on the widows thread, where you mentioned at one time having a Trane brand of air conditioner in your home.   


While I'm still not clear as to whether the sound you hear but no one else hears is with a window air conditioning unit, or whole house system, the word Trane made me think of something relevant.   


My home is heated and cooled with a Trane brand of heat pump.   When the system is set on Cool and auto for summer, the unit cycles on and off periodically to cool the house.  Within seconds after it cuts off, the recirculating pump kicks in and runs for about 15-20 seconds.   No air blows thru the registers when the recirculating pump runs its short cycle.  I am the only person in this house who has ever heard the recirculating pump!  


Our previous unit was a Ruud, and I don't remember hearing this sound with that unit, but I've always heard it with this Trane unit.  When I mentioned hearing this sound to our service tech, he said I was the only person who had ever commented on hearing this sound in all the years he'd been doing that job.   The cold air return vent is in one of our master bedroom closets.  As I lie in bed and listen to the heat pump cycle on and off, I know exactly when the recirculating pump is going to cut on and how many seconds it runs.  


I am very sensitive to this sound, and wonder if this is what you are hearing? 

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@halfpint1 I was thinking you should see an ear, nose and throat doctor in case it's tinnitus, just like the other poster mentioned.  


Anxiety can come and go depending on what's happening in our lives.  Hope you can start eating better... I have always found carbs help me sleep.