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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

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I have had both hips replaced---one in 2009 and second one last June.  My first surgeon requires an antiobiotic for LIFE for any dental procedure and any other invasive procedure (colonoscopy, pap etc).  My second surgeon only required the antibiotic for one year, but of course I must adhere to the first surgeon's requirement.  Better safe than sorry, I guess--although I am not keen on so many antibiotics.  Thank goodness those procedures don't occur too often.



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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

my mom pre-medicates when she is going to see her dentist. they call her to confirm that each time she is scheduled.


if she is already on an antibiotic, she calls them, gives them the dosage. they usually phone her doctor and then adjust as needed.

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people



I had both knees replaced in 2013, right hip in 2014, left hip replaced in 2015.   I followed this protocol:



Up to the first 6 months since your joint replacement, I would do the antibiotics for all cleanings and any other invasive dental work.


After that, forgo the antibiotics for simple cleanings, but still you should use them for root canals, drilling or deep cleanings.... etc type of dental work.


I had 3 root canals last year, and did use antibiotics for each one.  I will always use them JUST IN CASE for the remainder of my life with any invasive dental work.  I CHOOSE  to use them as I do not want to take any chances....EVEN the new info shows no correlation between dental bacteria and joint infection with replaced joints. 


My dentist knows about the new info out there and let's his patients decide what they want to do.


Perhaps  you need a new dentist who lets his patients decide on antibiotic or not?


As far as your getting so sick from them.....that is something to talk to your joint surgeon about....maybe there is a type of antibiotic that would not make you ill? 

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

@Vivian  Had a right TKR in 2012 and the left TKR in 2013.  My ortho insists I take premeds before any dental cleaning or procedure.  

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

All I can say is that I had a total knee replacement 1 mont ago today and I was told that I will need antibiotics before dental procedures, even cleanings for the rest of my life.  Also, when I go to my dentist, I always have to fill out the form that asks for the meds you are taking and past surgeries and it asks if the patient has any implants or joint replacements.  This isn't a question for your dentist, it's a question for your orthopedic surgeon who should confer with an infections disease specialist.

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

I had my knee replaced last October and my orthopedic doctor insists on antibiotics for life. I have my first dentist appointment next month so it begins. 

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

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Since I was septic from infection in my left knee the first time it was done, I do (reluctantly) always take the recommended antibiotics pre-dental work.

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people


I've been wanting to wish you well after your medical/health issues so am taking the opportunity here.

With apologies to the OP for hijacking, in a way, this thread.  


All the best for continued good health, @Drythe Heart

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

I read an article that indicated joint replacement patients no longer needed antibiotics.  I had always taken them before a dental appointment.   I discussed it with my dentist and he said he was making it optional.  I quit taking them.

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Re: Antibiotic at dentist for joint replacement people

My daughter has had C-diff twice and there are antibiotics that she can't take and a few that she can 


Tell your Dentist that you have had C-diff...