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Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today

[ Edited ]



Below is some info from my files -- on supplements featured today -- that is from Andrew's previous shows over the past few years.


Wherever possible this bits of info are direct (or close to direct) quotes from Andrew... so they are his thoughts and not mine... since he's the expert. Smiley Wink


-- bebe Smiley Happy






Andrew Lessman — General Information about Various Supplements






List of Supplements 


  • ChocoNuvo —TS — for more info see CholestaCare (which is included in ChocoNuvo)
  • CholestaCare — included because it is included in ChocoNuvo
  • Cinnamon — part of four bottle (or more) value TS
  • Cranberry Benefits — part of four bottle (or more) value TS
  • FiberMucil — included because it works well with ChocoNuvo or Cholestacare
  • PhytoCeramides — new product people are interested in
  • Turmeric — special offer this weekend w/ ginger (some savings)
  • Ultimate Friendly Flora — special offer this weekend (some savings)
  • Ultimate Oatmeal & Oat Bran plus CholestaCare 












Generally speaking, as long as it's low in sugar and rich in the flavonoids/flavenols, then dark chocolate is a great healthy ingredient as long as it's consumed in small quantities.


Andrew feels that his dark chocolate tastes better than anyone else's, and it lowers cholesterol as well because it has his CholestaCare in it. — See information on CholestaCare below.


Also, you may want to read through the information on FiberMucil (see below, alpha sequence) which works hand in hand with ChocoNuvo.










This is an ingredient (plant sterols) that has a wide body of clinical support. If you are taking cholesterol lowering drugs this will work perfectly with them. It works differently so it will still deliver benefits even if you're getting maximum benefit from a cholesterol-lowering drug. This will work on top of that because this works in your digestive system. 




How CholestaCare Works


Plant sterols is the plant version of cholesterol. Plants contain no cholesterol, in contrast to animal products which contain cholesterol. The plant version of cholesterol isn't well absorbed by people at all. But on a molecular level, the molecules of plant sterols are nearly identical to the molecules of cholesterol. Plant sterols block the absorption sites for cholesterol effectively. So when you consume plant sterols with a meal, it blocks the absorption of cholesterol. It blocks the reabsorption of bile which your body uses its own cholesterol to make, so it effectively lowers your existing cholesterol. So even if you never eat cholesterol, this will still lower your cholesterol by blocking the reabsorption of bile salts.


This actually works by not being absorbed. This works by passing through you. And as it passes through you, it blocks the absorption of cholesterol and it also blocks the reabsorption of bile salts. — Bile salts are made from your body's reserves of cholesterol. When your body reabsorbs those bile salts, it's like reabsorbing more cholesterol.


If it doesn't reabsorb it, because the CholestaCar has blocked that, it lowers your cholesterol in two ways: 


  • by blocking the absorption of cholesterol
  • by blocking the reabsorption of bile salts


You can be assured that the pharmaceutical companies were not thrilled when ingredients like this were approved as a cholesterol-lowering claim. — The fact that it was approved, validates that these are effective ingredients and, more importantly, absolutely safe.


When you think about the ingredients in nuts and seeds that are associated with cholesterol when they are abundant in our diet, that's what this concentrates. The healthy ingredients in food that and naturally lower our cholesterol, that's with this ingredient concentrates. — The ingredient in this product is the same ingredient that makes nuts and seeds so healthy. It's why eating a diet that's rich and nuts and seeds lowers your cholesterol level. So this is just concentrating that ingredient and it naturally lowers your cholesterol





Statin Drugs and Cholesterol  


The way statin drugs work is that they are HMG Co. Ace reductase inhibitors. That's an enzyme in our liver. It inhibits an enzyme that produces cholesterol.


In contrast, plant sterols don't work in your liver. They work in your digestive tract. In fact, plant sterols work by not being absorbed at all. 


Statin drugs are challenging on our liver. Statin drugs also lower CoQ10 levels and reduces the CoQ10 levels we have in our cells to produce energy. So if you are taking statin drugs then you also need to supplement with CoQ10.





All you need to do is take one capsule with each meal. You can take two capsules with a very large meal. You take 3 to 4 capsules a day.


You can deliver results of 10-20% or more in your cholesterol level. And if you make the positive changes and increased fiber intake (e.g. FiberMucil), you can get those great reductions of 20-30% or more like the kind of reductions that you see with the cholesterol-lowering drug.


NOTE: there's no plan for a today's special on this coming up in the next year.


You're taking cholesterol lowering drugs, and you're taking CholestaCare along with it, you would be able to lower your prescription and still achieve the same number by using this along with it. — Of course, you must work along with your doctor to do so. And this dramatically reduces the list of side effects that cholesterol lowering prescription medication has. For example, they require blood test at least twice a year to test your liver function. 


When we take medication like cholesterol lowering drugs, They come with side effects while CholestaCare just comes with side benefits. 


This is a product where you see the difference in a black-and-white way. You see the difference in your cholesterol numbers.


The US FDA has said that you can use plant sterile's to lower your total and LDL cholesterol levels and, in so doing, reduce your risk of heart disease. 


FIBERMUCIL — if you want the CholestaCare to lower your cholesterol even more significantly, all you simply do is add the FiberMucil to it. The CholestaCare blocks the absorption of cholesterol and the reabsorption of bile salts. The FiberMucil works like a sponge and a broom by collecting the cholesterol and sweeping it out of your body. FiberMucil independently works to lower total and LDL cholesterol.











Andrew has been saying for thirty years is that the problem with our diet is not the fat we consume — though you shouldn’t consume hydrogenated fats (trans-fats) — but the sugar in our diet. Saturated fat is not nearly as bad as we thought it once was a long while back (my note: though you should eat it in moderation, and eat meat/chicken and dairy products from grass fed animals, as opposed to grain fed animals. Only eat wild-caught fish, as opposed to farm raised fish which are always fed a unnatural diet of grains and essentially swim in their own toxic “by products”).


This is not just the standard cinnamon that you buy at your grocery store. The cinnamon bark blend in Cinnamon-350 is standardized for Type-A Polymers and Flavones. They use three different types of cinnamon to get a cross section of ingredients.


Blood Sugar Tests — Of the best tests you can get a test on is something called an A 1C test. This test looks at the sugar in your blood cells. So rather than taking a single snapshot (like the standard blood sugar tests), this test is able to look at an image going back over time in order to get more insight into your overall blood sugar levels.


Andrew thinks that 30% of the American population is obese and another 40% of the American population is overweight. 


Insulin sensitivity occurs as our bodies fat levels start going up it starts influencing our bodies ability to manage insulin for then insulin to manage our blood sugar balance. 


Foods like potatoes, pasta, white rice, and bread are metabolized basically identically like sugar. To the extent that we consume them with proteins and fat, we slow the uptake of that sugar and the spike of glucose and the spike of insulin that's going to follow. — We have to realize that sugar comes in all sorts of masqueraded forms or camouflaged forms and we need to be aware of that. 


To make sure that your blood sugar levels are good you need to make sure that you're fasting blood sugar level is good and that your A1 C level is good. 


Even though Andrew's blood sugar levels are good he takes a few of his cinnamon capsules every day,  because it's so important for blood sugar levels to stay in that normal range. 


Cinnamon also offers basic detoxifying effects, say to the liver.  


Cinnamon is also soothing for the stomach and the digestive tract. 


Andrew had been asked for decades to make a product to help with blood sugar balance and insulin balance. For a very long time, he said that he couldn't other than offering other than offering the B vitamins and chromium for the basic foundational nutrition to give your body the tools to engage in healthy blood sugar balance. — There was no product he could really offer that would exert a positive benefit or effect, until research started being published about 5 to 7 years ago. And the research started rolling in about these more and more positive clinical studies, and that's when he started researching a cassia cinnamon bark extract.  


Andrew's cassia cinnamon is from multiple sources to give you the greatest cross-section of the Type-A Polymers which is what you want in terms of blood sugar balance based upon the clinical studies.  


Until recently, cassia cinnamon extract was the only at botanical which exerted a positive benefit or affect on blood sugar level and insulin. — Recently, another botanical called berberine, has been shown to increase positively our lipid balance (things like cholesterol). 


The key to doing the right things in terms of our blood sugar balance and insulin  metabolism, That's really all about losing weight and doing everything we can in terms of diet to support ourselves. In terms of diet we often forget that we know the sources of sugar in terms of the things that we eat, but we often forget about things like potatoes, white rice, bread, pasta which are essentially metabolized basically just like sugar. To the extent to which we can consume them with protein and fat, we slow the uptake of that sugar and the spike of glucose and the spike of insulin that's going to follow. —  Sugar comes in all sorts of masqueraded or camouflaged forms, and we need to be aware of that.



From Andrew’s Charts:


Cinnamon 350 


  • Insulin is essential for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels


  • Research indicates that cinnamon may help support healthy insula and function and blood sugar balance.


* Only cassia Cinnamon has been shown to support healthy blood sugar balance and metabolism in humans.











Cranberry Benefits is all about creating an unfriendly environment for unfriendly flora.


Gives your bladder and kidneys (your urogenital system) the tools they need to help keep a healthy environment. — Helps reduce urinary tract infections (UTIs). 


Andrew recommends taking the cranberry product at night. You really want an opportunity for your body to bathe the bladder and those tissues in the important benefits of the important healthy ingredients that are available in cranberry. — This is because, the overnight period is the longest time people go without relieving themselves (perhaps 8-10 hours). Andrew’s suggestion comes out of reading the research and the experience of others. — Many people will take one at night and one in the morning. 


Cranberry has centuries of traditional use, but now it has decades of crystal-clear scientific and clinical support. — They know why it works and how it works.


The problem with cranberry products is that they are loaded with sugar, whether it’s cranberry juice or dried cranberries which have sugar added to them.


DOGS —Andrew sprinkles a little into Lincoln’s food (Lincoln is his dog). When they hike together, Lincoln drinks out of the streams, so Andrew makes sure his dog gets a little CB when they get back home.










There are 865 5-star reviews out of a total 1024 reviews. Over 90% of the reviews are either 4-stars or 5-stars. The average review is 4.6 stars (as of 1/17/16). 


You only need to take one or two capsules with a meal. — if you just take 2 to 3 capsules a day, that will make a profound difference.


FiberMucil is a remarkable ingredient in terms of regularity and constipation.


if you want the CholestaCare to lower your cholesterol even more significantly, all you simply do is add the FiberMucil to it. The CholestaCare blocks the absorption of cholesterol and the reabsorption of bile salts. The FiberMucil works like a sponge and a broom by collecting the cholesterol and sweeping it out of your body. FiberMucil independently works to lower total and LDL cholesterol. 


FiberMucil delivers not only the benefits of cardiovascular disease risk reduction but also delivering the benefits in terms of regularity.


The American diet isn't defined by its fiber content, it's defined by its lack of fiber. Is something that is critical to healthy digestive systems. 


Fiber is indigestible. Because FiberMucil is such a fine powder can attract moisture and extract water in your digestive system and, in so doing, it moves through you exerting its cleansing action but doing it softly and gently without gas or discomfort. And that's the key to a fiber product being effective.


Most fiber products on the market are not even natural. What they are are these chemically processed fibers. When fiber mixes with water and it's a clear liquid, that is not a real fiber that's going to be beneficial (e.g. big wafers or tablets).









It’s really designed to be one capsule daily, but Andrew admits that he’s been cheating and taking two capsules daily.


Our body is really a collection of trillions of cells and each one of those cells is an independent little universe. Much like each cell is responsible for its own energy production, each cell is responsible for its own hydration and responsible for retaining its own moisture. Every cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. 


That's cell membrane is really a uniquely created structure which is called a lipid bilayer. It's referred to as a semi permeable membrane: it lets certain things in and only lets certain things out. That fatty membrane keeps moisture – keeps the precious water and aqueous environment – inside the cell. That's important because without that we’re not alive: we’d dry up like a prune and we’re gone. 


Phytoceramides play an important role with regard to the beauty of our skin. The plumpness of our skin – our skin’s ability to not be wrinkling and look wrinkled – is how well the inner layers of our skin retain their moisture. The single most important molecule in terms of how our cell membranes retain their moisture are phytoceramides. 


There are three components in the cell membranes that are really responsible for retaining moisture in every single cell. And the way we retain the moisture inside every single cell is the degree to which that cell looks healthy, radiant and and plump. And in order of predominance it's phytoceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol. We don't need to worry about adding more cholesterol because our liver makes plenty of that. 


The real key to look at in terms of – and the clinical studies and science have shown – that by delivering phytoceramides orally, we deliver them to those cells that as we get older other challenges to our skin you could pretty much map aging and challenges to our skin by decreasing the phytoceramide levels. As we get older phytoceramide levels go down. As we get older wrinkling goes up. As we get older conditions in terms of our skin with dryness and flaking go up.


So phytoceramides are the critical molecule in terms of how our body manages moisture within our cells. It's the critical molecule that manages the moisture in our skin. 


There are several different sources of phytoceramides. There's a lot of misinformation about it. Andrew went to the finest and most standardized source, and that's why it always takes him a while to introduce a new product. He's not trying to chase the latest sales hype. He's trying to follow the science and follow it reliably.










Ultra-High Potency Standardized Extract 95% Curcuminoids Phospholipid Complex for Optimum Benefits.


Unfortunately, due to the nature of turmeric, it's not beneficial at all if you have it either wrong or in a juice. In order to really overcome the inherent problems of turmeric – in terms of absorption and in terms of digestive clearance – which would interfere with or prevent you from getting any benefits, in India, when they make their turmeric based foods, they're making these stews where they're cooking the turmeric for hours and they're cooking it combined with fats. What happens is the natural complexing of turmeric with those fats makes it more absorbable and more retainable. That's how we get the benefits of turmeric.


In order to create a turmeric product that would actually deliver benefits, you can't simply put turmeric in a capsule and call it a day. That would be just like having raw turmeric. You could have the best 95% standardized turmeric standardized for curcuminoids but, unless you complex it with fats, it's not going to be absorbable and retainable. It's not going to be beneficial.


So that's what Andrew's done. And in so doing, you increase you increase the benefits per milligram of the product by twenty fold (i.e. 2,000%).


The research is clear that if you need to complex the turmeric and it's curcuminoids with fatty acids. Andrew complexes the turmeric with phosphatidylcholine which is the principal phospholipid in both your brain and your liver. So the turmeric is more bioavailable because they use an ingredient that Mother Nature uses for the liver and the brain for them to work at their very best. They're using a very structural molecule too complex the turmeric.


At this point, the scientists and biochemists literally understand on the cellular level why turmeric exerts these soothing benefits. They understand why it exerts a detoxify and benefit for the liver. It's one of the best botanicals that anyone could contemplate adding to their vitamin/mineral regime. – There are certain supplements that exert benefits where the research and the clinical studies are compelling, and turmeric is one of those ingredients.


Turmeric is a natural soothing ingredient. Turmeric is not an anti-inflammatory drug or medicine. But to the extent that turmeric has been shown in the research and the studies to exert a soothing effect on tissues – both on a cellular level and an overall structural level – that's something that has become a staple for Andrew.


As a supplement for the liver, when you look at the research on turmeric in terms of cleansing, detoxification, and cell regeneration turmeric provides substantial benefits. 


Turmeric will provide benefits for your joints, your liver, and your brain. – Turmeric has been well-known in traditional Indian and Asian cultures for centuries, and the scientists have only validated it recently.


Unless turmeric cooked into foods for hours like they do in India (in stews) turmeric isn't going to be readily absorbable.  


Andrews's turmeric is complexed with fat so it takes advantage of a proven method for absorption which makes it 28 times more absorbable then typical turmeric.










Ultimate Friendly Flora (UFF) is a way to keep your GI (gastrointestinal) tract healthy. 


Frequently, friendly flora (FF) products need to be refrigerated. Andrew’s FF and UFF do not need to be refrigerated.


Andrew’s UFF has 25 billion colony forming units (cfus) per capsule. His regular FF product has 5 billion cfus per capsule. — The UFF is only a little bit more than twice as expensive as the regular FF, which makes the UFF a good value. It’s about five times the potency for double the price.


When Andrew’s FF products get delivered to the digestive system, that is when they become active. This is why his FF products are stable in the capsules. The moisture in the digestive system is what activates them. Then they are distributed throughout your body. 


Remember, friendly flora doesn’t just populate your digestive system. It's a critical part of healthy digestion. 


We know this because if we take an antibiotic and it wipes out the friendly flora in our digestive system, we see how horribly disruptive that is to our digestive system. Our absorption of nutrients requires friendly flora. This is absolutely critical to healthy nutrition.


Women require friendly flora to provide the barrier property (immune supportive property) and to balance their reproductive tract / urogenital system (there is a similar need for friendly flora for men). We see what happens when you have to take antibiotics and this friendly flora balance is thrown off.


So certainly friendly flora is absolutely necessary for digestive function. But even more important, I think, is it immune role that no one really emphasizes or talks about because it's not something that is visibly or noticeably apparent when you take the product.


They are a critical part of our immune system and our body’s barrier system. The first part of our immune system is set up to keep bad things out. One of the ways it does this is to keep the outside membranes of our body populated with friendly flora in order to keep the unfriendly flora out (whether it's the mucous membranes in our nose, mouth, digestive system, urogenital system, etc.).


DOGS —Andrew sprinkles a little into his dog’s food. When they hike together, Lincoln drinks out of the streams, so Andrew makes sure his dog gets a little UFF when they get back home.


My Note: All friendly flora fight with each other to some degree, but the good friendly flora strike up a friendly understanding at the playground and they coexist with each other. Bad flora is frequently just pathogenic flora (although it can sometimes be toxic flora). Bad friendly flora frequently is just like the schoolyard gang that comes in and chases everyone else away. These types of flora are unfriendly simply because they don’t allow a cross-section of flora to flourish in the digestive system (and not necessarily because they are dangerously toxic in and of themselves). — I think this is an important distinction to make so that people aren’t worried that an unfriendly flora balance is necessarily going to put them down (e.g. like ebola or MRSA).










A long time ago, plant sterols were added to unhealthy food products to make them “healthy". So Andrew thought, why not add them to healthy foods. We know that oatmeal and oat bran lower cholesterol levels. Adding the CholestaCare (plant sterols) to oatmeal and oat bran made them taste even better (it’s creamier) and multiplied their heart healthy, cholesterol lowering power by 400% to 500%.


In terms of cholesterol-lowering power, no oatmeal or oat bran in the world comes close. – we set this up so each small serving  – either a quarter cup of oat bran or one-third of a cup of oatmeal – gives you the equivalent of two capsules of CholestaCare.


Ultimate Oatmeal and Ultimate Oat Bran are sodium free and sugar-free.


A lot of people have used oatmeal and oat bran to lower their cholesterol for their heart health benefits and a lot of people are disappointed with the benefits because they can only lower your cholesterol level by a few percentage points. – If you you integrate this, especially using Muriel's cookbook, and you're talking about double digit reductions in cholesterol: not 2-5%, but rather 10% or 15% or even 20% or more reductions in total cholesterol. And your bad cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol, even better.


Their oatmeal and oat bran are both organic and gluten-free. – most people don't realize this because, even though oats contain no gluten, in America oats are not gluten-free because they are contaminated by the gluten from wheat.


You will not find oatmeal and oat bran that is both organic and gluten-free in your supermarket. Sometimes you can find organic. Sometimes you can find gluten-free, but you're rarely going to find organic and gluten-free. – And organic, gluten-free oatmeal and oat bran cost about five times as much as standard oatmeal and oat bran. 


Andrew does not have celiac disease and he is not gluten sensitive, but he does not want to put gluten in his body so he avoids products that contain gluten.


CALL PROCAPS AND VERIFY THIS — In fact every product that Andrew makes is organic and gluten-free.


The product is always extremely fresh because oats they are both organic and gluten-free are extremely hard to find. They literally get them from the mill the moment that they're done, then they bottle it up and it goes straight to you. Initially they were told that organic and gluten free oat bran did not exist. We got it to exist. So all the gets created, Procaps Labs buys. So it's very, very limited. The same is true with oatmeal.


YOU TUBE COOKING CHANNEL – Muriel has a YouTube channel called “Eating Well with Muriel” which is on HSN's YouTube channel. Muriel is doing this with Andrew's niece, Chloe.











last update: 1/17/16 





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Re: Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today


Please, add my name to this list.  Thank you Bebe, for your time in posting all the beneficial information. So many of my questions were answered. You are an angel 😇 

Please add my name to your list. 

Thank you times a million!

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Posts: 15,159
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today

@bebe777 Thx for posting the info. I hardly watch his shows anymore.

I did try his cinnamon a while back. It made me hot. Guess my body mistakes it for estrogen. After reading about it I'm not sure I should take it. Estrogen dominant breast cancer runs on my moms side. Also conflicting info on the liver.

I just hope people that add his products do their own research.

Since I don't like to be hot I'm not taking it. LOL!!!

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Re: Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today

@Nightowlz wrote:

@bebe777 Thx for posting the info. I hardly watch his shows anymore.

I did try his cinnamon a while back. It made me hot. Guess my body mistakes it for estrogen. After reading about it I'm not sure I should take it. Estrogen dominant breast cancer runs on my moms side. Also conflicting info on the liver.

I just hope people that add his products do their own research.

Since I don't like to be hot I'm not taking it. LOL!!!


@Nightowlz, thanks for the thanks and you're most welcome. Smiley Happy I always watch his shows but frequently am doing something else at the same time. lol, I take notes when there's new info. 


I'm sorry to hear that the cinnamon made your body hot. Youch!! That's the thing about our bodies... every one of them is a unique set of chemical reactions. 


I agree with you about the importance of doing your own research. I adore Andrew and appreciate the great info he shares... but I have a number of other source I continue to use... lol, Andrew just happens to give me more advance info on newer supplements. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today

@Nightowlz wrote:

@bebe777 Thx for posting the info. I hardly watch his shows anymore.

I did try his cinnamon a while back. It made me hot. Guess my body mistakes it for estrogen. After reading about it I'm not sure I should take it. Estrogen dominant breast cancer runs on my moms side. Also conflicting info on the liver.

I just hope people that add his products do their own research.

Since I don't like to be hot I'm not taking it. LOL!!!

I think it was likely the heat of the cinnamon, similar to heat you get from say chili peppers. I got the warm feeling from tumeric and discontinued it.


Tho I don't have blood sugar issues, I did try his cinnamon & it lowered my blood sugar too much. I would say if you're tring tp reduce your blood sugar it should work well. It is a very concentrated form of cinnamon, much different that the grocery store.



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Re: Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today

Thank you, bebe777!  I would miss it if not for you!

I just ordered Cholestacare and Tumeric. I also open their card and got $20 off.

I will see if Cholesta would help. I was always perfect, but my last blood work was not pretty and I need to do something about it and I do not want any meds for cholesterol, they are terrible.

So thanks again.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Andrew Lessman - info on supplements featured today


Thank you for keeping up with this information! 

May I ask --- would you include me on the list also?


~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~