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💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

I think about this everytime I take a PPI...and I give thanks

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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

Such a shame many of the risk factors could be removed with a simple short of diet/lifestyle.



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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

Gerd has many causes, mine started after a bout of gastritis. I am not overweight, and eat carefully

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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙




Thank you for your thread. This is one of the most preventable of all cancers, yet so many needlessly suffer and die from it. My late brother-in-law died of complications connected to this disease, even though he lived 18 years longer because he had a, then experimental, surgery.


He is also the reason I had my 1st Endoscopy. I went in with ZERO symptoms(asymptomatic), and one on the 4 problems that were found, was Barrett's Esophagas. This is a precursor to Esophageal Cancer. Had I not had that Endoscopy many years ago?  I probably would have been one of the Esophageal Cancer Statistics.


One of, if not the easiest and painfree, procedure I have ever had, and I've more than the average person. I hope everyone that reads this, and "if it is you", don't fall for the old tired "it only happens to other people" belief. If not for yourself, do it for those that love you.







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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

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Posts: 18,415
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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙


I like the colorful Health PSA illustrations you post.

Sometimes that’s the best way to get the message across!

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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

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Re: 💙 APRIL is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month 💙

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