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I saw a new cardiologist this past Monday. My former one, was frustating me no end, even tho I did like him I just wasn't getting thru to him about my concerns. He was usually ready to dash off to an emergency of some sort so my visits were very brief----once I had to go back to his office 3 times in one week --- 2 of those times--he had been called away on a surgerical emergency, no one called to tell until I got there----the 3rd time I saw him for maybe 5 mnutes before he dashed off again---and as I don't drive anymore, I spent $100 for Uber to and from!! The hospital is 15 minutes away.

So am now starting over---this new dr is very young and a female and was recommended by another of my drs. She does have all my records--both drs are in the same office--and I like that she is young--that doesn't bother me in the least. And she looked at my specific issue and actually addressed it---and explained alot to me too. Was thrilled with my high cholesterol results--been working on that since I was in my 20's--it's a  family thing but doing things now, that are making a difference. 

So back to square one ------again!!

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Im sorry you're having to start new.  I know how frustrating that can be.  I'm currently searching for a new cardiologist for my mother.  The one you were going to sounds a lot like hers.

I should've known something was askew whenever we went once prior to her ablation surgery, which he claimed he couldn't complete, and not only was his large waiting room full of patients, but the hallways and the huge staff cafeteria.  Once we all got talking, I found out they were all there for ablation surgery.


So, she still has to take the medication and her AFib is getting worse. Plus, we found out later that his old partner is now in prison for doing unnecessary and incompetent surgeries on people.  Ugh!  😩 It's so hard to find a good heart Dr here.

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It's good that you found a doctor you can relate to,  It's a win/win.

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@cheriere --OMGosh!!! No,  my issues are not as dire as your mom's-- that would panic me no end. Thank heavens you are there to help her out with this stuff!! Wishing her the best!!


I am lucky to be so close to a great hospital close to me with really good drs. I went there during my breast cancer adventure so am very familiar with it all. 

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@wagirl wrote:

@cheriere --OMGosh!!! No,  my issues are not as dire as your mom's-- that would panic me no end. Thank heavens you are there to help her out with this stuff!! Wishing her the best!!


I am lucky to be so close to a great hospital close to me with really good drs. I went there during my breast cancer adventure so am very familiar with it all. 

I'm glad you're really close to a great hospital.  It's nice and important to have confidence in your physicians.  I hope yours turns out to be fantastic!🌸


Im so scared for my mom lately. She's barely even able and got enough wind to do anything anymore.  We were really counting on this surgery too.  Prior to having it, she was a regular at the gym.  Up every morning at 3 am and there by 4.  She would walk an hour on the treadmill and then do a yoga class.  I never could keep up with her, ever!  She's always been so high energy.


Now, this Dr tells her to not even walk more than she has to.  She's taken to her recliner because she always feels so poorly.  I'd love to get her to go to a heart surgeon in Nashville, but my dad wants her to have one near our home.  So, I don't know what to do.💝

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Glad you found a new cardiologist.  It's annoying to have to search for a new doctor and wonderful when it works out!

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@wagirl  I hope this new doctor works for you. I have had to get a new heart doctor. I saw what was to be my new heart doctor about a month ago.I won't be going back. That's for sure!  He was very rushed and I can take a little of that but arrogant and rude I can't...... so the search is on again.  I sure do miss my former heart doctor....he was so good. I'm planning on asking around (a lot) this time. It was so nice when your family doctors knew the person they were sending you they just seem to pick out one who is available that they don't really know.


Good luck!

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I understand the cardio I was going to left and his son took over the practice it was not the same. I started seeing a woman at the same practice as all my other physicians, I mostly see her NP and she is great,

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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@wagirl You did the smart thing! Glad you have a doctor who is actually listening to you! 

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I've had 2 doctors I call Dr Hand on the Door meaning one who doesn't take enough time during a visit.  It's like  his hand is on the door knob waiting to leave the exam room.  Not literally, but the meaning is clear.