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••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

I'm interested in learning more about a Mediterranean diet, saw this and wanted to share.Smile Here's part of the article (not the entire article):

A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life

(12/3/14) "The Mediterranean diet keeps on gathering merits: Heart disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and cognitive decline are some of the conditions it may prevent, or in some cases, reverse.

It’s also been linked to a longer lifespan in people who stick to it over the long term. And a new study adds some intriguing evidence to the connection, finding that people who adhered to a Mediterranean-style diet had “younger”-looking chromosomes."

"The researchers from Harvard Medical School used data from the ongoing Nurses’ Health Study to look at connections between diet and cellular aging.

They were particularly interested in a part of the chromosome called the telomere, which is considered a biomarker for aging."

"The team found that people who ate a Mediterranean diet had longer telomeres than people who ate a “Western” diet, even when factors like body mass index, age, exercise level, calorie intake, and smoking history were controlled for."

"Why would a Mediterranean diet protect the telomere from shrinking? It seems to have to do with the reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress, which are both known to speed up telomere shrinkage over time.

We do things every day that contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation: Smoking, being obese, and eating a high-sugar diet are all linked to shorter telomeres.

The antioxidants in the Mediterranean diet are thought to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in our cells, possibly leading to a healthier telomere."

“Many chronic diseases, coronary heart disease in particular, are marked by inflammation,” study author Immaculata De Vivo tells me.

“It’s the antioxidants – in fruits, veggies and olive oil, wine, nuts, fish – that seem to have the effect, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. It’s the richness of diet.”

"There was no particular item in the diet that was linked to longer telomeres, the authors found when they separated each one out.

So it’s not the wine, nuts, fish, or greens separately that has an effect, but it seems to be all of the elements in concert."

“The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, fish, whole grains, and usually includes a little wine with dinner; it doesn’t make much room for red meat, poultry, dairy, and sweets, though a little every now and then is probably ok."

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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

I can tell you that if it weren't for the fact my mom had Parkinson's and Alzheimer's (she died at 75), I could substantiate that to some degree.

My grandparents were both from Sicily and we all lived on the same street along with great aunts and uncles. Our diet was always dates, apricots, grapes, etc. Pasta with oil, garlic, herbs and vegetables. Beans were made with tomatoes, escarole and seasonings. Sunday pasta was always with red sauce and meat.

My mother and my aunts were/are truly beautiful and youthful looking with the most beautiful skin you laid eyes on.

UNFORTUNATELY: My grandparents died 5 days apart, my grandfather at age 64 from esophageal cancer as he smoked (many foreigners did and still do) and my grandmother at age 60 from a thoracic aneurysm. This was in 1962 when they did not check cholesterol or high blood pressure. Heck...people didn't go to the doctor unless they were really sick.

My one uncle is still alive at 90 and my aunt who is nearly 87.

I believe in theory it works. You just don't know what genetic pre-disposition may come your way.

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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

I have lived what I consider to be a healthy and physically fit life since the 1960's. Because of my genetic predispositions I've had numerous serious health issues. While I think it is a great idea for everyone to stay as healthy and fit as they can, I also I think there is more to life than the number of years you live. Like the old saying says:it ain't the years in your life it is the life in your years!
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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

Thanks for your comments.Smiley Happy

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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

Have to follow the money trail for all these studies. The Mediterranean Diet has strong ties to olive oil...a heavily processed food which injures the endothelium of our arterial system.

It's mind-boggling how those in the medical field can sleep @ night when promoting diets like this. Oil & animal products are extremely can they ethically say eating those items can reduce inflammation? Our veins & arteries say otherwise. All these diets just keeps these doctors in business...and a BIG, profitable business it is for them. $$$$$.

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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

On 2/13/2015 sidsmom said:

Have to follow the money trail for all these studies. The Mediterranean Diet has strong ties to olive oil...a heavily processed food which injures the endothelium of our arterial system.

It's mind-boggling how those in the medical field can sleep @ night when promoting diets like this. Oil & animal products are extremely can they ethically say eating those items can reduce inflammation? Our veins & arteries say otherwise. All these diets just keeps these doctors in business...and a BIG, profitable business it is for them. $$$$$.

SM -

The studies go back decades and it's not about money. It's because scientists realized quite awhile ago that while some in that area ate a lot of pasta, drank wine, etc., they had less heart disease than other groups.

You're really wrong with this one, there's just too much evidence that says so.

And take note, it's about healthy oils, it doesn't have to be EVOO, there are others. Canola works and so does sesame oil.

This isn't a "Diet" someone made up, it's a researched pattern on how people in that area have eaten for centuries, and the fact that they are healthier that we are.

It promotes eating vegetables and whole grains regularly and red meat not that often.

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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

My Italian grandfather lived to be 96 , but was totally senile. He was married to a woman of german heritage so they ate a combo of german and Italian foods. I think long life has more to do with genes than diet.
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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

Here is the basic plan, easy to understand and heart healthy:

Traditional Mediterranean Diet Pyramid of Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust
A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

On 2/13/2015 happy housewife said: My Italian grandfather lived to be 96 , but was totally senile. He was married to a woman of german heritage so they ate a combo of german and Italian foods. I think long life has more to do with genes than diet.

As a retired nurse, I assume you would agree that an eating habit of fruits and veg, low on red meat, etc. would lead to a chance of living longer than a diet of a lot of junk food and fried food.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: ••• A Link Between A Mediterranean Diet And A Long Life •••

But any oil is a processed food item. And processed anything is not good. Especially on a daily basis...ouch.