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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

@jaxs mom wrote:

I was really only asking about the seasonal EDPs not the seasonal CCs. 


@jaxs mom, I know but the only information that Chaz has shared was a general blanket statement about Seasonals. That's all we know right now. 


Also, I just edited my post to add that since the Fall Tuscan Pear (FTP) will be back at QVC this fall, I think it's likely that the FTP EDP will be available again. -- FIrst off, the FTP Seasonals is a very popular scent. Secondly, from what I understand about the perfume industry, the main expense for creatting a new fragrance is in the development process... and the profits come down the road with future sales. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

Yes, I agree with you that it would be odd to go through all the work of creating the scent and not bring it back. 

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

@bebe777 wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@bebe777 wrote:

So you will still be able to purchase your favorite Seasonal products at Chaz's site (even if QVC isn't carrying that particular Seasonal scent)... it's just that the Seasonal products are more expensive at Chaz's site... and I believe the Seasonal EDPs are actually much more expensive at Chaz's site.



For right now, I think these are the factors you may want to consider: 


* while the SMC EDP auto-delivery option could always sell at any time, based on past Seasonals EDP sales, I would expect it to be available for a while... but, of course, that's never certain. -- Also, the featured price for the Seasonal EDPs usually stays around for a while, so I think it's unlikely that there will be a price increase.


* There is always a slim possibility that the SCM/613 EDP duo will very briefly become available in the next two weeks. -- If people who paid with "check hold" don't sent in their checks in two weeks, then these SMC/613 EDP duos are put back into the QVC inventory (and just as quickly bought).


Deb, I hope this info helps you make your decision. Best of luck!! Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy



Good point about check hold drop offs. 


But has it been confirmed that the seasonal EDPs will be available in their furture applicable season? So that means I could get FTP EDP this year, since I didn't buy it last year? Not sure I want to pay the full price from Chaz though, ouch. Especially without trying it first. I haven't even tried the FTP CC yet. 


@jaxs mom, that's an excellent point. From the the information I reposted in message #25 of this thread -- regarding what Chaz shared in a periscope feed -- it seems clear that the specific four Seasonals that QVC won't be bringing back will still be available on Chaz's site... but, you are right, it was a very general statement and Chaz didn't share anymore specific info... and it was the very first time we've heard of Chaz addressing this Seasonals question. 


Hopefully on the of our Wenner periscopers will have a chance to ask Chaz that question. -- @Curiousincali @Brdwygurl and @nikki48, I know that you all sometimes do the periscope thing. If you happen to be watching one of Chaz's live streams, it you be great if you could ask Chaz about it... lol, and then share it with the rest of us. Smiley Happy


Thanks so much. I really appreciate all the periscope info that you've been sharing with all of us. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy


P.S. JaxsMom, since the Fall Tuscan Pear (FTP) will be back at QVC this fall, I think it's likely that the FTP EDP will be available again. -- FIrst off, the FTP Seasonals is a very popular scent. Secondly, from what I understand about the perfume industry, the main expense for creatting a new fragrance is in the development process... and the profits come down the road with future sales. Smiley Happy


I believe it will be back this fall. I love FTP and when he presented the EDP, Chaz was saying it would be the only time to get it for the year. I only purchased one bottle because I dont do perfume often and I knew it would get me through the year.

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

What I'm/have been for over a year, hoping for is a....a......BIG RTM in Wen Men but alas.....sniff sniff....it's not been offered at all yet.  I have RTM in Pumpkin, WWC, 613, 319, CLV, WVM, SMC, SHP, and most of the classics.  All the mousses too.  My very favorite is Wen Men.  The CC along with the oil on QVC is pricey and I don't think it's on flex pay.  I have the auto delivery of the CC, in fact a few of those.  The styling creme and paste I get from Chaz's site.  I'm hoping for the RTM because the scent stays with me a long time with those.  I caved and got the SMC EDP because I was reading a thread of how people liked it and I got a kit that was offered in that when June started and I really love the scent so I got that.  Got a cute kit in 613 that was offered.  I have a few 613 styling cremes so I'm good there.  I really have a decent collection.  I believe everyone else on here does too.  I didn't get a gallon this year but next year I will.  So far in gallons I had two Wen Kids Apples and two Bamboos and one Pumpkin, that was the only one I didn't do auto delivery, hence only one.  I have a Peach styling creme I never opened, I found it on the floor! LOL. LOL!!!!!  I'm cracking up!  What a slob!  LOL!!!  I have all my collection in boxes but the boxes are crowding the room and I started putting stuff next to the boxes.  My problem is I'm not very organized.  I envy people that can organize things so nicely!  I'm hoping mostly that Chaz does something with Wen Men besides what's already out.  I really love what is out in that though and I keep it.  I only have 2 styling cremes in Wen Men and one paste but over a gallon in CC.  Only ONE half bottle of the oil though. boo hoo!  I'll always hope Chaz will turn his attention on it some day!

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

WildApple, if you're gonna get a gallon of TT you better do it now because I think this is the very last day!  What a cute name!  I believe I heard on the show, not sure though, they were saying TT is getting low too.  Watchoo waitin' on?  Just kidding!  Smiley Happy  I sometimes do that, I'll think oh, I'm gonna get that and by the time I do it's on waitlist or sold out or not offered in that scent.  I can't believe June is gone already.  My favorite season is fall, I mean the season itself.  I love June though because Chaz made it so much fun for all the Wen fans.  I'll miss him though but he needs a rest.  A few photos I saw of him, he looked a bit tuckered.  He's probably very busy with all kinds of things and some stress is probably involved and that can wear anyone out.  Bebe made a thread with a link it in, I think, for the shows tonight so while the shows are on we can chat.  That's really great.  TT is really great, I like it too.  It makes great results.  It pampers my hair.  I love all the scents.  Chaz is so ingenious.  Okay, I guess I talked your ear off enough. Smiley Happy  I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and a safe one. XXXOOO

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

Awww.  How sweet of you to ask her!  Yes, I'm glad to see your posts too.  You must be feeling better.  It hit me too, oh, there's Drythe!  But dumb me didn't post about it, duh!!  God bless and continue to restore you. XXXOOO

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

I went to get the SMC with the 613 and saw it was gone so I got the SMC alone.  I would really liked to have gotten the two because I have less than half of my 613 EDP left.  I wasn't gonna get any EDP but everyone talking about how nice the SMC is pushed me over the edge and I caved.  That's true that sometimes you see something come back for just a bit.  Oh well, that's okay.  I don't mind getting the SMC bit itself.  I need more 613 CC.  I haven't used the TSV from March yet.  I got it in 319.  The only thing I used from that is the RTM, the other stuff is still in one of my Wen collection boxes.  This is off topic, but I hope no one lives near where there are alot of thunder storms around the great lakes area.  I've been watching the weather and I've been seeing for a few weeks dark red over that area indicating heavy storms.  I have a sister in Texas and I emailed her and she confirmed that they were getting heavy rain but they had no damage.  She doesn't share too much of her life with me.  I wear my heart on my sleeve and some, I guess take that for weakness.  Anyway, everyone have a great 4th of July and a safe one.  I'm glad HappyDaze and Drythe and Nicole are okay and getting better.  Sorry I'm so mushy. Smiley Happy

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Re: what do you hope to order this last week of shows in June?

I got the EDP in the FTP and I didn't like it.  It was very harsh to me but I don't want to sway you.  The best thing is you can send it back even if the bottle is empty, I think.  Smell is a funny thing.  There were people that loved it though.  I love the SMC and I saw reviewers that didn't like it.  Chaz said he's gonna make and EDP in Bamboo and the Mandarin but it won't be out for a while yet, he's working on it.  I love the Bamboo but I'm not crazy about the other one.  I do have MIF in mousse and styling creme and all that and I use them but as an EDP, I wouldn't, again it's a bit too harsh for my taste but then again others go bonkers over it.  If you really love the FTP by all means get it.  I was just expressing my little ole opinion.  I love all Wen stuff though.  I would never use anything else.  I love all the RTM in all the scents.  For some reason they really stay with me, that's why I'm hoping Chaz will make a Wen Men RTM.  That smell sends me!  I wanted to express to everyone without starting a new thread to have a great 4th of July and a safe one.  I love all of you and enjoy reading all the posts, they bring me alot of joy.  My husband is not into Wen or hair and body stuff so I have no one to share with but this forum is so much fun for me. XXXOOO