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a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

I understand why Chaz is retiring older seasonal formulas. The original intent was to offer each for one season, then done and gone.
Unlike less popular SGGT, FAS, WCM, the Winter Vanilla Mint still remains in high demand.

So ... I wonder if Chaz is contemplating adding a new category.

We have Classics, Ultras, Restoratives, Kids, and Men's that are offered year 'round. Perhaps seasonal favorites that continue to sell very well several years after their introduction could be 'retired' from the seasonal group and reclassified as Perennial Favorites that are available in all seasons.

While WVM isn't on my WEN shelf, I realize sooner or later my favorite seasonals will be 'retired' to make room for new seasonals. If they remain good sellers it's crazy bad business to stop offering them just because the clock's run out.
Just a thought.
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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

[ Edited ]

@x Hedge


I agree.  I’ve long said that WVM needs to become permanent.  Delete the “Winter” part of the title.  I’d love to be able to buy it year-round as needed instead of having to cram bottles upon bottles in my closet for when it’s not available.


It is possible though, that it isn’t selling as much as it used to.  And the demands of “new, new new” are high by consumers, as well as the Q, I suspect.  Gotta keep those sales numbers up.

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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

Hiya, Hedge!  Yes, I heard him say even FGP will be going and that one is popular, the WVM is VERY popular but I heard him also say these are gonna be replaced with new ones.  I didn't hear him say he's making a new catagory though.   I was disappointed about some of these going because I love them but hey, Chaz ALWAYS out does himself.  For instance, I thought a few seasonals could not be topped and then good ole' Chaz comes out with STP and BAM!  I was/am head over heals on that one and hoping he does an NBT in it AND and EDP TOO!!!

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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

Hi geezerette!  I was thinking the same thing about my beloved Wen Men.  Not call it that.  Just call it Vanilla Woodsy or something like that.  The other "name" for it escapes me at the moment.

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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

Hi @77yangya!
While every seasonal has it's die hard fans, I suspect WVM sells as well now as ever. Demand for WVM surpassed that for "newer" WCM.

Eventually, it will be time to retire SHP. But that's another one that I think will sell just as well in it's retirement year as it still does now.

No, Chaz did not say he was contemplating a new category. I'm contemplating from a business point of view what a smart businessman like Chaz might do to supply a demand, especially if new seasonal formulas don't do as well as "retired" ones in repeat sales. Just musing.
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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

[ Edited ]

When Chaz brings out new seasonals there is usually a lot of hype and interest to check out the new scent and performance.  But, if they aren't as good as what has been offered, he runs the risk of returns and less sales over time and that's not something he can afford to do.  So my guess is, he brings in new seasonals while he puts some of the older ones on hiatus, and brings some of those back a year or two later which also increases the demand.  Some just get retired.  But I agree, some should be offered year round!!

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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

He talked about some of the retirements on Periscope. He said that most of the retired formulas (for sure WVM) will be available on his site still. It is QVC that demands he keep only 3 scents running each season.

Posts: 42
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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

I love the seasonal performance, but the foodie scents don't entice me at all.  I stock up on peony, lilac, and citris verbenia.  The sleeper for me is the winter white citris.  There's a brightness w/that one I like.

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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

@scullychick wrote:

He talked about some of the retirements on Periscope. He said that most of the retired formulas (for sure WVM) will be available on his site still. It is QVC that demands he keep only 3 scents running each season.

The first time seasonals went into retirement (FGP, WVM) they weren't available on Chaz's site.   So many Wenners were really upset (including myself) we had to search out items on the Bay and pay $$.  I realized during that time how I attached I was to the WVM and could not live without it and swore I'd never be without it again.    Not only has Chaz made the retired scents available on his site he also reduced the pricing.    I just wish he would change that WVM label back to the original blue.  

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Re: a possibility? for Retiring Top Selling Seasonals

Hi, ANewHue!  I see you like the blue label on WVM.  I like the green better, it made the decision for me on getting it or another scent.  I guess advertisement is everything.  I'm like Lucy Ricardo and the way she loved hats and clothes.  I'm a Wen fan.  I get that feeling like oh, Ethel, that feeling, I can't fight it!   She's in a hat store with her eyes closed taking a hat back and the lady says, it has pearls all over it in a lovely shade of turquoise, or however you spell it, LOL!  Lucy shouts, I"LL TAKE IT sight unseen!  We laugh at that!!!  I think we have it on the DVR!!