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Registered: ‎11-27-2010
I’m disappointed. First, I missed TSV day. Don’t even know what the special was. I love this time of year because WWC is my fav. So, as usual, had to buy cleansing conditioner, oil, mousse, and styling cream. I just opened the oil. Oh my gosh, it smells absolutely horrible. Like it’s rancid. Anyone else notice this?
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Registered: ‎04-14-2010

@KweenB I am also a fan of WWC. I have tried the CC and the perfume in the travel size bottle and liked them both. Last year near the end of the season, i purchased a duo of the oil and I have to say, I don't think it was rancid, but it DEFINATELY didn't transfer well as an oil.  There is an underlying scent in it that is different than the other two items I had tried.  I didn't return but certainly should have as I do not use it

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Registered: ‎11-21-2011
@scullychick I’ve never noticed this. I remember using my oil and loving the citrus scent and mine isn’t new. I’ll have to check this out soon.