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Posts: 3,983
Registered: ‎12-27-2010

Hi..good luck on weight loss & getting to Chaz for your hair. I dont use FB either but am sure lots of lady's here do!!

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,371
Registered: ‎07-18-2015

Congratulations on your loss! I voted for you as well. I hope you all win!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Maggie Pie2 wrote:

Hi Bruingirl,


Thank you, thank you!!!!!  We're Not Gonna Bake it is now up to 49 votes and 11th place now.  I so appreciate you voting.  Please ask anyone else you know, that has a facebook account, to please vote.  We have until Sunday.  My team is so excited today, and I am especially thrilled, as the thought of having Chaz do my hair for the first time in February, is just so dang awesome!

you're welcome! And I agree, that would be awesome! Let me know if you make it to the salon....I would love to meet you.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 536
Registered: ‎05-05-2015

Congratulations on your weight loss, and I hope you reach your goal!  Keep us updated! 👏👏👏

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Posts: 2,922
Registered: ‎06-07-2013

Congratulation! We have a Weight Watchers at Work meeting in Thursday's, so I just got home from it. It really is lot more fun to do it together. I also find friending people on Fitbit and doing weekly step challenges is great. I would love  to vite for you but alas, I am not a Facebook-er either. I hope you win. I am planning to go see Chaz next Fall. It's a great reward in my book.

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
Posts: 43
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Thank you Suz585!!!!  Big hugs!

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Hi quadmimi,  Thank you!!  

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Hi yisbuff2,


Thank you so much! You made my night.

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Hi sam96,  Thank you so much!  You guys are great, and I will keep you posted ❤️

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Hi Kjelle,  Thank you, I was thinking about getting a Fitbit.  Good luck on your weight loss journey too!