Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


This makes no sense and I almost think that this was done on purpose to help create a Wen gallons buying frenzy. 


Chaz's first Wen segment was this morning at 10am on Saturday Morning Q. -- You can watch that segment by going to the WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon product page and clicking on the video segment. They always show the most recent QVC TV segment for each product.


There were 7,000 pre-sales (i.e. sales before Chaz's first presentation) and at the top of the hour there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left. -- When Chaz's segment ended at 10:16am ET, there were only 200 CA gallons left.


According to the host, when the CA gallons are gone... they're gone until next June.


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line.




Purchasing decisions for other Wen gallons...


It just doesn't make any sense that the CA gallons should be selling out just as soon as they are being presented.


In past years -- with the exception of the very first launches for the Bamboo Green Tea and 613 gallons (they really underestimated the demand) -- all of the gallon selections have been available for most of the availability period. 


What's happened with the CA gallons limited availability makes me wonder if the Q may have limited availability of certain formulas in order to create a demand frenzy. I just don't know.


Based on this, I'd recommend that you start to think about nailing down your purchasing decisions... just so you don't find yourself in the position of having to make your purchasing decisions quickly. 


Usually the hosts will let us know when a particular formula is becoming limited, so you get a bit of advance time to make your purchasing decisions. -- So if you take the time now as to whether a Wen gallon is best for you, then you won't feel pressured to make a last minute decision.


btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


-- bebe Smiley Happy





CLASSIC GALLONS -- Auto-delivery option








CLASSIC GALLONS -- single shipment









Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


A and B Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


* WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

* WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  alphabetical sequence 



Names:  A 


@addicted2q @Adelina @Aeon @AliMar @AlleyCat @AlohaSun @Andreatoo (in bold) @ANewHue @AngelPuppy1 @appleseed @AprilBird @aprimo @Aresnz @Arianny @Atellam @HairAddict 



Names:  B 


@BackwoodsBarbie @bballwidow @beach-mom @beatlefan @BigAppleBella @Beautoxica @bebe777 @beepzipzang @Beeweaver @BethanyB @betsyblue @BExplorer @Bhvbum @BichonEmma @blackhole99 @bleueyez28 @blondeshoediva @blondie13 @BabyYoda @bohemian @Bohemian @BootLvr @Boxerdoglover @Brdwygurl @Brenda810 @brewhaha @Buck-i-Nana @Buckeye815 @ButterflyGirl @butterflygirl69 @bebe77 




Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


C Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  C  


@c_la_vee @cac140 @Caitlinh429 @CamilleP @Campion @cancun08 @CANDLEQUEEN @candys mine @Catbelly @CatLoverDogsToo @catmom3 @Ceci @cerinthe @cgil @Cheezit @Chefgal411 @Chicago-girl @ChicagoHeather2 @chickenmoo @ChocolateLime @ChynnaBlue @Cindi10 @Citrine1 @ClassySassyGal @cnd8 @CoCo87 @coffeegal @CoG @Colonel Meow @casamtn @cosmic1 @Cotygirl @course24 @Cin001 @Cranberries @crblu @croemer @Curiousincali @CWS22 @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


D through F Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  D 


@Dakota66 @danabanayna @Daycaremom816 @Deanie @deja vu @delaneysmom @delish91 @Dessert1st @Diva1Donna @CalMom @dogma @Doherty @Dorianwalk @dotgirl @doxie1 (in bold) @DoxieMomma @LoraR @DrCEB @Drythe 



Names:  E - F  


@Ebrennix @Ebrennix @EdithEllenLily @ElleMc @enw5002 @equss @EvieJ @Faith1818 @fashionqueen @FleaMktQn @FormerlyFabulous @foundinlv @free-spirit @Fressa @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


G through I Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  G  


@GCR18 @geezerette @Gram W @gemslily @germanblush @gmvaldez @golfgal @GoochiePooDoo @pggoody @gracewade @gramygram @GrannieJannie @Graysonsmom @Gussie2007 



Names:  H  


@HangingTen @happycat @HappyDaze @Harley2013 @hatetoiron @HBNY74 @hecate @hennypenny3 @hfpint @Hilary77 @hockeymom5 (second listing) @GingerPeach @HonnyBrown @Hop @hopi @HSB1204 



Names:  I  


@kwkelley @Ibby114 @icezeus @ImaBElover @sktchy @islandgrrl @bebe77 



Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


J and K Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  J  


@Hope4102 @vcdrt @janjan @jaxs mom @jay633 @jazzbabe @jb20 @Jeannie29 @Jen44 @jennys kid @Jhincher @JohGlo @jp926 @jpie @jrq @Julie_23 @Julie2228 @jurby 



Names:  K  


@Kardi @KarenaJeannette @karin334 @karlam @karmakat @Karnerblue @KateBee @kathie66 @Katmary @katwalk @kefromCA @Kelseyrr @Kempokim @KentuckyWoman @kesselrun @Kitkat21 @kjae @kjcteach1 @Kjelle @KJPA @cddh @KMBSAB @KonaKat @kricket3142 @ksporter53 @ktbCA57 @KumiC @bebe77 




Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


L Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  L  


@Labbylove @Maltichonmom17 @LadyEsmerelda @ladygirl @Ladygolighty41 @LAMS @LaNiece @Laura14 @Laural @leavesgalore @Leothelion @Mgggg1 @liliblu @LIndaMJ @Sunnycorle @littlepixie @CoastalGal @Ljwm @LKDKK2 @lovetoshoptoo @lovinglife @lrmuffin @Lucky Duck @LucysMommy @lusinia @luvingit @Luvitorleaveit1 @LUVLUVLUVTOSHOP @Luv_My_Beagle @LuvMyPuppies @luvzchiz @lyn61 @lynne6was7 @Lynnster67 @bebe77 




Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


M Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  M 


@madmimi @MaggieMack @makeitadouble @MalleyMaeBear @MalteseMomma @MandySays @Mattie76 @Maureenk54 @meeser @todaysrx @merri @mgflores @Michele5004 @MidNight @millieshops @mimi0414 @Minpinmom2 @Mirage08 @MissJuJu @MissKlynn @Missy823 @Mom2Ro @mom4321 @Mommy4 @monks @morenagurl @morenaroxx @INDIANA BONES @MrsCat21 @mrsmouse @Mrsq2022 @mstyrion 1 @mumfordandsons @Mysticmom @mzlg @mzrhondap @bebe77 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


N through P Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  N - O    


@Nailsnob67 @nana488 @NickelEmily @nikki48 @NMCrazyCatLady @Noangel1981 @Ilovelife123 @noonedelights @NycVixen @oceanbreezy @okiebug 



Names:  P  


@panda1234 @Pecky @pennstate94 @pepes mom @Petparent @Petrilla @philogirl @Phoebesmommy @phoebesnow @phoenixbrd @photodreamr @picco @Pineappletoo @pinkmochi @Pinky920 @Pintacular @Pisces Kit @pmagic @posterchild @Princesa7 @Pro211 @PSASSY @pslady @bebe77 




Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen- Alert - LAST CALL - 200 Cuc Aloe gallons left

[ Edited ]


Q and R Names Notifications 



At 10am ET this morning, on Saturday Monrning Q, Chaz has his first Wen segment for Wen Gallons month.


At the top of the show, the host announced that there were only 400 Cucumber Aloe (CA) gallons left and by the end of the show she mentioned that there were only 200 CA gallons left. 


The CA gallons are in the Wen Classic line: 


WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cond. One Gallon Auto-Delivery -- $179.00 

WEN by Chaz Dean Classic Cleansing Cond. One Gallon -- $179.00


Bottom line is that it's last call for your CA gallons. You should probably make your CA gallon purchasing decision asap. -- CA gallons tend to sell slowly, but with only 200 CA gallons left there could be a quick run on them.




btw, I'd guess that only about 25-30% of the active Wenners in this forum purchase a Wen gallon. -- Unless you have a particular "go to" Wen formula, purchasing a Wen gallon is probably not the best way to go. 


Also, if you're new to Wen, I'd recommend against purchasing a Wen gallon. It takes a long time to go through a Wen gallon, and if you find other formulas that you prefer later on it's going to take you even longer to go through your Wen gallon. -- Also, Chaz offers a number of great Wen CC values throughout the year, a number of which are "ounce for ounce" better values than the Wen gallons.


There's more information about this  in the very first post of this thread.


-- bebe Smiley Happy








Names:  Q  


@GSPgirl @quadmimi @quakerette @Quietgirl @Quiltlady @qtrmoonlady1 @Qvcbeautylover @QVCdiva



Names:  R 


@rachaelb @Rachb @Ren10@Renata22 (in bold) @RespectLife @riley1 @RipleyGirl@rittek13 @rochelleS @Rosiebudsmom @Rowdymom @rplas64 @RunnerMom @bebe77