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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

[ Edited ]

@Drythe Yes his church comments I thought were in poor taste. I don't know about anyone else but no, when I am at church I am not critiquing/judging the back of the heads in front of me, I am concentrating on the words being spoken by the priest. And the host was just cackling and loud too which fed his hysteria. It truly was uncomfortable to watch. 


Eta: and yes yes yes about the frayed ends! The did a close up and most of his head was in frame and I noticed it too. I find it fascinating trolls come out of the woodwork to say how greasy Chaz's hair looks but not a thing about the dried damage ends on Nick with a somewhat oily scalp area? Personally though, I don't buy my products based on how the vendor looks, I buy it based on if it works for ME or not. Just thought it was interesting no bashing about nick's inappropriate church talk and being hyper and not so pleasant hair but raring to go when Chaz is on. 

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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

@Drythe. Yes noticed the comb missing teeth.  Really???  He could not get a proper comb.  Maybe the teeth came out combing thst rough hair....LOL OMG.  I used to watch nick all the time but that was too much even for me to handled.  Guess he was really trying to sell the products.

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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

That was an uncomfortable thing to watch.  Talk about an over the top presentation.  If you hadn't posted this for us to watch I would have muted it for sure.  It was almost manic.. He is waaaayyyy too rough with those model's hair.  I find that disturbing even more so than the ridiculous comments about curly/straight hair and church ladies which I take with a grain of salt.  It's his opinion only.  I sure wouldn't want anybody roughing up my head like that.  It would set off my vertigo!!  

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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

Wow. That makes me mad, not because he borrowed the idea from Chaz, but because he just enforced the stereotype that straight hair = responsible, church lady and curly hair = party girl, wild side. Women with curly hair are discriminated against because of this stereotype that we cannot have naturally curly hair and look/behave like professionals. I've personally had it happen to me, so I take great offense to this stereotype. 



I could not believe he actually referred to the model's curly side as "Kim's evil sister Henrietta". 😡


☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

[ Edited ]

I just took a look. Never used these products but



1. I've seen him on air maligning Chaz and that's so low and unprofessional

2. His models' hair doesn't look nearly as healthy

3. Scary ingredient deck

4. What he accomplishes on air is mainly due to good hair cuts more than anything else. 5. He doesn't teach or demonstrate good HAIR CARE. Too busy on air being impressed with himself. 

6. Eighties logo and packaging

7. Frenetic energy-so unlike Chaz. Maybe a host might wear you out but Chaz never does. More Zen Chaz and Angels, please. Can you imagine the WEN Kids trying to deal with this guy? They would be bouncing off the walls, as would the Angels!




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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

  1. .....but I digress and post this only to relax... Aaaah.... Mmmuaaaah!


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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?


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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

......and "Oy" again!


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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?

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Re: WEN Users Does This Look Familiar?