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Re: Tea Tree TSV already sold out?

@Laura14 wrote:

@Ibby114 and @CoastalGal  I have the same hair type and I've always used FIG.  I've flirted with the idea of lavendar for a year now but wasn't sure it would work well on long curly hair.  My hair is very thick which is the opposite of what LAV is supposedly made for.  You really find LAV does well for you?

Lav isn't my regular WEN choice, but every now and then my hair loves it  I guess I fall in the coarse thick hair that bebe mentioned?  I never think of my hair as thick & coarse since it was MUCH thicker when I was younger.  (think Roseanne Roseannadanna! ... now I'm showing my age!)  


Fig 'by definition' should be my choice, but it's impossible to rinse fully and my hair looks terrible afterwards. I have a similar experience with  POM. Most often I use BGT or SAM.  I'm loving 613 as well. I look forward to revisiting  TT with this tsv- it was the very first WEN during Chaz's beginnings with QVC!

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Re: Tea Tree TSV already sold out?

@CoastalGal I usually mix TT and LAV to help somewhat tame the frizz. I use TT as my 1st cleanse and LAV as 2nd for the smell. This has always worked for me.
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Re: Tea Tree TSV already sold out?

Oh I think I see a third TTV purchase 

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Posts: 7,425
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Tea Tree TSV already sold out?

My tea tree tsv advanced order already shipped- what a nice surprise!

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Registered: ‎12-29-2014

Re: Tea Tree TSV already sold out?

My last order of another TT kit from 8/26 went really fast from the advanced, to processing, to being shipped already awhile ago.


They had probably produced mucho mega many TT Kits to really satisfy huge appetite of Wenners for TT! Even on a pre-order I bet there was a lot! I really wonder - how many TT they have sold by now? I would love to know.