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My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

[ Edited ]

I again had a wonderful time at Chaz’s salon on 9/22/18. As always, the place was buzzing with a lot of activity, and the weather was beautiful, so I was able to enjoy the grounds before my appointment. I took several photos for all of you to enjoy.


Cucumber and green tea lemonade was one of the offerings of the day, and I enjoyed that while waiting for Chaz.


After the before photos were taken, his assistant said Chaz wanted her to use Bella Spirit Indigo on me for both first and second cleanse, with nothing else added. The second cleanse was left in for around 10-15 minutes, definitely giving me the Indigo color.


When I got into his chair, I had to share the photos I printed out of @SurferWife precious WEN dog, Toby. Chaz really liked them and held them up to the Periscope camera for everyone to see and comment on.


For my leave-in and all styling products, he used the new Winter White Forest, which smells so, so good! I really like this scent, which makes me feel like I am in a snowy forest smelling all the green trees and bushes, and giving a very light, but definite cool mint sensation to the aromatherapy of the product. It definitely does not have the chocolate scent, like Vanilla Mint does, but this will be a wonderful addition to the winter choices.


I spotted something in a non-descript tube on his counter and asked about it. It is a new “curl cream” that he is working on. He said it will be great for those who have curls like Model Wendy. He was quick to mention that it was also for people who do not have curly hair; it’s for straight hair too, giving great hold and making the hair shinier.


He also brought out and used the fourth trial version of the Bella Spirit paste, with the final version due out “probably” in September 2019. He is working on the fifth version. He keeps adding things to it. On version five, he is adding the four-tea complex and honey complex. He is waiting to present it to us AFTER the Bella Spirit styling products are launched, which he hopes will be in April 2019. So, maybe we will see the hair paste in September.


For those of you who having been voicing your desire for the Bella Spirit Traditional and Indigo in gallons, QVC won’t let him sell then until next October. If you really, really want it, you may purchase it from him for $285. He reiterated that exclusive properties in Bella Spirit are the bamboo water, lavender water, cucumber water, eucalyptus water, and the four-tea complex.


I asked why the September 1 TSV did not incorporate the new Winter White Forest and his new Spring Fresh Floral (Yes, that’s the name of the new spring offering, which he let me smell. I have never cared for the Spring cleansing conditioners because I am not a floral person. I love flowers, but do not like to have floral scents on me. I will have to make an exception for the Fresh Floral. It is delightful, not heavy, and very refreshing to my senses. Although it has jasmine and rose in it, I did not get a heady strong scent of those two from it. I did notice a little hint of it, but nothing that was overwhelming.)


He said the reason for not having the White Forest and Fresh Floral on the back end of the auto-delivery for the TSV was simply because he was still working on both of them at the time they had to lock down which scents to use. They ended up picking out favorites, which are the Red Currant and the Tropical Paradise for the second and third shipment.


His next summer cleansing conditioner will be Summer Melon Mint, and the scent I got from his sample was just that…….melon mint. Very light and refreshing. He plans to start shooting the label Monday, September 24. Also, another winner in my books.


He mentioned that he is really loving all the new products (scents) he has created. He is very excited about them coming out for you to try.


I asked him about the choice of four scents that we had on 9/1, that he had previously said QVC only wanted to sell three scents at a time, except during gallon month in June. He said he really fought hard for the four choices because QVC said they did not want to overlap seasons (Fall and Winter), like he is doing in his salon and on his website.


QVC wants to wait until November 27 to debut the winter products and I understood him to say that Winter White Forest will be a TSV (but don't quote me on that in case I misunderstood), at least part of the choices you may make. Sounds like they are going to give you the choice of three Sweet Almond Mint, Lavender, Tea Tree, etc., or the winter scents, but he was not sure; it is just what he thinks it is going to be, much like we had last year.


I asked about the October 5 presentation and if there would be a one-day-only. He wasn’t sure, but said you usually do get one when you are there the full day. QVC and one of his employees work out those details. He said he always suggests and hopes they will do what he wants, but they “change things up a lot.” He does know that it will be really good. He mainly wants to be the creative force and so he has others on his staff who work with QVC on selections.


I asked if he plans to be on QVC for the Beauty Awards, and he said he really didn’t know, but will be in that area on that day anyway because of his presentations on October 5. Sometimes they say “we would like you to be available on ……” which makes him hopeful that he has won something.


He did mention that he was sorry that the Bella Spirit Lip Treatment was not something that was listed for the awards. He mentioned that the product is top rated and there were only three other entries for that type of thing.


I asked what the biggest misconception was on Indigo and he said that it is only for blondes. It is for all hair types, colors (natural or bottle), and that people are afraid it will turn their hair purple, so they just use a little bit. For blondes, it gets rid of any yellowing and/or brassiness; for redheads, it cools it down or if you had a red color that is already cool, it enhances it; for gray/silver hair, it is obviously what it does….brightens it up and gets rid of any yellow; for brown hair, it cuts out any yellow; and for people with black hair, it makes it look like the feathers of a black bird, very striking.


We talked about not using Indigo as a leave-in, even though he does. He said that the lab said not to because it might stain your pillow or on your skin if you are not careful. But he is careful and uses it that way. “Do as I say, not as I do.” Ha!


I told him about the many comments of you posters who have gotten a lot of volume out of using Bella Spirit Traditional, how full it makes the hair. He feels it is the rice, quoina, and the various exclusive water formulas it has (lavender, cucumber, eucalyptus, and bamboo).


By the way, he put Indigo on the Angels the prior day, and their coats were so beautiful….glistening when I saw them!


I asked about the model Faith, who lives in Sacramento and goes down to Hollywood around four times a year to see him, and if she enjoyed being on QVC. He said she was very nervous and didn’t want to disappoint him. He told her that there was nothing she could do to disappoint him and that it was a great experience for her. She had been using treatment oil three times a week, but when he told her to do it five times a week, he saw a major difference. She said she would never go back down to three times a week with the oils. She flew with the WEN team the day after Chaz landed in Pennsylvania.


We talked about his quota for 9/1 and if he made it. He said yes, but it was not as good as he would have liked…but they met the quota. It was difficult because his first TSV on a Saturday in two years went up against the funerals of McCain and Franklin. They did notice an upswing in sales after the funerals were broadcast. I asked if QVC takes that into account, something major like a national funeral or a royal wedding, etc., and he said they do not take anything like something major going on in the rest of the country for lower-than-expected sales.


As to his back, he said how excruciating it was, that he couldn’t move. He said when they told him to sit down, it would take him 10 minutes to sit down with the help of others. He would rest for a little, and then it would take around 15 minutes to get out of the chair. He said tears were actually coming down his face, it was that bad.


I asked if he had tried anything like Lori Greiner’s “V” back product, and he said yes and that it did help a little. He was afraid to use it too much because he wanted to be cautious not to make things worse. He laid down on the floor to elevate his legs, but he wasn’t sure he would be able to get back up again. Four people helped to lift him. He really doesn’t know how he got thru all the presentations, as it was very painful.


I mentioned that I ordered six of the candles on 9/1. He again mentioned that you need to let the candles burn long enough (3-4 hours) the first time, and really he wants you to burn them long every time. The liquid needs to go to the edge of the glass, otherwise it will pool in the middle. Each candle is supposed to burn between 45 and 65 hours, depending upon which one you got, because of the various essential oils in them. They burn clean and pure, he is sure of that, because he easily gets migraines if something isn’t pure. Every time he lights one of his candles, he makes sure the liquid covers the top completely, whether it is the first, second, or third time, and thereafter.


I told him I watched the video of him shooting the label for the Strength blessing fragrance. He believes it will be coming out in February, and he sprayed it on me. Strength is the perfect word for it.


As to the “Chaz wood” mentioned in his description when he talks about it on the video, he explained that when he goes to fragrances houses, there are different kinds of wood to smell, like cedar, etc. He has his favorites, and when he tells the fragrance house what he likes and they combine all of the woods he likes, they just call it Chaz Wood. Strength will have grapefruit, lavender honey in it, but he honestly couldn’t remember all the different woods that are in it, except he knows cedar is one of them.


The next blessing fragrance is Faith, which he described as rich and warm. He is working on it in the sense that he knows the feeling he wants it to have. But he has not gotten far enough to say what will be in in it. He just came across “an inkling of what I want” when he was working on Strength.


The blessing fragrance after that, Joy, he said will be bright and vibrant.


He hopes to have the Bella Spirit face cream ready by September 2019. Cooper and Joanne are using it, half on one side of their face and on the other half of their face, they are continuing to use their regular product (like Tatcha and/or Josie Maran).


I wanted to know if he was going to have a body scrub like Josie Maran has, which I love to use in the bath. We had talked about it at a prior appointment, and he again said that he will be making a body scrub, and that he is working on something amazing. It will be an exfoliating cream with lemon peel and rice in it. He has been using it and it has made his skin look really smooth; in fact, people have noticed that his skin has changed since using it.


It will be similar to the lip treatment, but for the other part of your body. I asked if the lip treatment could be used on the rest of your face, if desired. He said yes, it could; however, because it has the paraffin, then you would need to use hot water to remove it from your skin. However, he did say that his housekeeper, Marisol, and many other people do use it on the rest of their skin. It is a heavier consistency than the one he is working on, which is more of a cleansing cream texture.


Since I know he likes to use models with long hair, I asked if I grew my hair longer, would he take me to QVC? He laughed and, of course, was noncommittal. LOL!


Construction people are now working on the last of his four bungalows at the salon.  Originally, all he wanted was for new flooring and new lights. But then the wallpaper didn’t look good, and then the fireplace was not going with everything else, and then cabinetry, bathroom, kitchen, etc. all need to go along with the original need of the floor and the lighting. Of course, many of us have gone thru the same thing. You start one thing, it makes the rest look bad, so he doesn’t know when it will be finished.


When he was finishing up with me, he did a mini commercial of my hair. He had an assistant videotape my hair while he was blowdrying the back from different angles. Probably something for one of the social medias. Then he took a photo of me looking at him in a mirror. What he got was the back and front of my hair in one shot. Not sure if he will be posting that anywhere.


Before I left, I purchased the Light candle that was not available on QVC when I purchased the rest of the candles, and I also got some Winter White Forest. R-E-A-L-L-Y do like this one!


As always, all dates given for when things will be launched/made available, are subject to change. It is just to let you know when he plans for it to be. Heart

































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Posts: 30,248
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

@World Traveler Thanks for posting that wonderful account.  Speaking for myself, I enjoy reading about your first hand account.


Beautifully written.

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Registered: ‎07-09-2011

Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

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@World Traveler




Rose!  Melon!  Exfoliating!  I'm SO in!


I have always hoped Chaz would create a product with Rose.  As an aromatherapist, I KNOW how very difficult rose essential is to get right.


Great about your recent trip.  Sounds as though you had a wonderful visit.


I hope you told him about...

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

@Drythe wrote:



I hope you told him about

@Drythe About what? ha?

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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

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@World Traveler wrote:

@Drythe wrote:



I hope you told him about

@Drythe About what? ha?

@World Traveler


I can't find the post.  I'm thinking he would love to know about the WENNER who had to have injections to her scalp due to an illness.  She very kindly & unselfishly posted photos of her hair all through her experience.


Ding Dang it, I can't find her name!


Found it ~ @kricket3142

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

@World Traveler - Thank you for so much information and of course the highlights of your visit. It is fun to see all the new products we have to look forward to.


After reading your description of the new Winter CC, I might be in on that one, but the Spring probably not especially if it has a rose scent. The Summer Melon/Mint sounds absolutely perfect for that season - cool and refreshing.


I'll take a vat of the exfoliating cream - sounds divine.


And, @SurferWife will be proud that Toby is a Star!


Again, thanks for gathering so much information for us!

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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

@World Traveler I enjoyed reading about your trip to Chaz’s salon and looking at the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

I always love reading your report after a trip to Chaz's salon @World Traveler.

Great pictures! I can see all the things still missing from my WEN stash

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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

VERY informative and so well written. Much like reading part of a favorite book. Thank you!


And, the DOGS! So sweet. 

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Re: My Visit to Chaz's Salon and Things I Learned - 9/22/18

Wonderfully informative post as always!!


I wonder if Chaz prepared for your visits now Smiley Very Happy