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****Edited to remove the information calling out another poster.


Hopefully some of you will remember that my hair fell out a few years ago, but it WAS NOT because of WEN, but due to stress. I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata and Tellogen Effluvium and had to have steroid injections in my scalp for 4 months to combat the inflammation and to help regrow the hair. I used WEN before, during, and after all this and I still use it now and have not had any issues. If you remember, the oils helped with my regrowth.


Here are the pics during the time my hair was falling out:




Before my hair fell out




One of many patches that occured



This is the amount of hair in the drain every day from June 2015-Sept 2015, luckily I had a lot of hair to begin with.



The next pics are in October when my hair started to finally grow back. I wish I had pics of when it was at it's worst, but I was too sad and embarrassed to take pics Smiley Sad





Early November 2015, when I finally did the chop. All of this is new hair growth.





May 2016, hair is full and now has a wavy texture to it






pics from 9-1-2018. Hair is doing well, haven't had any more issues with it falling out and I am still using WEN. My texture is now a 2A, but I am not good at styling it with it's natural texture so i do use a curling iron. I do have some breakage, so any suggestions to help with that is much appreciated Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

Your hair is beautiful! And I sure do envy you for those fabulous full eyebrows.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Your hair looks great. Thanks for sharing.

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Registered: ‎12-29-2014

Re: Hair Update

[ Edited ]

Congratulations on your recovery @kricket3142! Woman Happy You are brave and beautiful Lady and your hair is very pretty again!

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Registered: ‎05-15-2015

@kricket3142  I remember your story and your photos. Thank you for sharing your recovery and photos HeartHeartHeart

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Registered: ‎12-29-2014

I know @FleaMktQn, I thank @kricket3142 for this too! It was very touching to me, and I think - you are brave and strong Kricket!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 744
Registered: ‎02-19-2014

Wow your hair has been through the fight and came back better than was before. Thanks for the update.

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Posts: 14,588
Registered: ‎05-18-2017
Beautiful hair- beautiful lady! Thx for posting.🙂
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Hi @kricket3142!  I had to have, since Jan. of 2018 until end of July 2018, anesthesia four times, heavy pain meds, a few CT scans, few MRIs, TONS of antibiotics IV.  I lost 25 lbs. through all this horror.  Before all this, my hair was fine, no problem and I'm a nine year Wen girl.  After all this medical junk, my hair began to just shed ALOT.  It has now stopped shedding.  Only the normal few hairs on the brush or bottom of shower.  I was shedding so much that the tub was filling up almost to capacity.  I don't do well with medical issues, I was so depressed and afraid.  It's all behind me now.  Nothing life threatening but things that needed to be done.  When trauma happens, hair goes into resting mode.  It then starts to grow again and when it does, it pushes out all the hair that was resting.  That causes alot of shedding.  I didn't shed as much as your pictures show but a decent amount though.  Before all this happend to me, I was complaining that my hair was growing too fast and too much hair to deal with!  Isn't that a paradox!  LOL!  Your hair has rebounded nicel though.  Thank you for posting, you look lovely!

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@77yangya wrote:

Hi @kricket3142!  I had to have, since Jan. of 2018 until end of July 2018, anesthesia four times, heavy pain meds, a few CT scans, few MRIs, TONS of antibiotics IV.  I lost 25 lbs. through all this horror.  Before all this, my hair was fine, no problem and I'm a nine year Wen girl.  After all this medical junk, my hair began to just shed ALOT.  It has now stopped shedding.  Only the normal few hairs on the brush or bottom of shower.  I was shedding so much that the tub was filling up almost to capacity.  I don't do well with medical issues, I was so depressed and afraid.  It's all behind me now.  Nothing life threatening but things that needed to be done.  When trauma happens, hair goes into resting mode.  It then starts to grow again and when it does, it pushes out all the hair that was resting.  That causes alot of shedding.  I didn't shed as much as your pictures show but a decent amount though.  Before all this happend to me, I was complaining that my hair was growing too fast and too much hair to deal with!  Isn't that a paradox!  LOL!  Your hair has rebounded nicel though.  Thank you for posting, you look lovely!





Wishing you well.


This year I've had 4 MRI's, 4 CT scans (2 with extra dye), 9 x-rays, and full anesthesia X 2.  I know what you mean.


My hair is shedding a bit more than usual.  


Right now I'm wearing it clipped up under a hot, sweaty, dirty baseball cap.  So, I'll no doubt do even more damage to it!


I trust it will all get better, and I'm going to do a huge WEN TT soak when I get home, but that will be a while from now.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras