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Registered: ‎10-22-2018

@ByrdieK   You definitely experienced the worst problem at PHL: those long security lines that barely move and the staff in charge won't let travelers with flights departing soon move up to the front. It's been that way for 20 years.  It doesn't matter which terminal you're in. So people cut in line. Easy to fix. I have no idea why they don't fix it.


As for cleanliness, Philadelphia has employee shortages everywhere. Police. EMTs. Bus drivers. It wasn't that way before the pandemic. Too few people to handle the workload and workers become irritable. There's a lot of travelers this summer like you - catching up with the past three years. Hopefully this will pass.


Forget PHL and just remember all those blues and whites.





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I don't understand why Philly hasn't redesigned the TSA lines in the past 20 years. I'm sure it has been like that since 9-11. There is a newer terminal that we flew out of, and the international/customs area was fine. It was the main terminal that was so bad. It was so bad I told my son I hoped international visitors didn't think this was what the US was like. 

We did let some people cut in front of us. A family that spoke Spanish, and a businessman that asked very nicely and grateful we let him cut in. It was just a snafu after many others on the trip and you have to take it in stride. Our trip over had more problems but ones that couldn't have been avoided. 

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Years ago my sister and BIL flew into Atlanta from Seattle from an Alaskan cruise.  Bad weather, overnight in the airport.  No food, water, vending machines. No flights due to weather, tried to rent a car, no cars.  Was in the airport almost 30 hours till first available flight.  My sister had some crackers.  No food place was to open for 12 hours.  So many elderly sick from not eating/drinking.  Food places closed early due to weather.  I think they finally found a water fountain, but the line was sooooo long.  Was to have a two hour layover, so thought they would eat then before their next flight. 

We now always have something in our carry on.  Not tons, but some crackers/cheese sticks/nuts/mints/gum.  

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Airlines have been messed up for some time now.  I'd see about driving or trains.  Haven't heard that trains are having a problem.  Also heard a terrible travel story  this last week about someone's electric car and that fiasco.  Soon, we'll be back to horse and buggy.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
I don’t know how companies could not realize that things would result to normal or near normal after the pandemic. Didn’t they anticipate that things would rebound?